Paul Grand

Paul Grand

21 Apr '24

Coronation Cup (Top Dog 1/7) & Winter Comp Rnd 8 D4

Posted in Competitions

Sunny periods at first but it clouded over and there was persistent north wind. It was the composite course on Duke’s and hopefully the last after the wet winter.

2 sets of results from the scores:
Coronation Cup & men’s Top Dog Rnd 1
Final men’s Winter Competition Rnd 8.

The Coronation Cup saw Mel Dun shoot 40 points to win with best front 9 (19) and back 9 (21); he was followed by Richard Inglis with a consistent 37 ; Charlie Whiteman and Gunnar Sundberg in the last game vied for 3rd place with Charlie having the better back. Best woman Jenny Lawrence 26.
For men this was first Top Dog 2024 round and in senior division Mel leads 12pts from Kerry Sargeant 8pts; in junior it’s Richard 12 from Charlie 8 and Gunnar 6. See manual pdf attached with comps lined up for the rest of 2024.

This was last round of Winter Competition which sees Tamas Ladacs the senior division winner 125 from Kerry Sargeant 116. In junior division Mel is winner 126 from Paul Green 117; well done to all who played in sometimes horrible conditions.

17 Apr '24

Priory Cup

Posted in Competitions

A fine but blustery day which threatened to shower several times but only once for a minute or two managed to.
The wind was cold which reduced the temperature by a few degrees.
Except for Peppe Monterosso who had the only positive score the rest of the field struggled to score consistantly and finished with minus scores.
Some of the field were playing this format for the first time and found it an interesting test.

14 Apr '24

Men’s Monthly Medal (GMT R2/8)/Women’s Centenary Event

Posted in Competitions


The 14th April was the Centenary of the inauguration of Richmond Park Golf Club and the women’s section celebrated with a mystery partner four ball better ball game.  There was a good turn out of sixteen women.   Sheena set up the game for a single’s stableford for signing in and we all played this accordingly.  We returned to enjoy our refreshments and draw a random partner.   Once the partner was drawn out, she could not take part in the draw and could only be selected once.  Sheena, in the meantime, had changed Masterscoreboard for our entries as a 4BBB.  A bit of chaos ensued while we queued to enter our scores, which held the men up who had completed their rounds.  Everyone agreed it was fun.  It was good to see Ali and Ann playing again after injuries and Gina made an appearance to say hello.

In first place was Susan and Jenny  42 pts, 2nd Jayne and Katharina 40 pts, Angela and Pat 38 pts.  Prizes were awarded.  There was also a prize for the best individual score which went to Jayne Maxwell with 37 pts. 


A great dry day for golf although not as warm as yesterday; the course had dried significantly from the winter months and just 2 temps.

A good turnout for the April Medal and some good scores especially taking into account the new course handicap calculation.

In the senior division Peter Needham led the way with net 67 with Alan King and Toby Hunt returning respectable 68 and 69. On 71 came Peter Abbott 71off 4 – lowest gross of the day and a level par front 9 gross. Richard Back secured 3 birdies and heads this year’s birdie tree with 11 (see attached). Paul Kamerling would surely have been in the running but lost ball on 9th; he had 3 birdies on back 9 just 1 over par 34.

The junior division medal was won with a super 62 from Charlie Whiteman aided by superb putting. Nigel Ward , Robin Thomas and Paul Green chased with 66s. par.

This was 2nd of 8 rounds in The Grand Medal which is now headed in senior division by Tamas Ladacs 143 and then Toby Hunt 143 and Kerry Sargeant 145. Nigel Ward leads junior 130 from Tony Kopczak 135 and Charlie Whiteman 138.

10 Apr '24

The Masters Bowl

Posted in Competitions

The Princes course only had 2 Temp greens hence WHS Counting. The course was in good conditions but the green were a little slow. That said Uli Katte found them just to his liking it seems. I am attaching a good scoring report which shows just how dominant he was today, spendid golf indeed.
Peter Harrington was hot on Uli’s tail but after a 9 on the 1st hole and 6 on 18 finished 1 shot back. Paul Green and Chris Jones took 3rd and 4th places.
It was nice to have some sunshine although the wind came up on the back and light showers appeared on the back nine. But not too much to affect the scoring.

7 Apr '24

Spring Plate & Winter comp rnd 7 D3

Posted in Competitions

Very windy but mild for the Spring Plate on Duke’s Composite course. Grass on fairways uncut and so long.

Scoring was lower than recent weeks but Ashley Stephens shot an excellent 38 pint to win (21 on front 9) from Nigel Ward 36 with Charlie Whiteman and Mel Dunn following with 34s; Mel Dunn and Peter Goodall had 33s with Peter’s having 22 on back 9.

Best woman Silvia Bortoli 30 points playing off 9.

For men this counted as 7th round of 8 Winter Competition and positions are unchanged from round 6 with Tamas Ladacs ahead on 125 from Kerry Sargeant 116 and 3 on 110 : Paul Kamerling, Richard Smith and Peter Needham.

3 Apr '24

MW April Monthly Medal (MGMT R2/8)

Posted in Competitions

The medal was played in generally overcast conditions with a breeze that strengthened towards the end of the round for the later starters. We had 4 temp greens having been told there were only 2.
Bill Norman continued his run of form to take 1st place in Division 1 with a net 68 followed by Tamas Ladacs 1 shot behind. Uli Katte headed the net71’s t take 3rd place from Kim Chaffart.
In Division 2 Peter Fisher comfortably took 1st place with his net 60 followed by Peter Harrington on net 63. Dave Cato off 16 took 3rd place on net 65.
The 4th Hole proved good for 3 Div 2 players with a birdie each.

After 2nd round of Midweek Grand Medal (best of 5 from 8), Dave Cato 124 leads Bill Norman 131.

2 Apr '24

Easter Sunday Plate

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Easter Sunday had a grey start with a chilly wind but it remained dry and eventually the sun came out. And with just 2 temp. greens ( 3 & 5) it was a qualifier for handicapping.

Mel Dunn secured the Easter Plate with 44 points – and an eagle 3 at the par 5 9th; his 44 earned a -1 ESR and cuts his HI from 19.6 to 16.2. Well done. Oz Doyle edged Justin Wildman on back 9 [both 40 points] – Oz having better back 9 22pts wilst Justin better front 9 = 23 pts. Pat Dalton and Raymond Esin followed with excellent 39s.

Best woman Joan Mulcahy 37 points.

27 Mar '24

Midweek Spring Stableford R2/2

Posted in Competitions

The day started with blue sky and sunshine with astrong breeze. The dry spell lasted until the back 9 when the wind became very strong and cold and heavy downpours which made golf very uncomfortable and difficult for some.!!
Peter Miller and Paul Green both recorded 21 points whilst Paul Giles made continued scoring with 20 points to go with his 22 on the front 9.
This was the 2nd round of 2 for the Mid Week Stableford competition and Tamas Ladacs produced a steady round of 36 to top the table with a total of 84 points 3 points ahead of Paul Green. Well done Tamas .

20 Mar '24

Midweek Spring Stableford R1/2

Posted in Competitions

It was a good turnout for the 1st day of Spring with nice warm weather for a change and only 4 temp greens. The Princes course was not quite so wet and muddy and it seems to have caught some players unaware as scores were not quite as high overall as in earlier weeks.
However Tamas Ladacs found things very much to his liking with massive 48 points (24 out and 24 back). Peter Fisher took 2nd place with 42 points (17 out and 25 back). then there were a group of 5 who each scored 40 points. It took countback calculations by the computer to place in order.

A couple of extra reports for perusal.

17 Mar '24

March Monthly Medal & Spring Stableford R1/2 & P4 Winter Comp/ Women’s Spring Stableford

Posted in Competitions


In what seems to have become a common event, our field of 11 had shrunk to just 6 by the time we ventured forth with the rain taking the blame for 4 of the defaulters, who by 1030 may have been regretting their decision. If we ignore that first part then overhead turned out to be rather pleasant, so much so that we didn’t need our winter layers as even the sun tried to join us.
A slightly different setup today with the real green back in action on the 1st but the 12th had one instead.
Jayne certainly took advantage of all the temps, putting with real aggression that generally worked and helped her amass 20 points on the front 9. The back 9 wasn’t quite as good with ‘only’ 17, but suffice to say was plenty to give her a comfortable win by 3 from Sheena on 34.


A good turnout of 35 considering the rain after a few dry days; it eventually died out and last games had drizzle for a while.

Separate results for medal (1st Grand Medal 2024) and Stableford (Rnd 1 of Spring Stableford and also Rnd 5 of Winter Comp) attached. Both in divisions.

Medal results show Tamas Ladacs shooting the lights out with a net 60 off 14 scoring 2 birdies – good golf indeed Tamas. The early clubhouse leader Richard Smith followed with an excellent 64 with 3 birdies and incorporating a level par front 9. In the last game Paul Kamerling had a glorious 65 with 1 over par 34 on back 9. Star of the junior division was Andre Pelser who shot 57 off 31 – well done indeed. Nigel Ward followed net 64 dropping just 5 on back 9. Next were Mel Dunn and Ian Burgess both 65s.
The same scores but in stableford points were applied to the first round of the Spring Stablefrord doubling as 5th Winter Comp round ‘Best scores analysis confirms Andre Pelser best back 9 26 points and Tamas and Richard sharing 23 each on front 9.

After 5 rounds of the Winter Competition in the senior division Tamas shoots ahead of Kerry Sargeant with 125 points from Kerry’s 116 whilst Tom Simpkins and Gunnar Sundberg share the junior division lead 115 from Julian James 114.

With 4 rounds completed on Prince’s the associated Prince’s Eclectic goes to Richard Smith 58.6 from Tamas Ladacs 59.8.