Richard Owen

Richard Owen

3 Feb '23

Friday Texas Scramble

Posted in Competitions

The weather was dull and overcast but some ‘sparkling’ golf was played by the leading teams.

Top of the pile were Peter, Pat, John and Uli with a massive 49 points, playing off 9. They had 25 points out and 24 points in, with 6 birdies and one bogey on the card. Not far behind (47 points) were Rannesh, James, Alex and Ian playing off 10, with 24 points out and 23 in; a Par front 9 and 1 birdie on the back 9. Two teams, Pralab’s (off 8) and Brian’s 3-ball (off 9), had 45 points, both with 23 points out and 22 points in.
The game was clearly ‘easier’ for the 4-balls, as they took the first 3 places.
Sweep payout to the top 2 teams (£16 & £8).

29 Jan '23

Secretary’s Report 2022

Posted in Secretary's Report

Club Secretary Peter Harrington delivered his annual report for last year at the AGM on January 29th. He has now made it available for online access.

27 Jan '23

Friday Sweep (1st 10 holes)

Posted in Competitions

It was a rather chilly, overcast day but at least the Duke’s had re-opened and the ground had ‘softened up’, so the frozen fairways and greens were a past memory.

Almost half the field managed a ‘par score’ or better (20 points for a 10 holes course). The winner, Richard Norden (22 points), got away to a flying start with 13 points on the first 4 holes, including a birdie on the 3rd. In 2nd place, Pat Dalton (21 points), also got away to a great start, with 3 pars and 14 points on the first 5 holes. Steady play from Pralab, Adrian and Julian saw them all score 20 points, Pralab taking 3rd place on countback and probably ruing his 7 on the SI18 2nd hole.

Most players played the ‘Full 18 holes’ and it was good to see Paul Grand taking part in his first Friday competition.

Sweep payout to the top 2 (£8, £4).

20 Jan '23

Friday Sweep (team, best 2 scores/hole)

Posted in Competitions

The frozen ground made the course much ‘shorter’ with summertime run on the fairways but it made pitching onto the (concrete) greens just about impossible. Bouncing balls and sideways kicks were the order of the day. Not really ‘proper golf’ but it was good to get back out on this sunny winter’s day, with no temporary greens.

In order of ‘fairness’, the two 3-ball teams had either Colin or Bill (who played as a 2-ball) added to their team, so everyone was in a 4-ball team. This made the result very close between four or the teams but still meant that the clear winners were the team of Julian James, Pralab Barua, Cuneyt Sazer and Adrian Wells, with an incredible 92 points (averaging more than 5 points/hole). The winning team takes the sweep money (£5 each).

Interestingly, it can be seen from the Competitions Scorecards (link below) that if all 4 scores had counted, the winning team of Julian, Pralab, Cuneyt and Adrian would have come 4th and the winners would have been Richard (O), Pete Goodall, Ian Burgess and Bill Jennings.

14 Jan '23

Gordon Forster Round 1 contd

The Richmond Park ‘A’ team, captained by Cuneyt Sazer, played their delayed away leg of their match against Thorney Park ‘B’ and could not recover from the home leg deficit from the home leg played before Christmas at Richmond Park.

On the same day, the Richmond Park ‘C’ team, captained by Paul Green, played their match against Huntswood ‘C’ and narrowly won.

The home team players, Louis Dickey and Rob Carlile, posted a convincing lead and although our away team of Peter Goodall and Pete Malla couldn’t match their hosts scores, playing in torrential rain for the first few holes, it was a ‘win’ for Richmond Park.

13 Jan '23

Friday Sweep (10 holes)

Posted in Competitions

Apart from the strong westerly wind, it was a relatively mild, sunny day for golf and a few players found the course “there for the taking”. The heavy rain of yesterday was evident as ‘standing water’ in a few low lying places but overall the Duke’s course has stood up well (so far) to the seemingly endless bands of rain. Only one temporary ‘fairway green’ on the competition holes (5th), but 2 further temporaries (11th and 12th) for those who ‘played on’.

Top of the leaderboard (25 points) was early bird Pralab Barua, who continued his recent good form with 21 points on the front 9 and capped it off with a birdie 2 (4 points) on the 10th. In 2nd place, just one point back, was another early bird Neil Elkins also with 21 points for the front 9 but ‘only’ a 3 points par on the 10th. Julian James (23 points) took 3rd place with a very steady 20 points on the front 9 and a par 3 (3 points) on the 10th. The last player in the money (4th) was Ian Burgess (22 points) with 19 points out (including a blob on the 2nd) and 3 points for par on the 10th.

Hope everyone enjoyed it and great to have Tony Barnett back fit enough to play with us again.
Sweep payout £9, £7, £4, £2

6 Jan '23

Friday 1,2,3 Waltz team competition

Posted in Competitions

It was good to get back on the slightly less muddy Prince’s course and to be treated to morning sunshine, which faded somewhat as the day progressed. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the competition, although some found the course more challenging than others.

As is usual in team competitions, the final result was very close – only one point in it and determined by the team/individual scores (and missed putt) on the final hole. The worthy winning team (80 points) was Richard Norden, Julian James and Pat Barbour, with the standout player being Richard Norden (40 points) and a birdie 3 on the 18th hole. In 2nd place (79 points) was the team of Richard Owen, Rannesh Jansari and James Deissler, who had the same back 9 (41 points) but one less on the front 9, so the missed 2 foot putt on the last hole (!!!) made the difference.

Well done to Bob, Gary and Colin who came in 3rd (72 points). Further details of the scoring in attached Best Scoring Report. Sweep payout to the winning team (£7 each).

30 Dec '22

Friday team competition (best 2 scores)

Posted in Competitions

With the predicted band of morning rain falling on the course between 7.30am and 11am, it was decided to slightly delay the start and to reduce the competition to a 10 holes (only) shoot out. This proved to be the right decision with a full complement of players venturing out, hardly any rain during play and sunshine for the final holes.

There was really “nothing in it” when it came to scoring, all teams posting good scores in the windy conditions on a wet Duke’s course. The winning (and slowest !!) team of Paul Green, Ian Burgess, Seymour Laird and Duncan Taylor (46 points) pipped the 2nd place team of Jayne Maxwell, Richard Owen, Charlie Whiteman and Rannesh Jansari on a last 6 holes countback. Just one point behind were Brian Ransom, Pat Barbour, Adrian Wells and Pralab Barua, ruing their missed putts. Rannesh scored the only birdie (10th).

End of year complementary drinks (mainly Guinness) was enjoyed by the participants in the sun on the terrace afterwards (see photo).

23 Dec '22

Friday Sweep

Posted in Competitions

An already small field just before Xmas was further reduced by a band of heavy rain falling at the park between 7am and 11am. However the 5 hardy souls who lingered to play after the rain subsided were blessed with a round in mild, sunny conditions on a soddon Prince’s course..

The clear winner, Brian Ransom (38 points) would, on initial inspection, seemed to have had a ‘steady’ round, 19 points out and 19 points back. However on closer inspection, his back 9 started with 2 blobs and finished with the last 5 holes played at 1 under par (birdie on the 15th). Rannesh Jansari in 2nd (35 points) had his nose in front until Brian’s late burst blew him away.

9 Dec '22

Gordon Foster Bowl, Round 1 (contd)

The Richmond Park ‘Early Birds’ team played their Round 1 match against (fittingly !) Birds Hill Golf Club and secured a convincing win.

The team, captained by Brendan Sullivan,  played in extremely cold conditions with 11.00am tee times, both home & away. Frozen fairways and rock hard greens meant pars were hard to come by and birdies were of the feathered variety only. Russell Stewart and Will Balakrishnan made the long journey to Maidenhead for a 5 and a half hour round. Conditions were tough but they combined to score 22pts + 28pts (50pts) against the home pair’s 25pts + 28pts (53pts).  Meanwhile back on the Prince’s course at Richmond Park, Brendan Sullivan & Jihum Kim built a commanding score of 39pts + 32pts (71pts) against the visiting team’s 30pts + 22pts (52pts). So, overall Richmond Park played the better golf for a well-deserved 121pts – 105pts victory. Hopefully the weather in early 2023 will be a little kinder and warmer when round 2 comes along.