Sheena Harrington

Sheena Harrington

4 Feb '21

Membership Renewal

On 1st February we started the Club’s new membership year and the annual subscriptions are now payable for the year through to 31st January 2021 irrespective of the fact that the Covid lockdown restricts us from any golfing activity at present.

The Club has two classifications of membership; namely ‘Standard’ and ‘Glendale Referral’. The membership rates are identical for both classifications. If you are a ‘Standard’ member we are looking to you for the payment of your 2021 subscription. To avoid confusion I have commented briefly on the Glendale Referral memberships below.

At the Club’s AGM in January we agreed to hold the annual subscription fee at £50 for 2021, and this is the fourteenth year that we have held the fee at this rate.

Our preferred method of payment is via a bank transfer as follows:


Direct credit transfer to the Club’s bank account, the details of which are:

Bank:  HSBC
Code:  40 – 02 – 35
Account number:  9070 1599
Account name:  Richmond Park Golf Club

Reference:  Subs – (surname)

If you use this facility please email by return to advise that the transfer has been processed.

At the Park

If you prefer to pay by cheque or cash please hand to our Treasurer, Peter Jagger, or to me.

Thank You

Whatever you decide to do – would you please email and he will be able to look out for your receipt.

We are aware that a large number of our ‘Standard’ members have annual 5-day or 7-day Glendale Loyaltee cards that will be renewed during 2021. For every 12 month period that a card is held the Club has the ability to invoice Glendale to recover £70 and this is then refunded to the cardholder. The monthly invoicing process is administered by Richard Owen Richard Owen. For his monthly invoicing routine Richard relies on our members to advise when annual cards are renewed or new annual cards are acquired, therefore please inform Richard when a new annual period has commenced.

At the beginning of every subscription year we find that some members have moved away and will not be continuing with the Club. If you are not intending to join us for 2021 please let me know so that we can update our records.

So, in a nutshell, we have another bargain membership year at £50.  Not commonly known is that the affiliation fees payable to Surrey Golf and England Golf are close to £20 per member therefore we can all see that the net receipt for the Club is quite small. 

Glendale Referral membership

A Referral member means that by virtue of you acquiring either a 5-day or a 7-day annual Glendale Loyaltee card your Club membership fees have been covered by Glendale via the refund mechanism.  Your membership of RPGC survives until the expiry of your annual card.  At the end of your card period your membership will continue automatically if you renew your annual Glendale Loyaltee card, but if you decide not to renew your annual card it follows that to continue with Club membership you will need to make a payment directly to the Club.    
Under the Glendale refund mechanism the Club receives £70 on each occasion that a member acquires an annual Loyaltee card.  For each Referral member the receipt is credited against the total shown as receivable and any excess amount is refunded to the Club member.  Prior to Glendale making any payments to the Club it is necessary for the Club to raise invoices and these are submitted on a monthly basis by Richard Owen.  To assist with the invoicing routine, at the  time of a card renewal please inform Richard [ ].  This is especially important in 2021 because many annual cards will have extended periods of use as a consequence of the closure periods and we do not know the card renewal dates.

As always, if you have any questions please ask either the treasurer or me.

Peter Harrington

February 2021

3 Jan '21

New Year Stableford

Posted in Competitions

Cold with a light breeze greeted the 59 competitors for the New Year stableford Sweep in pairs. A warm welcome to new members Dilip and Onursal who were first in RPGC to actually play in the comp on Saturday.

Scores never cease to amaze and this on Duke’s in winter with mud where good play is at a premium. Aung returned a blistering 44 points to win. Well done again to Aung – this time last year you had UHS handicap 41 but now after the round (one of your best 8 from last 20) your handicap index drops to 26.4.

In form new member Nafeez struck again 42 points , Keith a good’un 40, Ben D 39 with Pete H and Lee M commendable 38s. Best of women was Katharina 33 points – this was after the additional ‘Mixed Tee Adjustment’ for the red and yellow tee/slope combo of +1′. Results

With payouts for best 8 and separate women’s pool congrats to prize winners.