10 Jan '24

MW Winter Comp R4/P2

Posted in Competitions

27 brave golfers gathered at the park today for 18 holes of golf on ice. Conditions must have been really “icy” for the 7am starters.

As per usual Mike set the target to beat with 35pts. And his score help up for quite a while. Should come as no surprise that the 9am starters took advantage of the “softer” conditions. Peter F started his round with a sequence of 4 3-pointers on the first 4 holes (over 18 holes he managed to record 8 3-pointers). He ended the front 9 with 20pts (Best Score today). 18pts on the back 9 put him 2pts clear of the field. Julian was the better of the players on 36pts. His better back 9 (18pst v 17pts) gives him second place. Dave will regret the 10th and 16th hole (he only scored 1pt on those 2 holes combined). Leader in the clubhouse Mike J was the best of 6 players on 35pts. The Men’s Secretary takes the last “Money Spot. The MW Captain Brian R managed to record 33pts despite 3 PU’s on the back 9.

MW Standings (purely as FYI)
Julian J 109, Robert C 108, Mike J 102, Graham C 101

MW Princes Eclectic
Robert C 65.9, Julian J 66.4, Mike J 69.6

7 Jan '24

Men’s Winter Competition R3/P2 & Women’s Prince’s Eclectic Rd 2

Posted in Competitions

A bright and sunny start for round 3 of the winter comp. on Prince’s and first Sunday 2024; cold but dry after recent rains and with 6 temps.


Doesn’t look like the 2 putt rule helped anyone much apart from Reiko who appears to have liked the mud and found no problems at all. Winning by some 6 points from Silvia.

Think the rest of us probably took heart from it being a sunny, if cold, day after all the rain and enjoyed that if we didn’t find too much to enjoy from the golf – though Doreen kicks off the birdie tree for the women with her 2 on the 2nd.

Despite not playing today, Gina remains 5 shots clear of everyone in the accompanying eclectic


Best scoring points came from the junior division -Giovanni 41, Pat D 39, Oz 39 and Mark L 38; Giovanni scored a remarkable 23 on first 9 with Oz 22.
Senior division winner was Kerry 36 on countback from Richard Smith also 36 and Tamas 35.
2nd hole proved fruitful for ‘Twos’ from Peter N, Pat D and Oz.

The round constituted 3rd round of the Winter Competition showing Tamas the senior leader on 108, Kerry 106 and Paul Kamerling 104; the junior division is headed by Oz 109 7 clear from Suhail, Onursal and Gerard 102. The associated Prince’s Eclectic reveals Peter N in lead 65 with 4 on 67 – Umran, Richard Smith, Julian and Roger.

3 Jan '24

MW Stableford Sweep

Posted in Competitions

Weather conditions forced the field to play Princes. 7 temporary greens were a vivid memory of the amount of rain that has come our way the last couple of months.

Mike J seems pretty comfortable with the current conditions. He recorded 19pts on the temporary greens (perhaps the 2-putt rule helped – FYI 14pts would be a respectable result).  When zooming out it stands out that he torched the front 9 for 23pts (!!). 4 for 4pts on the 3rd didn’t hurt. An ugly PU on th 15th rbiefly halted his march to victory. Add 16pts on the back 9 to his score on the front 9 and you get a winning tally of 39pts. Chris R had a solid round (18+19pts). 3 1-pointers on the front 9 and a PU on the 11th limit his score to 37pts and 2nd place. Niel B and Adrian finish 1pt back. Niel records 19pts on the back 9. This allows him to take 3rd place. Adrian had an excellent front 9 (21pts). But his softer back 9 means he has to settle for 4th.

Competition Scoring Analysis revealed (surprisingly) the 10th played as SI1 today.