26 Sep '15

Autumn Mixed Pairs

Posted in Competitions

Jayne Maxwell & Peter Harrison won both the scratch and net competitions. Report…

23 Sep '15

Midweek Priory Cup

Posted in Competitions

Thirteen intrepid RPGC golfers battled it out for the first Priory Cup. A beautiful Autumns day greeted the competitors and two players pulled clear of the field. The competition was played out in the Bogey Format a format that is clearly a speciality of the ladies as the top two places were as follows – Gina Jillet Winner on two up and Ann Gardner Runner Up on one up. Well done to you both. Gina earned a small adjustment to her handicap. Results…

20 Sep '15

Burgess Cup / Autumn Meeting & Monthly Medal

Posted in Competitions


The first leg of the Ladies Autumn Meeting including the Ladies September Monthly Medal Competition was successfully completed by eight  ladies on a beautiful day. The sun shone down on Kate and Tenesi, respectively gaining first and second places and whom by playing glorious golf significantly reduced their handicaps. Kate is down to 12 and Tenesi to 24. Tenesi was also awarded an ‘exceptional’ scoring reduction bringing her handicap down further to 23 – well done to them both. The rest of the ladies had a very enjoyable round. Results…


Fine September weather greeted 15 men’s pairs as they battled it out for the Burgess Cup. Competition was fierce and some good scores were recorded. Light winds offered some protection to the Dukes Course however James Barker and Pete Harrison took no heed of this and played golf of the highest order scoring 42 points and emerging clear winners, two shots ahead of Ed Henery and Mike Rowe who were in the runners up position. An interesting statistic to note, competition was so fierce in this year’s Burgess Cup, that of the chasing pack and out of an entry of 15 pairs, 9 pairs scored between 36 points and 39 points. A great effort by all and congratulations to the winners. Results…

16 Sep '15

Midweek Anniversary Accumulator

Posted in Competitions

Conditions varied through the day with the really heavy rain arriving in the afternoon. Some really good golf was played – the winner with a one over par round was Ross Hood 61. Gina Jillett was runner-up on 63 with a fantastic back nine 38. Both Ross and Gina  earned handicap reductions. Results…

In the associated midweek accumulator, Gina consolidated her lead to win on 202, seven clear of Julian James. R4 Leader board…

13 Sep '15


Posted in Competitions

Martin Heinrich played a blinder to emerge the clear winner with 43 points – 24 on the back! Martin earns an ESR so now plays off 19. Keith Cassidy and Nigel followed with 40s with Jim Fogarty, Danny Deprez and Lee Marshall 39s. Mike Shabani’s 38 included 2 ‘Twos’ with eagle at 14. Results…

13 Sep '15

Autumn Weekend Away

Posted in Away Days/Weekends

Jayne Maxwell took the Gill Hibbs Trophy for the top overall Lady and Pete Harrison was the top Man. Results…

9 Sep '15

Handicap Trophy Rd 2

Posted in Competitions

Surprise mizzle/light rain impacted early games in this re-arranged 2nd round of the competition, but otherwise conditions were ideal with a light easterly breeze developing. On the day, late pm player Mike Shabani trumped early clubhouse leader by a shot with a very competent 69. Midweek Captain Richard was 3rd with 71 followed by Chris Jones with 72. A shot further behind were Patrick Murphy, Gina Jillett & Kathryn Zally (best ladies) and James Barker (lowest gross). Results…

The winner of the Handicap Trophy on back 18 count-back was Gina Jillett who had same overall score as Ross Hood on 139 with Mike three adrift. Well done Gina! Results…

6 Sep '15

President’s Putter

Posted in Competitions

After a very chilly start, summer returned with glorious blue skies and the field of 61 doing their best to beat the President, thereby earning themselves a free drink. Our President, Tim Meyer, offered to buy a drink for anyone who beat his score & today there were 45 who did. Next year the offer may not be quite so generous! The ladies tried to help out, with no one hitting the green on their nearest the pin.

There was a three-way tie on 39 points at the top, with Roger Rojas taking the honours, from Pete Harrison and Igor Stark. A further 5 were two shots back on 37 – all earning reductions to their handicaps. The highest place lady was Jayne Maxwell back in 15th on 34 points. Results…

As mentioned above, in addition to the opportunity to get a drink on the President, there were also prizes for the nearest the pin in two on the 18th for both men and ladies, Patrick Murphy and Kate Emanuel winning these. A nearest the pin in three on the 17th for the men, won by Paul Rockett and a nearest the pin on the 16th for the ladies.

2 Sep '15

Midweek Monthly Medal

Posted in Competitions

A good turnout of 22 competed in fair early autumn conditions although very wet conditions with heavy dew at 7am caused all sorts of bad golf before it dried out a little. There was some excellent golf reflected in two 63s with the winner Ted Holt on count-back from Richard Owen (who also recoded lowest gross score). Igor Stark was 3rd on 64 and remarked that it could so easily have been a few shots better. Paul Grand recorded a solid 66 and just missed hole in one at 11 – prior to any bounce his shot hit the pin one inch above the hole, denting the flagstick. Results…

With his (second) 63, Richard now has a firm lead in the associated Midweek Grand Medal Trophy on 271, 11 clear of Stephen Mason with one round left. R7 Leader board…

30 Aug '15

Bank Holiday Sweep

Posted in Competitions

Turnout was good for a bank holiday. Much recent rain during the week had softened the terrain with odd bits of mud around. Scoring overall was average with CSS=SSS. A crowded top of the leader board saw four players with 40 points and count-backs separated the winner Roger Rojas from Toby Hunt, Pete Harrison and Mark Rice. Results…