Paul Grand

Paul Grand

29 May '22

Spring Bank Holiday Plate

Posted in Competitions

The vernal nip continued with temperatures falling Saturday through Sunday.

Truly inspired golf from Brian McMahon won the Plate – Brian shot level par going out and a total of 43 points. Well done! Charlie Whitemam was back to form with 40 points just pipping Joe Gonclaves on the back 9. Best woman Katharina 38.

Well done indeed to Julian James on 17th with eagle; he clambers aboard the Eagle tree .

22 May '22

Summer Cup – NAPGC/UKPCC Qualifier (Women’s Sweep)

Posted in Competitions

Saturday entrants enjoyed best of the sun and temperature per bottom of results report. Yet best on Saturday was 39.


With the Committee Cup deferred to later in the year, there was just a sweep for the women today – though the prize pot of just £12 didn’t make for early retirement. ( A number were away playing Whitewebbs). For the Sunday entrants it was always going to be a longshot that you’d get anywhere near Gina who chose to play on Saturday and seems to have found a very purple patch scoring 44 points. With the bizarre workings of WHS her 8 below handicap score only cuts her by a shot where previously this would have been 8*0.3 = 2.4 cut.


Some superb scoring on Sunday came from Colm Ivors to win 46 pts 23 out 23 in with a ‘blob’. Peter Goodall gave chase 45 – 21 out with a ‘blob’ and 24 back; Gunnar shot very consistent 44 with 22 out and in.

This was a qualifier for NAPGC – entrants in attached report.

11 May '22

Founders Cup – E Bailey (2 of 6)

Posted in Competitions

Golfing conditions were not optimal. Dry fairways made bounces unpredictable. Even though the greens were a bit more receptive it was still very tricky to hold the greens. The gusting winds complicated things more. To round it all off the greenkeepers’ prayers were answered. Towards the end of play the floodgates opened. The later starters needed their waterproofs and umbrellas.

Richard Y had a steady round (18pts on the front and back 9). Other players ran either hot or cold over 9 hole stretches. So no-one was a match for Richard’s consistency. Juho had an excellent front 9 (20pts). After recording 36pts over 16 holes he looked a lock for a decent score. But unfortunately he didn’t record a singular extra point. 2nd place and the leader position in the ranking of the MW Founders Cup are his. Tamas was in the same game as Juho and also recorded 36pts. He and Richard H had an excellent score of 21pts on the front 9. Despite 3 blobs on the back 9 Tamas still beat Richard H on countback to take 4th. A strong back 9 (19pts) takes Jeremy to 5th place. Peter had an ugly front 9 but was on fire on the back 9 (22pts).

As mentioned: Juho takes the lead in the ranking of the MW Founders Cup.

1 May '22

May Bank Holiday Plate

Posted in Competitions

Extended bounce and roll continued and there was some very brief ‘nuisance’ rain. Teeing grounds seemed to have a little better defnition.

Jim Deissler set an extremely challenging target for the May Bank Holiday Plate on Saturday of 44.

But 06:15hrs Sunday starter Russell Stewart was up to the challeng and shot 45! Jim holds honours for front 9 23pts and Russell back 23. Susan shot a commendable 42 with Robert C and Ed 41s.

20 Apr '22

Midweek April Medal (MW GMT R2 of 8)

Posted in Competitions

The field enjoyed good weather. But the course was very unforgiving. The extra bounce and roll on the fairways was very helpful to gain extra distance. Since the greens didn’t hold rolling the ball onto the greens would have been a very wise strategy. But the various slopes on Prince’s rendered the bounces/rolls very unpredictable. An approach might look good at first but many players will have been confronted with unpleasant surprises  when walking upto the greens. Almost 30% of the field N/R’ed today.

Half of the Top6 were 7am starters. Pat Dalton wins today thanks to an excellent score of 65 (Net). Stephen beat out of few single figures handicappers in his flight to finish as runner-up. Yours truly birdied the 14th (just like last Sunday – but in a less dramatic fashion than 3d ago) and the 17th. That far better back 9 takes me into 3rd. Tamas also used a very strong back 9 to earn one of the “money” positions. Gina finishes 5th despite severe jet lag. Another early starter Thierry closes out the Top6. A more in depth analysis of the scores shows that Kevin would’ve easily won today if the comp was only held over 15 holes. He went +7 over the last 3 holes.

Juho takes the lead in the MW Grand Medal Trophy.

13 Apr '22

The Priory Cup

Posted in Competitions

The field enjoyed some nice golfing conditions. Mild temperatures, a gentle breeze (but that breeze felt quite a bit stronger when teeing off on 14 …) and some generous roll on the fairways created nice scoring conditions. The early birds were at it again today. Places 1-2 go to the 7am starters.

Chris Newman followed a steady front 9 (2Up) with an outstanding back 9 (4Up). He didn’t lose a single hole on that stretch. Paul Green equalled that score. But unfortunately for him his coffee kicked in early on the front 9 (5Up). His streak continued with wins on holes 10 and 11. But at that stage the wheels came off a bit. Best of the rest and first Woman was Cheryl with an excellent result of 5Up (4Up out/1Up in). She may have given the Top2 a stronger run for their money had she not picked up on holes 15 & 17. 4 players end on a score of 4Up. Shout-out to the MW Captain Henry for birdieing 3 holes (finishing birdie-birdie will make him come back for more on Sunday). Yours truly was inspired by Rory McIlroy and Colin Morikawa and holed out from the bunker on the 4th for a birdie.

10 Apr '22

The Spring Plate

Posted in Competitions

All in all playing conditions didn’t prove too bad which clearly translates into the scoring.

Richard Owen stormed to victory with an impressive tally of 42pts (20+22). 2 errant holes (4-5) generated “only 1 point”. But he steadied the ship remarkably well. Suppose that playing the comp with a CH of 18 didn’t hurt … Nigel Ward and Robin both finish 1pt behind Richard. Nigel probably blew his chance to leapfrog RO with a NR on the 12th hole. Robin came out all guns blazing en route to 25pts on the front 9. A couple of 7’s and a snowman on the back 9 mean he has to settle for 3rd. 4th place is a just reward for Ray’s 40pts (he will have nightmares about the NR on 18). George and Duncan complete the Top6. First woman/junior today is Chloe who performed the feat of birdieing the 12th hole. Well done. Richard Young had the best back 9 with 23pts.

6 Apr '22

The Masters Bowl

Posted in Competitions

None of the players managed to dodge the showers today. May be the weather wasn’t very clement. But I think the course needed it. And it didn’t seem to have had any negative impact on scoring either. The MW Captain was happy to escape the admin of his “Winter” Knockout. He lost 3 shots on the opening 2 holes. But then recovered quite remarkably to go out in 39 gross. 2 more birdies on the back 9 set him up for a 35 gross. He became leader in the clubhouse with a nett 62.

The 10am starters proved to be the biggest threat. Jim and Brian also had excellent back 9’s. That enabled both of them to beat the MW Captain on countback. But the victory spoils go the Women’s Captain. When she puts in a good score she goes really low (remember that she shot a 57 net last year at Captain’s Day). Just like the men behind her she really “mastered” the outward run (38 gross). Ronnie and new member Mayumi complete the Top6.

Please find below the PDF report, Competition Score Analysis (Note that Hole 1 played as SI 3 !!!, Hole 11 as SI 9 and Hole 17 as SI 8) ans Best Scores Analysis.

3 Apr '22

April Monthly Medal (GMT R2 of 8)

Posted in Competitions

Freezing start for early starters; local protected weather station recorded -2C overnight. But sunshine developed and later clouds as well for a max 10 C.

Players continued to get used to the faster Spring condition greens [esp. on 6th]. Golf hole liners could have done with being inch or so lower.


14 women today for the first monthly medal of 2022 which is a bit more like it and some good scores in with no fewer than 4 birdies between us, With Ronnie bemoaning her 7,7,8 scores when she was over-heating, no one was really expecting to see her topping the leaderboard.
The course has dried up so much now but we’re already into bare patches on the fairways and slightly odd bounces – something we might as well get used to, along with the balls not stopping on the greens.
The saying goes ‘beware the injured golfer’ and ours still managed to come in 3rd place (Joan) pipped on the back 9 by Monique who posted her best score for some time but congrats to Ronnie as the April medal winner.


Cuneyt set the early Saturday pace throwing a challenge of 67. First and second positions went to later starters Colm 60 and Secretary Peter 62. Colm is trimmed 1 full shot and Peter 1.1 to a new low 24. But therer were 2 more 62s -Wonil and Uli – well done all, chaps. Lowest score was Jay gross 76.

In the divisional medal results Wonil won Senior division on countback from Uli; Junior Colm from Peter.

Colm now leads the Grand Medal with 2 rounds now complete on 129 from Adrian and Tony K 132.

27 Mar '22

Spring Stableford R2 of 2

Posted in Competitions

Conditions were grey and chillier than of late but run continued and adjustment was still required to greens speed.

Suhail Salim set the challenge on Saturday with 40 points but it was late in the day when Martin Hay emerged winner for round 2 43 points with a ‘blob’ at17. Well done indeed Martin.
But round of the day goes to Jay Barker 2nd with 41 points playing off 4 . Well done indeed Jay – consolation is that the 4 birdies brings you level in the Sunday birdies tree attached. Sulhail above 3rd 40 then consistent Julian James 39 as wit Goran – new to the sweep enclosure.

Marnix had amazing front 9 – 24 points.

With 40 in the bag from round 1 last week, Martin wins overall Cup/Trophy 83 points 7 clear from Jay and Goran 76. Well done all.