October 2020

October 2020

28 Oct '20

Harrington Cup

Posted in Competitions

Diego and Brett will be putting the rest of their clubs on ebay. After all why bother with them when you can score 45 and 42 points respectively with just 3 (& a putter) – it certainly stops any indecision on which club to use. Though perhaps they might need a few more when the white tees revert to their true locations.

The early crew took the spoils again in the top 5 with JeremyR just getting in to the last place of the sweep in 6th place. Results…

Despite predictions of showers through the day, the sun even made a showing for a while although it was a little blustery at times. Players at the back of the pack just made it in before the heavens opened for a really heavy squall.

This was the last midweek competition played under CONGU rules and next week’s will be the first under WHS.

25 Oct '20

Charity Cup

Posted in Competitions

To play better than handicap was an achievement and Captain Kim led from the top with 43 point. Uli followed with 41 then Roger and Rick 40s. Mark nipped Jane (front 9 22) on back 9 for 39 points. Robin scored 24 on the back. Results…

There was some needle on back 9 Kim & Roger with Kim scoring two birdie 4-pointers to Roger’s one with Kim consistently getting the ups and down.

ESRs were earned by Kim and Uli so Kim now off 9.6 (can he make single figure for 2020?) and Uli 12.5.

18 Oct '20

Lissaman Cup

Posted in Competitions

The 3 club and putter competition has been played in wet and windy conditions over the years but conditions this year were fair and with little to no wind.

Scores tend to be similar to the full 14 club allowance but the winning scores were still quit spectacular, Peter G 62 edging Adrian 63 with Luke 3rd 64. There were four 65s form Tony K, Uli, Mark B and Aidan. Results…

Aidan shot lowest gross and Kerry shot 3 birdies and is second in the year’s Sunday Birdie Tree with 42. Jane was again leading lady. Birdie tree…

14 Oct '20

Midweek Monthly Medal

Posted in Competitions

Henry posted a score more typical of Prince’s than Duke’s today and with CSS remaining unchanged he was 5 shots below his handicap and this following a similar performance last week has earned him an additional ESR shot reduction to 5.7 – just before WHS kicks in and may reduce him still further!!

Joe didn’t let his own ESR from a few weeks ago affect his golf and earned another small reduction taking 2nd place from Alan K, both just the 4 shots behind Henry on 68s. PaulB must have decided that too many of the early crew were getting in the money and hence joined them today, and it worked pipping Darren for 4th place both on 69s. Results…

This was round 6 of the Midweek Grand Medal and Charlie is going to take some beating 14 shots ahead of the field with one round to go. R6 leader board…

11 Oct '20

October Plate

Posted in Competitions

Good mid-Autumn conditions greeted 73 competitors for the October Plate. Roll was reduced.

Winner on the day with a phenomenal 47 points was Barry H. 21 at the turn hinted at what might come but a birdie at 12 and of course eagle 2 at 15 (5 points) clinched it (25pts, 1 over par 37). Well done Barry who earns an ESR of 3 to be cut 5 shots overall. 10 eagles recorded this year. Eagle Tree…

Henry L-B followed  2nd with 42. Wonil and Aidan returned excellent 41s. Jane was best Lady with 36. Results…

Six birdied 10th with ‘Twos’ and with CSS remaining at SSS there were 15 playing handicap changes. Birdie Tree…

7 Oct '20

Midweek President’s Prize

Posted in Competitions

There was some confusion amongst players today when they found they had to sign in for the comp. before entering their scores, but most faithfully included the sweep even though they knew they wouldn’t be winning any (& it was deducted from those who didn’t but who usually enter).

Bit of a different day today compared to the constant rain and wind of Sunday and one that got better as the day wore on and was positively balmy once the sun broke through. Not that the early morning chill deterred Darren from posting his leading score of 43. A lead that remained unchallenged until nearly all the scores were in when Richard H matched him with his own 43. He probably thought a back 9 of 23 would be good enough to ensure a win should there be a tie, but unfortunately for him Darren went one better with 24. Results…

Both have been rewarded with ESRs of 1 shot each following a run of good scoring recently. CSS remained unchanged at 37 points from the white and red tees, and 38 from the yellows.

There were a number of additional challenges today for the President’s Prize with the winners as follows – some markers very close to the flag, not that all then made their putts:

  • 2nd – Darren
  • 4th – Mark R
  • 9th (NTP in 3) – Ray E
    Did any of the ladies make the green in 3 today??
  • 11th – Toby
  • 14th (NTP in 2) – Peter Hg
  • 16th – Graham S
4 Oct '20

Monthly Medals

Posted in Competitions


Last week it was a surprise to find CSS going up 1, and this week the same is true for it staying unchanged, but today was due to the ‘small field’ rule where there are fewer than 10 players in Categories 1-4. Well done to all those competing in conditions that everyone will be hoping isn’t all there is to look forward to over the next 6 months. Somewhat ironic that winter rules came into force just 4 days ago.

In the monthly medal competition, Katharina doubled her glass collection with a net 71 to win this monthly medal with Jane 1 shot back. Usually what happens is the Barton Bowl winner is the same as the overall comp winner. This year, with neither Katharina nor Jane in contention, the BB winner by 1 point is Ronnie from Susan with 33 points including a birdie on the 11th. Results…

Perhaps proving that the back 9 is generally easier than the front 9 on Prince’s, there were just 4 pars on the front 9 compared to 17 (including Ronnie’s birdie) on the back 9.

CSS remained at 69.


Winter rules came in just in time for today’s outing. A reminder that it doesn’t take long for the Park to revert from its rock solid ground of summer to the soft and somewhat squelchy conditions of today.

The original field of 55, including the early players, was reduced to 27 as the weather deterred many to venture out (including all of the early gang).

Uli decided to keep it in the family today and not be beaten by his wife, Katharina, who was the winner in the Ladies’ medal. Unlike Katharina, though his net 62 gives him a cut of 1.5 to a new handicap of 15.6. Hers remains unchanged. In 2nd spot was Richard I on 64. Results…

Congrats to all of us who made it round today as the rain was permanent company for all accompanied at times by gusts of wind.

CSS remained unchanged at 67 and just one overall winner today partly as we have used the glasses not used during lockdown, but also due to the reduced number in the field.

In the best of five rounds from the eight for the Grand Medal Trophy Jay leads with a gross 332 (average of 66.4 which includes a net 75) from Aidan with a total of 334. R7 leader board…