6 Jul '16

Midweek Medal

Posted in Competitions

Meryll Gee was the runaway winner with a superbly crafted 62 followed three shots behind by Paul Grand. Alison Chadwick 69 piped Brett Colley to take third place. Meryll achieved a net differential of -8 and will be cut by her home club. Results…

Weather was ideal for golf but the pin on 7 remained in Sunday’s difficult (impossible?) position. The impact is shown in the attached competition scoring analysis where just one par was recorded and average score of 7.72. Scoring analysis…

In the associated Midweek Grand Medal Trophy just two have completed four rounds with Paul Grand and Brett Colley tied on 287. R5 Leader board…

3 Jul '16

Monthly Medal

Posted in Competitions


With a lot of knock-out matches being played, the number of competitors was reduced to one game of 4. The seemingly ever present rain continues to help thicken and lengthen the rough such that any visit to it can be expensive and can be seen in the scores. The combination of the small field and the scores, resulted in the CSS going up just one to 70. Sheena Harrington was the winner with a net 73. Results…


Kim Chaffart continued his rich vein of form to win the July medal with a glorious 65. Three behind was Anis Driaa with Paul ‘Apples’ Appleton 3rd on 69. Scoring generally proved difficult with CSS one above SSS @ 68. Kim’s score was reduced to 64 (6 on par 3 11th reduced to net double bogey 5) for handicapping purposes and a net differential of -4, possibly setting up another ESR. Results…

In the associated Grand Medal Trophy after 5 rounds, just two have completed 5 rounds to date with Steve Cross 374 leading Eric Lit 388. R5 Leader board…

29 Jun '16

Midweek Sweep

Posted in Competitions

Intermittent light rain set the scene rather than the heavy rain forecast. Scoring well proved difficult but Nick Rogers was the worthy winner returning 35 points from Lesley Mason and Toby Hunt 34. Avoiding the rough was the key …as always. Results…

CSS was 1 below SSS at 35 points.

26 Jun '16

Club Championships Rd 2

Posted in Competitions


Jayne Maxwell, who led after the first round courtesy of a better back 9, ended the second round with a commanding ten shot lead, to regain the Club Championship with a score of 180. Gina Jillett took runners-up spot from Val Riziotis with the better 2nd round score. R2 Results… | Overall Results…

In the associated Handicap Cup, Jayne also takes the honours on a net 150, but positions for 2nd & 3rd place are reversed with Val, one shot ahead of Gina on 153. Results…

With such a small field, the Ladies’ committee decided that the Pembroke Cup, for higher handicaps, would not be awarded this year and all would compete for the Handicap Cup.


James Barker shot another excellent 77 to win the overall Club Championship on 154 with Pete Harrison 2nd 161 and Peter Osgood 3rd 161. Well done James! Results…

The Junior Division was hotly contested resulting in a tie between Raymond Esin and Phil Flanagan both 187 who now go into an 18 hole playoff. In third place was Dave Fauré one behind on 188. Results…

The Handicap Trophy winner was Pete Harrison on 138, one ahead of Peter Osgood and two ahead of James. Results…

The net (sweep) for the day was won by James 70 from Pete 71 and Phil 72. Results…

22 Jun '16

Midweek Midsummer Cup

Posted in Competitions

Early mizzle and humidity provided the backdrop for the midweek Midsummer Trophy. The day belonged to the winner Joan Mulcahy on 46 points. A first 9 25 points and an early birdie (a ‘Two’) on the back 9 set the stage for awe-inspiring golf which could have been even better but for a blob 7 at 18. Kim Chaffart was clearly at ease with his new handicap finishing second with 38 points with Julian James third with 37. Results…

CSS remained at SSS 37 points with Joan cut 4 playing shots.

19 Jun '16

Club Championships Rd 1

Posted in Competitions


Perhaps it was the length of the rough keeping the ladies away, but there are only nine entries for the Club Championship this year. After the first round Jayne Maxwell and Val Riziotis are tied at the top on 89, with Habe Crocker four shots back. Results…

With such a small field, the Ladies’ committee decided that the Pembroke Cup, for higher handicaps, would not be awarded this year and all would compete for the Handicap Cup. Positions are reversed for this cup, with Val on a net 70 and Jayne, four shots back on 74. Results…

CSS increased by 2 to 71


Fair conditions prevailed for the Club Championship but the rough again caught out a number of players with lost balls etc.

In the Senior Division, James Barker shot a controlled 77 to lead from Pete Harrison 79 and Greg Saunders recovering form also 79. Results…

In the Junior Division Cuneyt leads with a one shot advantage from Stephen Mason whilst two shots further behind are Raymond and James Shine. Results…

In the Handicap Trophy Peter Osgood shot a commendable 66 to lead Greg and Pete Harrison 67s. Results…

18 Jun '16

RickmanswoRth Friendly

Report due soon.

15 Jun '16

Midweek Anniversary Cup

Posted in Competitions

By and large competitors dodged any showers but needed to avoid the punishing rough to score well and avoid hunting for balls. Overall CSS was raised by three over SSS reflecting conditions. The rough even impacted disciplined rounds from Kim Chaffart (winner – 68) and Paul Grand (r-up 72) who both recorded an ‘8′ on one hole. Seong Lim took 3rd place (76) with lowest gross of the day. Results…

Kim’s 68 formed a pattern of good play and the committee resolved to cut Kim a further half shot so he now plays off 15. Well done Kim – and it now means that on the club championship you would be eligible for the senior (lower than 17) division!

The associated Midweek Anniversary Cup (best 3 from 4) reflects these results being the first round. R1 Leader board…

12 Jun '16

Platinum Jubilee

Posted in Competitions

Along with the people having their celebratory picnic on the Mall today, we needed our rainproof ponchos, or similar for much of the round. And the combination of the long rough and the rain succeeded in almost 40% of the entrants NR’ing and the CSS going up by one.

In such conditions it is little surprise that the ladies, with their tendency to keep to the fairways, rose to the challenge, taking five out of the top ten slots despite there being just eight playing in total.

Habe Crocker continued her good run to take first place with a net 68 from Jayne Maxwell on 69. In third place was another new member, Kyojung Lee who only took up the sport In February. Results…

This is the first round of the Anniversary Trophy and of course Habe leads the way. R1 Leader board…

8 Jun '16

Midweek Medal

Posted in Competitions

The day proved humid but players finished their round before rain and thunderstorm. The rough was long and heavy leading to much ball-searching and lost balls and contributed to CSS being raised 3 over SSS.

Mike Shabani 68 emerged the clear winner from a good 70 from Tore Burman with Seong Lim 71 taking 3rd place. A number of players had scores at the odd hole reduced to net double bogey for handicapping purposes (the Stb Adjst column) and in Seong and Toby’s case led to exact/playing handicap reductions. Results…

In the associated Midweek Grand Medal Trophy Stephen leads on 198, 18 ahead of Ted Holt. R4 Leader board…