July 2023

July 2023

12 Jul '23

Claret Jug

Posted in Competitions

The field enjoyed pretty decent golfing conditions. Still plenty of roll on the fairway. Looks like some greens on the front 9 were cut. The rough remains enemy number 1 for most players. But all in all the course seemed there for the taking. And that is what a lot of players did. Prime example was the 18th hole. On that hole in particular players did take full advantage of the white tees being (temporarily) moved up. 

Best of the class today was Julian. He enjoyed a decent start. But he then went on to record birdies on 11 and 17. That was part of a 35 gross back 9 (aka 26 net). Just enough to finish as the best of 3 players on 62 (net). Today’s Runner-Up was on a Headingley high. Alison copied the JJ method: solid on the front 9 (48 gross – 33 net) and excellent on the back 9 (42 gross – 29 net). Last member of the 62 gang is Chris Rudkin. He finishes 46 (gross – 31 net) and 45 (gross – again 31 net). Very well played all 3.

Early starter Pralab was leader in the ckubhouse for a quite a while. The highlight of his 64 net was an eagle 2 on the 15th. Angus recovered in time from a demanding golf trip on Monday to shoot 74 gross (65 net). He probably could’ve challenged the group on 62 had it not been for 3 3-putts in the first 5 holes. PCC adjustment looks likely. So the HI adjustments could be more muted than anticipated.

9 Jul '23

Clapham Common Round 3

Posted in Clapham Common

It was a close match between Richmond Park and Wexham Park ‘C’, with RPGC posting 218 stableford points to Wexham Park’s 221 points. Our 3 home team pairs scored a combined 114 points, 10 more than Wexham’s away team managed on the Prince’s course; however our away team were outscored by 13 points at a shortened, tight Wexham course, which wouldn’t have suited the ‘long hitters’ that we sent there. Wexham admitted that they brought all their long hitters to Richmond Park and it looks like their strategy paid off. So we’ll try again next year.

9 Jul '23

Monthly Medals

Posted in Competitions

Early rain dissipated to give a sometmes breezy day.


A select group of 6 today and seems the women found it a touch tougher than Joe G who has recorded a gross 70 (as per below), to match Lia’s net score today. A fair number of matches both internal and external reduced both fields, but the effect seemed to help the speed of play!

Pretty pleasant conditions for golf though think the rain of yesterday had softened things up a bit.

Congrats to Lia on her win by 1 shot today.


Joe G (aka Mr. 59) shot a lifetime best net 59 to win the July Medal by 3 shots – well done Joe. Joe was 35 out and 35 in coming on top of a win at Coombe Wood yesterday and is set for an overnight WHS ESR of -1.0 to take his HI from11.2 to 9.2 and back to single figures.

Tamas shot an amazing net 62 [34 gross on back 9] for second place whist Jay shot level par 68 (net 63) and best gross of the day. Well done indeed – Joe, Tamas and Jay get the senior division sweep.

4th overall and junior division leader is Sean with excellent 64 with James Cridland and new member Craig. Most encouraging.

This was the 5th round from a possible 8 for the Grand Medal Trophy and Tamas is leader of senior division by himself being only player to have played all 5 rounds. In the junior division Duncan T leads with from Dilip 277 and Anthony W 279 – all after 4 rounds.

7 Jul '23

Friday Sweep

Posted in Competitions

It was a swealteringly hot and humid day with temperatures peaking around 30 deg. C, so well done to all those who finished 18 holes. The SLOW PLAY by one of the early groups made it a frustrating day for those that followed and this must not become a trend – if you are not keeping up with the game in front, you must stand aside and let the group(s) behind play through.

It was tight at the top with Uli and Pete playing together and both scoring 37 points, Uli winning out on countback. 3rd and 4th places went to Russell (36 points) and Mitch (35 points), both playing in the cooler early morning conditions. Best front 9 (21 points) recorded by James and Lia and best back 9 (22 points) scored by Graham Swindells. George Taylor and Pete Goodall both had 2 birdies.

Sweeep payout to top 4 (£10, £8, £5, £3)

5 Jul '23

Midweek July Medal (MW GMT R5/8)

Posted in Competitions

Yesterday’s rain made the greens a bit more receptive. But there was still plenty of roll & bounce on the fairways. The rough in certain places is just getting ridiculous. So staying on the fairways “doesn’t hurt”.

Winner of the day and 1st woman is Cheryl. She went steady on the front 9. But totally let it go (no reference to Frozen the movie) on the back 9. She managed to record a nett score of 30 (!) strokes on the way in. Nothing you can do against that. Yours truly’s round was a mirror image of Cheryl’s. I scrambled my way to a gross score of Level Par (30 nett) on the front 9. But I lost the plot on holes 13-16 (where I went +5). So a nett score of 36 on the back 9 means I finish second (but I do win the sweep – small consolation). Toby only finished 1 stroke back on 67 (Nett). The first early bird was Peppe (looks like the morning hour suits your golf game PM). Peter G had his 3rd eagle in the last month. He managed to chip in from 40yds on the 3rd. But surprisingly he lost his way on the 2 par 5’s today. Otherwise he would’ve challenged for the top prizes.

There are no more certainties at RPGC. “Ballantyne” Captain Richard O recorded another good score on Duke’s (his allegiance was clearly with Princes the last couple of years). Last year’s Women’s CC, Silvia, finishes in the last “Money Spot”.

2 Jul '23

Diamond Jubilee (60yrs 1924-1984)

Posted in Competitions

Cool and blustery conditions for the second Jubilee (of 4 ) in the Anniversary Cup.

Doreen shot a glorious round of 65 and had the equivalent of 25 points on the back 9 to win on countback from John M whose round was consistently excellent.
A super 69 from Reiko gained Reiko 3rd place from Ian B.
Only 2 ‘Twos’ were recorded – Richard S 7th and Paul K 16th;again reflecting conditions for medal a third of the field NRd.

Women dominate places in this round and also in 2nd of Anniversary Cup where Cheryl’s 65 in the Platinum sees her leader on 139 from Lia 143. 4 further behind is leading man John P 147.