April 2022

April 2022

6 Apr '22

The Masters Bowl

Posted in Competitions

None of the players managed to dodge the showers today. May be the weather wasn’t very clement. But I think the course needed it. And it didn’t seem to have had any negative impact on scoring either. The MW Captain was happy to escape the admin of his “Winter” Knockout. He lost 3 shots on the opening 2 holes. But then recovered quite remarkably to go out in 39 gross. 2 more birdies on the back 9 set him up for a 35 gross. He became leader in the clubhouse with a nett 62.

The 10am starters proved to be the biggest threat. Jim and Brian also had excellent back 9’s. That enabled both of them to beat the MW Captain on countback. But the victory spoils go the Women’s Captain. When she puts in a good score she goes really low (remember that she shot a 57 net last year at Captain’s Day). Just like the men behind her she really “mastered” the outward run (38 gross). Ronnie and new member Mayumi complete the Top6.

Please find below the PDF report, Competition Score Analysis (Note that Hole 1 played as SI 3 !!!, Hole 11 as SI 9 and Hole 17 as SI 8) ans Best Scores Analysis.

3 Apr '22

April Monthly Medal (GMT R2 of 8)

Posted in Competitions

Freezing start for early starters; local protected weather station recorded -2C overnight. But sunshine developed and later clouds as well for a max 10 C.

Players continued to get used to the faster Spring condition greens [esp. on 6th]. Golf hole liners could have done with being inch or so lower.


14 women today for the first monthly medal of 2022 which is a bit more like it and some good scores in with no fewer than 4 birdies between us, With Ronnie bemoaning her 7,7,8 scores when she was over-heating, no one was really expecting to see her topping the leaderboard.
The course has dried up so much now but we’re already into bare patches on the fairways and slightly odd bounces – something we might as well get used to, along with the balls not stopping on the greens.
The saying goes ‘beware the injured golfer’ and ours still managed to come in 3rd place (Joan) pipped on the back 9 by Monique who posted her best score for some time but congrats to Ronnie as the April medal winner.


Cuneyt set the early Saturday pace throwing a challenge of 67. First and second positions went to later starters Colm 60 and Secretary Peter 62. Colm is trimmed 1 full shot and Peter 1.1 to a new low 24. But therer were 2 more 62s -Wonil and Uli – well done all, chaps. Lowest score was Jay gross 76.

In the divisional medal results Wonil won Senior division on countback from Uli; Junior Colm from Peter.

Colm now leads the Grand Medal with 2 rounds now complete on 129 from Adrian and Tony K 132.

1 Apr '22

Friday Sweep

Posted in Competitions

Well, we had all 4 seasons during the round and a ‘lake incident’ beyond the 18th – Jeremy will think twice about playing the Prince’s 18th, as it’s not long since his gosling kill on the same hole.

A blustery north wind and cold temperatures greeted our early starters and the wind prevailed all day. When the sun came out, it almost felt warm but within a couple of minutes a snow shower blew through. You would think that with these difficult conditions, playing off the white tees set right back on all holes and un-watered, un-receptive greens that the scores would poor – however this was not the case. As well as loads of Pars, there were 6 birdies and 1 eagle – see Best Scores Analysis report.

Our winner, Mat Grove, came in with 43 points (1 birdie and 7 pars) and runner-up, just behind on 42 points, was leading lady Cheryl Woodhouse, with a 5-points birdie on the 14th and 5 pars. Not to be outdone, Brian Ransom eagled the 14th for 5 points and had 6 pars, for 3rd place on 38 points. Adrian Wells was in 4th place, but only on countback, and played a very solid round. Sweep payout goes to these top 4 (£9, £6, £4, £3).

Thanks goes to Pralab Barua for his gift of ‘Indian sweets’, enjoyed by many.

Finally, it was good to see Glendale planting grass seed on the fairways – I have played the courses for more than 25 years and I have never seen fairway seeding before – let’s hope that the seed germinates and that Glendale will be moving on to sorting out the bunkers.
