31 Dec '05

Boxing Day Sweep

Posted in Competitions

A drizzly start was punctuated eventually by bright spells and the passage of a cold front heralding a colder easterly airflow.

In such conditions, Geoff Foreman returned 38 points with an impressive front nine 22 points. Pat King chased with 36 and Team Ludlow Ruffian Michael Hinks-Edwards claimed 3rd sweep prize with 34 points – and a welcome deposit towards the exciting 2006 Bournemouth Open week in June.

Three guests – Tom Mahoney, Peter Jagger and Tony Spicer – joined the festive round. Results…

20 Dec '05

Winter Competition Rd 3

Posted in Competitions


With a reduced field of only 6 ladies, Sheena Harrington won the Stableford competition with a very good score of 36 pts despite the frosty greens. Jan Oliver was 2nd with 31 pts and Lia Donath 3rd, also with 31 pts. Results…

After 2 rounds in the Prince’s Eclectic, Sheena continues to lead with net 74½. However, not far behind in 2nd is Lia on net 76 with Julie in 3rd on net 77½. R2 Prince’s eclectic…


Keeping a six off his card (couldn’t you get a box of golf balls years ago?), Ole Leon-Martin breezed his way around with a net 61 gross 80 to collect 44 points. Ole’s winning margin was 4 from Tony Pickard and Geoff Foreman with Kerry Sargeant in 4th with 39 points. Results…

The balance of play against SSS 65/40 was such that CSS computed to 66/39. Men’s handicap list…

In the Winter Competition it’s still early days. With five rounds to go Richard Owen leads Geoff Foreman by 1. R3 Leader board…

In the Prince’s Eclectic, Richard has a commanding lead of 4 from Peter Harrington. R2 Prince’s eclectic…

19 Dec '05

Captain’s Log

Posted in Competitions

Captain David Marsh has issued his final monthly Log of the year. It’s available now online. More…

14 Dec '05

Christmas Hamper

Posted in Competitions

The deserved and clear winner by 3 points is our Treasurer, Dave Williams who returned 40 points scored in frost and fog that came and went (possibly exacerbated by the fuel fire). Gurpal Sekhon and Tony Pickard challenged with 37 and 36 respectively. In the ladies section, Tracy Wright put in another sterling performance for 35 points. Results…

With at least 9 temporary greens, the event was of course a non-qualifier for handicapping purposes.

A warm portacabin fire welcomed all – along with some drinks refreshments ‘super-cooled’.

8 Dec '05

Monthly Medal

Posted in Competitions


Well done to Tracy Wright who with a net 68 earned her third consecutive monthly medal. In 2nd place was Jan Oliver with a net 74. Results…

This was a non-qualifying competition for handicap. Ladies handicap list…

With only one round to go in the LGU Silver Medal, Tracy Wright has a virtually unassailable lead thanks to good performances in the last 3 monthly medals. In 2nd place is Sheena Harrington.

Again with just one round to go in the LGU Bronze Medal, Cheryl Woodhouse leads by 7 shots over Ann Gardner.


Bill McSorley clinched the medal with a barn-storming 61. A birdie at the first set the tone for the round and but for a 7 at 16 a 59 or lower was on the cards. Excellent scoring followed from Messrs. Fogarty, Sargeant and Eden with 63s and 64s, with special mention for Kerry with a level par 69. Results…

With 2 temporaries, the round was a non-qualifier. Men’s handicap list

3 Dec '05

Ladies AGM

The Ladies AGM and luncheon was held on a sunny day on 3rd December in Brentford. More…

28 Nov '05

Champagne Chase

Posted in Competitions


Di Jackett romped away to win the Ladies’ Champagne Chase comfortably with 40 pts from Cheryl Woodhouse in 2nd on 37 pts. Sheena Harrington squeezed into 3rd place on 33 pts but only by a nose from Tracy Wright (best back 6 actually!). Results… 

The CSS remained unchanged at 38 pts, unfortunately not enough to cut Di’s playing handicap. Ladies handicap list…


Winner of the bottle of champagne was Peter Harrington with 41 well deserved points – closely followed a point behind by Ian Smith and Arthur Dolby. Results…

CSS remained at SSS 38 points and Peter earned a handicap reduction to 12 (the only playing handicap change). Men’s handicap list…

Leader of the Prince’s Eclectic is confirmed as Richard Owen and Tim Meyer’s hole-in-one is depicted as ‘the golden shot’. R1 Prince’s eclectic…

Richard also heads the Winter Competition leader board. R2 Leader board…

28 Nov '05

Annual General Meeting

The Club’s AGM will take place at 8.00 pm on Wednesday 25th January 2006 at the regular venue – All Saints Church Hall, Park Avenue, East Sheen, London SW14 (Map…). More…

For a list of nominations for the 2006 Committee or to propose your own nominations click here.

For a list of proposals put forward for discussion at the AGM or to make your own proposals click here.

25 Nov '05

Winter Competition Rd 2

Posted in Competitions


18 provisional greens posed no problems to Sheena Harrington who was the clear winner in the Ladies Stableford competition with 34 points. In 2nd place, after several week’s break from golf due to injury (beware the injured golfer!) was Lia Donath on 32 points. Results… 

This was a non-qualifying competition for handicap due to the aforementioned provisional greens. Ladies handicap list…

Sheena takes an early lead in the Prince’s Eclectic on net 81½ with Julie Smith in second on net 85½. R1 Prince’s eclectic…


Playing on 18 temporary greens due to frost, Richard Owen put together a 6 over par round which included 4 birdies for a total of 46 points! In 2nd place was Peter Harrington on 43 pts with Jason Loubser two points further adrift in 3rd. A special mention to Tim Meyer who was helped to 4th place with a hole-in-one at the 10th hole! Results…

There are no handicap changes since this was a non-qualifying round. Men’s handicap list…

Richard Owen has taken a strong lead in the  Winter Competition after 2 rounds played (84 points), nine ahead of Jason Loubser in 2nd with Tim Meyer and Peter Harrington joint 3rd on 74 points. R2 Leader board…

The Prince’s Eclectic results will be available when Paul returns from holiday!

25 Nov '05

Annual Dinner Dance

Tickets are available for the annual dinner dance on Saturday 28 January. Tickets are £30 each for a wild night including a four course dinner, presentation of prizes, dancing until 1am and the ever popular tombola. More…