6 May '07

Clapham Common – Rd 1 v Wexham Park

Result: Win by 10 points

Home team (+9)
Richard Owen & Nick Heale – 39 points
John Bennet & Jason Loubser – 31 points
Paul Grand & Dave Williams – 35 points

Away team (+1)
Toby Hunt & Ian Smith – 36 points
Kerry Sargeant & Grame Syme – 40 points
Jon Cooper & Sandy Willison – 39 points

This years Clapham Common started with a match against Wexham Park. The format is Greensomes (pairs who both drive and then select the preferred ball and alternate shots from there). Teams are of twelve aside with three pairs playing at home and three going away. The games are all played at about the same time and the team with the most stableford points wins.

The home team for RPGC unusually played on the Princes course. Richard Owen captained them to a 9 point win against Wexham’s away team with our team averaging over 35 points a pair – a good result in the conditions. The away team also excelled themselves averaging over 38 points a pair, pulling out a 1 point victory away from home to achieve a 10 point win overall.

It was particularly pleasing to field two new team players in Nick Heale and Sandy Willison, both of whom acquitted themselves splendidly. We look forward to keeping them in the team and adding other new members this year. You can’t help feeling that we could be quite formidable if we could field our strongest team….

2 May '07

Dummer Golf Club Away Day

Posted in Away Days/Weekends

The report is in from the most excellent day out at Dummer Golf Club. Report…

29 Apr '07

Platinum Jubilee

Posted in Competitions

Most of the 50+ competitors found conditions difficult with concentration and looking for balls the main factor. Focussed captain Jon Cooper rose to the challenge and 70 was enough to secure the Platinum Jubilee with Tony Pickard a commendable second one shot away. Two ladies secured 3rd and 4th positions – Lia Donath and Sheena Harrington. Results…

Jon was the only Cat 1-3 man to score 2 within SSS and the CSS was elevated to 73. Men’s handicap list…

With no Category 1-4 lady coming within 2 shots of SSS 71 it is a Reduction Only round and with no Category 5 lady beating CSS 74 there are no handicap changes arising at all. Ladies handicap list…

28 Apr '07

Whitewebbs Team A against Thorney Park

Team A in the Ladies’ Whitewebbs competition ground out a dramatic playoff win against Thorney Park. More…

28 Apr '07

Whitewebbs – Team A Rd 1 against Thorney Park

Result: 2½-2½ Win (playoff)

After a gruelling 5 hour round on Dukes, Richmond Park and Thorney Park were tied 2½ – 2½ with both Maureen Slade and Veronica Mitchell confidently and competently winning their matches and Cheryl Woodhouse and Jini Beacham missing out on theirs.

Di Jackett halved her match and therefore had to go up the 19th, winning at the first extra hole to secure the match for Richmond Park.

Thanks to all the ladies who played!

22 Apr '07

Coronation Cup & NAPGC Medal Qualifier

Posted in Competitions

A birdie at the first hole proved to be a happy augury for John Bennett who went on to score a glorious 65 and be crowned the winner of the Coronation Cup. Paul Appleton and Nick Heale were close behind in the procession with excellent 66s. Best lady-in-waiting was Angela Flynn on 69. Results…

Balance of play for the men saw CSS unchanged from SSS 68. Men’s handicap list…

Exactly who goes forward from the club to the NAPGC competition depends as always on NAPGC’s numbers needed per handicap division. The Club will announce the qualifiers when the NAPGC advise.

22 Apr '07

WhiteWebbs Team B at Blue Mountain

The Ladies’ Whitewebbs Team B came a close second away at Blue Mountain. More…

22 Apr '07

Whitewebbs – Team B Rd 1 at Blue Mountain

Result: 3-2 Loss

Richmond Park B team travelled to Blue Mountain near Bracknell to play in the first round of the Ladies’ Whitewebbs competition on 22nd April 2007. Many thanks to those taking part who were Julie Smith, team captain for the day, Tracy Wright, Lia Donath, Jan Oliver & Ros Gray. Despite 2 very good wins from Lia & Ros, the remaining 3 couldn’t quite close out their very close matches, so, unfortunately, Richmond Park went down 3-2.

21 Apr '07

Spring Mixed Foursomes

Posted in Competitions

The pairing of Julie Smyth and Stan Potts triumphed on a day of tough scoring on the Dukes course. Results…

19 Apr '07

News From the Park

Posted in Competitions

Captain Jon Cooper has issued the next edition of the occasional newsletter – News From the Park. It’s available now online. More…