13 Mar '16

Monthly Medal

Posted in Competitions


Despite what turned out to be the first real spring-like Sunday of the year, none of the ladies took advantage of the conditions. Or perhaps we were so used to the wet and cold, it was hard to adjust and the competition was a reduction-only round for handicaps. The winner was Tenesi Karakaneva with a net 77. Results…


Early spring sunshine, drying ground and light wind afforded opportunities to break Prince’s. In the event, only the deserved winner Cuneyt Sazer and well-handicapped new member Tony Bergqvist were spot-on SSS 67 with Roger Rojas 3rd on countback 69 from Peter Osgood in a round which showed much early promise. Members basked in sunshine afterwards by the clubhouse pond, sheltered from the cool breeze. Results…

CSS was elevated two from SSS 69.

9 Mar '16

Midweek Medal

Posted in Competitions

Persistent overnight rain meant eight temporary greens on Duke’s and so play switched to Prince’s where there were none. The first was muddy but otherwise the course was quite playable. And despite weather warnings just the odd shower came along and there was an interlude where layers were taken off due to the warm spring sunshine.

The early morning group all shot in the 60s, with Stephen Mason the victor with an amazing 62 with two birdies – well done Stephen! Mike Shabani was 2nd on 67 and Brett Colley 3rd 68. Eyebrows were raised in the chasing groups when Stephen’s 62 was visible on mobile devices on Master Scoreboard Results button. All attempted to raise their game accordingly but to no avail. With 60% of players within their buffer zone of SSS 67, CSS was reduced one to 66. Results…

6 Mar '16

Spring Stableford Rd 1 / Spring Meeting Medal

Posted in Competitions


It is probably fair to say that today’s round was one of those that most of the ladies would be happy to forget. The one exception being our latest recruit and currently the most consistent, Habe Crocker. With a net 68 she led the field by nine shots to win not only the Spring Meeting medal round, but also to earn herself a cut of 3.5 which included an additional ESR cut of one shot to reduce her handicap to 17. As Habe recorded the lone good score, the CSS increased by three, enabling four of the field to play within their buffer zones. Jayne Maxwell in second place was the only other lady to record a gross score below 100. Results…


Very early frost melted to give playable conditions with mud in places. Toby Hunt regained form to win with 38 points – 21 on back 9 beating Raymond Esin on countback. Paul Green and Stephen Legg took 3rd and 4th places with 36 points. With CSS reduced one to 35 points, Toby is back to playing off 12. Results…

2 Mar '16

Midweek Inaugural Trophy

Posted in Competitions

Conditions were cold, wet and miserable. Many entrants did not attend and six played a few holes but returned to the clubhouse cold and soaked. Six hardy competitors persevered. Mid-week captain Richard Owen shrugged off the conditions with a highly commendable 34 points to win the trophy, one ahead of early clubhouse leader Peter Osgood and Paul Concannon. Results…

Whilst there were teething problems with the player entry screen, members may care to note that they can in future observe on their mobile ‘phones the latest leader board whilst competition is underway. View sample…

New CONGU CSS calculation was applied with all category 1-4 scores included in the calculation.

28 Feb '16

Winter Comp Rd 8 / Princes Eclectic Rd 4

Posted in Competitions


The weather behaved as predicted with cold easterlies making for a very chilly day in the Park, but one benefit was the drying effect underfoot leaving the 1st and 18th as the boggiest holes. A good turn out of 15 ladies saw mixed results, with some good and some wishing for more! Jane Fraser with the bit between her teeth from last week’s eclectic triumph was in determined mode, but was pipped on the back nine by our newest recruit, Habe Crocker, both scoring 34 points. CSS for the day came down two to 34. Results…

This was the last round of the Prince’s Eclectic and as with the Duke’s there was a change at the top, but just as in the Duke’s, Jane has risen to the top to win both eclectics this winter. Final leader board…


A rude nor’easter accentuated the chill air and protected Prince’s to the extent that CSS was lowered to 34 points. The winner of 36 competitors was Tony Kopczak 37 points, two clear of Richard Owen and three of Stephen Mason, Nigel Ward and Sean Gibson. Results…

Members toasted Roger Rojas in the clubhouse as winner of (cash prize) Winter Competition with 115 points, four clear of Stephen Mason. Final Leader board…

In the Prince’s Eclectic a tie resulted between Stephen Legg and Mike Shabani on 63 with Pete Harrison, Ed Henery and Pete Davis a half-shot behind. Final leader board…

24 Feb '16

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 8

Posted in Competitions

It was cold and frosty to start but sunshine broke through eventually. With the 16th green now in play there were only two temps but still a non-qualifier. Patrick Murphy adapted quickly to the conditions to win with 40 points, three ahead of Peter Osgood and one more from Alexander Krasnenkov. Results…

Peter’s 37 was sufficient to improve his overall Winter Competition score to 109, and he finished just one ahead of Tamas Ladacs with Colin Pizzey another one behind. Final Leader board…

But Tamas held on to win the Duke’s Eclectic on 64.5 – one ahead of Richard Owen with Peter third on 66.5. Final Leader board…

21 Feb '16

Winter Comp Rd 7 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 4

Posted in Competitions


Mild temperatures with strong gusting winds made for some interesting scoring amongst the ladies. Having returned from considerably warmer climes, the change didn’t deter Susan Smith who romped to a four point win with 34 points from Deborah Potter on 30. Results…

In the accompanying Eclectic Jane Fraser recorded a very impressive seven shot improvement, despite an overall score of 26 points, she knew which holes to score on! Val Riziotis had led the way for the previous two rounds but with a final net score of 72, Jane is the winner by two from Val. Final leader board…


Overcast but mild with some wind at 13C, 39 competitors turned out for the penultimate round of the Winter Competition with three temp greens and so a non-qualifier. The winner on 38 points was Nick Rogers on countback from Cuneyt Sazer. Stephen Mason 37 took 3rd place and Stephen Legg 36 4th. Results…

With just one round (on Prince’s) left, Roger Rojas maintains his lead in the Winter Competition on 115, four ahead of Stephen Mason and five from Pete Davis and Stephen Legg. R7 Leader board…

Roger is confirmed winner of Duke’s Eclectic on 66, one ahead of James Barker.  Roger also heads the birdie and twos trees. Final leader board…

17 Feb '16

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 7

Posted in Competitions

Conditions were drier underfoot than Sunday but it felt much colder. Ted Holt shot an accomplished 39 points to win, one ahead of Peter Osgood and three from Colin Pizzey. Both Peter and Ted earned handicap reductions. Results…

In the final round of the Prince’s Eclectic, a tie exists between Igor Stark and Brett Colley on 63 although results automatically depict a countback. Final Leader board…

With just one round to play in the Winter Competition, Tamas Ladacs is ahead on 108, three clear of Colin Pizzey and Peter Osgood. R7 Leader board…

14 Feb '16

Winter Comp Rd 6 / Princes Eclectic Rd 3

Posted in Competitions


Prince’s gave a lot of love to Habe Crocker on Valentine’s day, giving her a winning margin of seven points from Jayne Maxwell in second place. With an increase of the CSS by two, Habe’s 39 points earned her a 1.6 reduction in her handicap to 20.5. Results…

In the accompanying Eclectic, Sheena Harrington and Jane Fraser are on a net 71. with Habe leaping up the order to 3rd, just 2.5 behind the leaders with one round to go. R3 Leader board…


A chill wind on muddy ground combined to create challenging conditions. For a long time, Pete Davis seemed to have it in the bag but Paul Concannon breezed in with a very good late score of 41 to win from Pete 39, Paul Green 38 and Pete Harrison 37. Results…

Paul C and Paul G had handicap cuts with CSS 36 points. Alexander Krasnenkov now joins the Eagle Tree following a two at 17.

In the Prince’s Eclectic Stephen Legg has a half shot advantage on 63 from Mike Shabani, Pete Harrison, Ed Henery and Pete Davis. R3 Leader board…

In the Winter Competition report due soon. R6 Leader board…

10 Feb '16

Midweek Team Event

Posted in Competitions

A chilly wind greeted the 25 competitors but it abated to give some bright sunshine at the end of round. Early starter Brett Colley set a challenging 42 points on the leaderboard. He was followed by two very good 39s from Stephen Mason and Mike Shabani. The competition was again non-qualifying for handicaps with two temporary greens and a significantly advanced temporary tee on the 13th because of contractors working on the small pond between the 12th and 13th fairways. Results…

Winners of the team competition were unsurprising Brett Colley, Mike Shabani and John Ahad, with an excellent combined score of 95 points. Runners up were Stephen Mason, Richard Owen and Igor Stark with a very respectable 90 points. Equal 3rd on 83 points were the teams of Toby & John Maxwell & Paul Concannon and Tamas & Peter Osgood & Alex Krasnenkov.