Paul Grand

Paul Grand

3 Nov '21

Midweek November Medal

Posted in Competitions

The remnants of the recent rain were still visible on the course. Add to that cooler temperatures [slight air frost 5:00am below?, the usual swirling winds and even some fog for the early starters and you have all the ingredients for a round of autumn golf at the park. But it has to be said that most of the field (correction: that should read the 9am starters) made the most of today’s conditions.

Making the most of the conditions is probably an understatement for Angus’ round of golf: +4 gross out and -1 gross set him up for a round of 69 gross (60 !!! Net). This is even more remarkable since he started the round with a double bogey 6. May be this had the merit of relaxing him. Here is some more perspective of his round: 4 birdies and 13 putts over the … last 11 holes. 2 players came pretty close. Stephen and Mark both recorded scores of 62 Net. The countback rule awards 2nd place to Stephen. Peppe proved that last week’s victory was no fluke and finishes 4th with an excellent score of 63 Net. An unlucky day on the greens prevented the MC from finishing higher than 5th. Uli rounds out the Top6 with a score of 65.

Cheryl had a near hole in 1, a near birdie and a solid par 3 all on one hole (i.e. the 16th).

31 Oct '21

Lissaman Cup (3 clubs & putter) (Top Dog event 7/7)

Posted in Competitions

The day started with atrocious weather but the course was open for the Lissaman Cup ( 3 clubs & putter); local weather station (not as exposed as RP) reveal screenshot below:
Peak rainfall of .92 in per hour around 10:30 with rain stopping at 11ish;

Peak wind of 14mph but think this was in fact well beaten by gusts as I gazed out of my warm dry lounge.

Some remarkable golf was played, most notably by those setting out later.

Weather charts 31/10/2021

Jay shot a faultless net 68 to win – no 6 on the card for him oh no and birdies on [SI 3] 8th and 9th. Nick followed closely behind 69 with Sean T 71 and Cuneyt , Ben and Sean O 72s. Gina best woman 75.
It never ceases to amaze me that scoring not materially different to if full 14 clubs allowance.

For the men this was the last comp in the hotly contested Top Dog. Only Cuneyt and Louis could topple Rhs from winning and the final 1-2-3-4 points are:
Rhys 25, Cuneyt 24, Louis 16 and (late charge) Sean O 14.

27 Oct '21

Midweek Charity Trophy

Posted in Competitions

Mild temperatures and swirling winds helped the dry out process at the Park (unfortunately the weather forecast calls more rain the coming days). 2 players separated themselves from the pack today.

Both of them enjoyed excellent front 9’s. New member Pep scored 1pt less on the front 9 than John Perkins (23pts vs 24). As a consequence he had the better back 9 and wins today’s comp. Even though John Perkins still managed 2 birdies on the back 9 he “only” recorded 17pts on the way in. MW Captain HLB was probably a bit hung over from successfully defending the Men’s Pairs KO . He dropped no less than 8 (!) shots over the first 5 holes. But he managed to go +2 over the next 13 holes (with a 6 on the 18th …). Usually Richard records his good scores on Prince’s. But today was an exception. 39pts and the countback rule send him into 4th place. The MC had another of “What could’ve been” day. 6th place goes to Adrian Wells with 37pts. Birdman of the day was Alvaro who recorded 3 birdies. First woman of the day was late starter Gina on 33pts.

24 Oct '21

Charity Cup – MacMillan CR Day

Posted in Competitions

A mild autumn day greeted competitors for the Charity Cup and a couple of holes10 & 11 still showed large puddles. The round was the first played under the recent re-rating of the courses by Surrey Golf. Red and white tees received 2 (previously 1) shot for the comp. An extract WHS guidance document attached explains (Medal simple – diff CRs) and there’s a table below which I trust is correct!

Fresh from the Autumn Mixed 4 somes on Saturday, Justin W put in an amazing 44 points to win. He had 17 going out and 27 coming back!!! -well done indeed. Pedro shot 1 behind for 43, still terrific golf. Louis D and Saturday entrant Onursal returned glorious 41s
Best woman was Gina 39.

20 Oct '21

Harrington Trophy (3 clubs & putter)

Posted in Competitions

Autumn is back with a vengeance. Today offered a taste of what lies in store over the coming months. Quite a bit of standing water, no roll on the fairways, greens that were a tad slower and lots of swirling winds.

Colm added another trophy to his cupboard. 19pts out and 21pts in put him 1pt clear of today’s runner-up.

Alan C was flying on the first 9 holes: 25pts. 5 5’s and 2 7’s on the back 9 limited his inward score to 14pts. Jeremy Prescot left his driver home and this choice worked wonders. Finding a lot of fairways enabled him to record 19pts on front and back 9 to take 3rd place. Adrian W finishes 1pt back (18+19pts) in 4th. The MC had a volatile round (3 birdies, 3 Double Bogeys) to claim 5th place with 37pts. 6th place goes to Robin. Jeremy R could’ve jumped quite a few players but 2 ugly 6’s on the last 2 holes halted his charge. Brett managed to go -2 over the first 3 par 3’s. Unfortunately he went +4 over the last 2 par 3’s.

The best player over the par 3’s today was Peter H (14pts). Ronnie had the best score over the par 5’s.

Please find attached a PDF report of the results, Scoring Analysis and Best Score Overview.

17 Oct '21

Autumn Stableford – Round 2 of 2

Posted in Competitions

Another mild autumnal day – grey to start but finishing with bright sunshine and a breeze.

Kevin P kept a 6 off his card for a truly excellent 43 followed 2 behind by Richard O and Robin T 40. Bewst woman playing off 6 -Silvia B 36 points.

Armi and late entrant Nick R clambered aboard the men’s Sunday Eagle Tree attached bringing the overall tally this season to 13 – well done indeed to both.

Winner over the 2 rounds of the Autumn Stableford was Kevin P 79 from Joe G 78 and Nick 77.

2 weeks left of BST then it’s dark at 5 folks!

13 Oct '21

Midweek October Medal (Midweek GM Rd 7 of 8)

Posted in Competitions

Autumn golf is back at the park: thicker air, less carry, less roll. At least the greens are improving and the bunkers are no longer GUR.

Gina forgot that she is playing an important team comp this weekend and recorded a) the best score over the par 4’s (+4) and par 3’s (-1). She also matched Andrew Watson for the best back 9. Number wise this translates into a score of 65 Nett and the status of leader in the clubhouse. Another early starter Adrian Wells recorded an excellent score of 66 Nett to capture 3rd place (his score could even have been better had he not recorded a snowman on the first hole). The only player to best Gina’s score was Colm Ivors with a fantastic 63 Nett. This score is even more admirable since he started his round with a triple bogey 7. Dave Chilvers and Roslyn Williams complete the Top6. Special mention to Uli for recording an eagle 2 on the 3rd hole.

Midweek Grand Medal Trophy Cheryl Woodhouse holds on to top spot (347) before Angus (352), Chris Jones (354), Jeremy and Colm.

10 Oct '21

Autumn Stableford – Round 1 of 2

Posted in Competitions

The day dawned very still with no sun. Autumnal gnats/ midges were easily inhaled. Slowly the sun made an appearance and the temp nudged 19C as shown bottom of results report. Water was still visible in bunkers from earlier in the week [all bunkers GUR].

Ed’s 44 points was posted as early leader and he remained there to win decisively; significantly he ‘blobbed’2 holes so could have been better…His score triggered a WHS ESR and handicap index reduces from 21.9 to 19.6 – well done Ed. Nick Rogers shot an impressive 42 points for 2nd – again with a blob. Andrew Wa 41, Adrian W 40 completed the 40s line-up. Best woman Ronnie 37.

All to play for in the next round; first 8 won sweep as per attached report.

6 Oct '21

NQ Stableford Sweep

Posted in Competitions

Hard to believe that the rain at the start of the week was so heavy that 4 holes had to be closed (playing the 9th as a Par 3 must have been weird – see long-distance photo below). The field seemed to enjoy pretty decent golfing conditions.

Looks like RIchard O used the extra receptive green on the 2nd hole. He came within a couple of inches of acing that hole. Tough luck Richard – but see photo below.

Stephen H collected 19pts on the first 9 holes. 12pts over the last 5 holes allow him to barely edge out Julie. 3rd place goes to Juho (18pts + 11 over the last 5 holes). Richard Smith went -2 gross over the last 5 holes. This translated in 14pts. Unfortunately for him he “only” recorded 14pts over the 9 holes. Else he would’ve finished a bit higher on the leader board. Richard Y closes out the Top6.

The weather forecast for the coming days looks a bit “drier”.

3 Oct '21

October Monthly Medal (Inc. Saturday Entrants)

Posted in Competitions

Saturday conditions became atrocious but Sunday was much better although late players caught a shower; this all reflected in (busy?) graph at bottom of results.

A promising start (birdie at 2nd from 18 inches) from Duncan was consolidated throughout the round with the possible exception of lost ball left on 13 long par 3. Duncan finished with 64 followed by a glorious 65 from Mark B with 1 shot separating Richard I, Russell and Peter G 66,67,68. Best of the 69s was Saturday entrant Cuneyt.

Divisional medal results confirm Mark winning senior and Duncan the junior.

This was last of 7 rounds in the Grand Medal Trophy with Colm on 263 a creditable 5 ahead of Mark and Ross.