18 Jun '17

Shaw Cup

Posted in Competitions

61 players braved very warm weather, bouncy fairways and greens that are starting to dry up fast. Roger Rojas continues his excellent form. 20pts out and 22pts in earn him a second handicap cut in one week. On top of that Roger receives an ESR. His new handicap stands at 7. Deborah Potter did put her card in the correct box and managed to beat Roger’s score by 1pt. 24pts out and a steady 19pts in earn Deborah 1) the victory today and 2) a handicap cut of two strokes. Her new handicap stands at 26. Well done to both! Lee Marshall went out at the warmest moment of the day. His score of 41pts matched the score of early starter Danny Deprez and Martin Heinrich. 3rd place goes to Lee based on his stronger back nine. Lia Donath’s “struggles” on the last four holes prevented her from finishing higher than 6th. One of the highlights of the day must be Habe Crocker’s front nine: she managed to go out in 36 strokes (gross) earning her 25pts (!). Results..

CSS: 38 (Men & Ladies). There were a multitude of handicap changes. Please take note of your new handicaps!

17 Jun '17

Rickmansworth Friendly

Report due soon. Report…

14 Jun '17

Midweek Anniversary Cup Rd 1

Posted in Competitions

Another big turnout today.  The course has been drying up pretty quickly over the last couple of days. Extra roll on the fairways is cancelled out by some unpredictable bounces. Greens are firming up but remain receptive.

Ronnie Mitchell posted a 69 (Net) to become leader in the clubhouse. The late morning starters seemed to make the most of the conditions. Ann Gardner played excellent golf to finish with a 64 (Net – 93 Gross). Needless to say that this score has put her out of reach of the whole field. May be time to start paying Sweep Money don’t you think Ann?

Today’s winner sees her handicap cut by 2.8 strokes. On top of that Ann receives an ESR of 0.5 strokes. Her new handicap now stands at 23.5. Paul House played very good golf (3 birdies were probably the highlight – he will regret the double bogey on the 10th hole). But his 66 (Net – 79 Gross) is “only” good enough for second today. Jeremy Ryan, took 3rd place with a score of 69 (Net – 81 Gross). FYI: the whole Top3 teed off late in the morning. Based on the countback rule Jeremy manages to hold off Ronnie, Eelco Snijders (you guessed it he also teed off at 10.00AM) and Gina Jillett. The afternoon starters were not able to mount any kind of challenge. Results… 

CSS: 71 (Men) – 73 (Ladies)

11 Jun '17

Diamond Jubilee

Posted in Competitions

The field, without last year’s winner Lia Donath, enjoyed good conditions to play golf. It must be said that the swirling winds caught most of the competitors off guard. Rumours have it that players from the 8.24 tee time (Peter O. & Mark Rosamond) issued some very bold predictions on certain message boards about their scores today (transcripts available on request). Sometimes it is better to let your clubs do the talking …

Greg Saunders certainly did that. A gross score of 78 (66 Net) enabled him to see off the challenge of two other players. Val Riziotis played very good golf (86 Gross – 66 Net). Her “softer” back 9 forces her into 2nd today. Val’s new handicap now stands at 16. Roger Rojas went out in 33 (Gross) but hobbled through the tough middle stretch of the back 9. His score of 76 (Gross – 66 Net) and “weaker” back 9 puts him into 3rd.

If you wanted to improve your chances to win today you had to tee-off in the 8.40 game. Winner Greg Saunders was part of that game. As was Kerry Sargeant. An excellent score of 77 (Gross – 67 Net) earns Kerry a well deserved 4th place. Habib Amir’s 5th place (83 Gross – 68 Net) earns him an ESR. His new handicap now stands at 12! FYI: Habib won the MIP award last year. Does today’s result mean the race for that award is already over? Peter Osgood (82 Gross – 70 Net) completes the Top6. Decent score for Peter but quite a bit off the lofty expectations he set himself (see start of this report). Results…

CSS: 72 (Men) – 74 (Ladies)

There were an impressive list of handicap changes. Please take note of your new handicaps!

7 Jun '17

Midweek Medal

Posted in Competitions

Conditions proved to be very tricky today. Casual water in the bunkers and pretty strong winds were the most glaring complications. Playing your handicap proved to the shortest way into the Top6. Henry L-B went out early and posted a recommendable 78 (Gross – 68 Net) to become leader in the clubhouse. Jon Ramphul was also one of the early starters and he posted a decent score of 92 (Gross – 69 Nett). Chris Jones wins today’s comp. He posted a score of 87 (Gross – 68 Net). But he pushes Henry L-B into second thanks to the countback rule. That bogey on the 18th didn’t help HLB! Keith Cassidy (79 Gross – 69 Net), Peter “Volvik” Osgood (82 Gross – 70 Net) and Mark Rosamond (89 Gross – 71 Net) complete the Top6. 1st Lady is Gina in 7th. Results… 

CSS: 68 (Men) – 70 (Ladies)

4 Jun '17

Monthly Medals

Posted in Competitions


There may only have been 9 in contention for the medal, but they certainly put up a good show with most inside their handicap buffers. Beating the rest of the field by 4 shots, Habe and Cheryl both shot 66s with Habe piping Cheryl on the back 9 and continuing the downward trajectory of her handicap to 10.8. Cheryl however, loses a shot off hers to play off 21. Results…

CSS: 68


A big field enjoyed excellent golfing conditions. As a result scoring proved to be very good. 25% of the field shot below their handicap. There was no match for Habib today. A steady front 9 (42 gross) was followed up an excellent back 9 (34 gross). A total of 76 (gross) equates to a 59 Net! Sweep money, a cocktail glass, a new handicap of 15 (handicap cut of 2.1 strokes today) sums up a good day at the office. Mark Andrews played his best round ever. 84 gross (64 Net) would’ve won a Medal comp on a normal day. Today he’ll have to settle for 2nd. David Sandifer is keeping up his excellent form. 86 strokes (65 Net) is enough for 3rd. Paul Rockett (76 gross – 65 Net), Kim Chaffart (78 gross – 66 Net) and Keith Cassidy (76 gross – 66 Net) complete the Top6. Results…

CSS: 66

3 Jun '17

Mitcham Friendly (L)

Report due soon. Report…

31 May '17

Stableford Sweep

Posted in Competitions

A field of 31 competitors were met with excellent golfing conditions. It resulted in some excellent results. John Ahad was one the early starters and set the course alight. A steady start (21pts) was followed up by 24pts (!) on the back 9. A total score of 45pts for John means 1) 1st place in today’s comp 2) a cut of 2.7 strokes on his handicap (new competition handicap of 16) and 3) setting himself up for an Exceptional Scoring Reduction down the road. Other notable performances from the early starters include 43pts by Parkash Arora, 38pts by Gina Jillett and 38pts by Hassan Mouilah. The only serious challenge to John came from two afternoon starters. Kim Chaffart rediscovered a touch of good form to total 43pts (I presume the new TM Spider putter remains in the bag …). Keith Cassidy came closest: an excellent round of golf gets rewarded with 44pts. Costly bogeys on the 14th (make that a double bogey on this hole) and 18th killed off his challenge. Keith has also set himself up for an ESR in the near term future. Results…

CSS: 36 pts (Men & Ladies)

28 May '17

Stableford Sweep

Posted in Competitions

A reduced field were met with warm weather, drying fairways & greens. Lia Donath is keeping up her impressive form. 21pts on the front and 18pts on the way in are enough to claim victory today. David Sandifer played a steady front 9 and then caught fire by birdieing the 10th and 11th hole. A sub-par result on the 16th meant he had to “settle” for 20pts. His total score of 38pts is good enough for 2nd. His playing partner Dominik Leisi mirrored that result (20pts out & 18pts in). The countback rule relegates Dominik into 3rd place. The 3rd player with a score of 38pts, Lee Marshall, torched the front 9 (score of level par gross equals 24pts !). A wayward back 9 resulted in “only” 14pts and 4th place. Sheena Harrington – still on a high from her blistering performance yesterday with Nigel Gaymond in the Hawtree – netted 21pts on the way in. 37pts and a strong back 9 allowed her to push Paul House and Rick Smith back into 6th and 7th respectively. Results…

CSS: 37pts (Men & Ladies)

28 May '17

Clapham Common Match v Brent Valley

Report due soon. Report…