Uli Katte
Uli Katte
Kelso Hamilton 2024
Our Kelso Hamilton team of Russell Stewart and Brendan Sullivan are this year’s winners of the Surrey Kelson Hamilton competition!
Their path to the final began back in February at a very cold and wet Surrey National with subsequent victories at London & Scottish, Dulwich & Sydenham, Banstead and Cuddington.
Their east section final was against Walton Heath Artisans which was played at The Drift.
On Sunday 22 September they made their way to Clandon Regis to play The Drift who won the West section for the honour of Overall champions.
A magnificent result made all the more remarkable having played all their matches away from home.

Congratulations Brendan and Russell!
Midweek September Medal (MGMT R7/8)
It was a sunny, albeit windy and cool, autumn day and most players stayed dry during their round.
This medal round was played in two divisions, with Handicap adaptations for men playing off the white tees and for the women.
Gina, our habitual early starter, won the day in Div 1 handsomely with a score of 71 net.
Russell and Naveed (who had the best gross score!) follow with 3 and 4 shots behind.
Div 2 was taken by RichardN (with a net score of 69), again with a 3 stroke advantage over runner-up Charles, with Gerard and Teddy following 1 and 2 strokes behind him.
‘Tricky Ricky’ – home leg
After having lost the away leg of our traditional match against Rickmansworth 1:4 😯earlier this summer, the Richmond Park team needed a 5:0 to win back the trophy for this year.
The format, as usual, was Four Ball Better Ball Matchplay and with every next pairing coming in with a win for the home team, the suspense grew … until the last pair’s win settled the sensation: the needed 5:0 victory!

Here’s the detailed result list, in order of play:
Uli Katte / Richard Owen 3&2
Henry Lindesay-Bethune / Justin Wildman 1up
Jose Goncalves / Gerard Ouattara 2&1
Angus Robertson / Sean O’Sullivan 3&1
Robert Carlile / Pete Malla 2&1
A big shout out to everyone’s dedication and resilience, against very strong opposition!
It has to be mentioned that the atmosphere during the matches was extremely friendly and stayed like that after the match, in spite of the clear result, as the below photos might confirm! 😊
Pizza and drinks galore!

Finally, a big thank you to Kim Chaffart, for organizing the whole event in communication with the ‘Ricky’s’ captain Ian, and to Richard Owen, for preparing the matchday specifics at the Park!
Midweek August Medal (MGMT R6/8)
The day on Prince’s started sunny and became clouded, but dry – perfect conditions for good results, if it were not for the treacherous high grass ‘eating’ balls, which led to a number of unfortunate NRs. 😉
The competition was held in 2 Divisions, with the majority of players starting in the higher handicap Division 2.
Gina, playing off 11, came in first in Division 1, with a net result of 67, which could have been even better if she hadn’t run into problems with the par3s on the second 9.
Peter Miller won Division 2 with an even better result of net 66, playing off 29.
2024 Bontor women vs men ‘battle of the sexes’
On an initially rainy, but then rapidly improving Saturday, 10 women and 10 men met to fight for the Bontor women vs. men trophy, which was last year won by the women.
The format is always singles matchplay and, after starting with the ladies’ and the gentlemen’s respective captains against each other in the first group, the other 9 pairs followed in handicap order.
Here are the results in the order the pairs came in:
- Cheryl Woodhouse (20 shots) vs. Uli Katte : Cheryl won on the last hole
- Sheena Harrington (7 shots) vs. Mike Assender: Mike won 2&1
- Katharina Katte (7 shots) vs. Robert Carlyle: Rob won 6&5
- Jayne Maxwell (7 shots) vs. Richard Inglis: Jayne won 2&1
- Susan Smith (4 shots) vs. Rannesh Jansari: draw
- Lia Donath (6 shots) vs. Gerard Ouattara: Lia won
- Joan Mulcahy (6 shots) vs. Sean O’Sullivan: Sean won
- Alison Chadwick vs. Alex Braun: Alex won
- Sali Davies vs. Tom Laybourn: Sali won 4&2
- Deborah Potter (6 shots) vs. Cliff Morgan: Deborah won 3&1
This gives the women an 5.5 / 4.5 win over the men!
Congratulations to Cheryl and her team!!
After the match there was pizza and chips and drinks and chat and gossip and banter … 🙂
Thanks everyone for this very enjoyable, yet competitive, golf day around the ‘battle of the sexes’!
Uli & Cheryl
2024 Midweek Captain’s Day
A sunny day, around 30 degrees, perfect conditions for the Midweek Captain’s Day … sadly without the presence of the midweek captain, who had to travel abroad!
Sheena made best use of the weather and the course conditions, with a fabulous 23 points on her back nine and the best score on par5s (12 points), 40 points overall! 🙂
Tee distribution today, as we played with a choice between Whites and Yellows for men again:
White: 7
Yellow: 27
Red: 5
There were a few extra challenges – ‘Nearest to the Pin’ and ‘Nearest to the Pin in 2’, and they were won by:
- Uli (NTP in 2 on hole 2)
- George (NTP on hole 7)
- Brett (NTP in 2 on hole 9)
- Jose (NTP on hole 10)
- Brett again 😉 (NTP in 2 on hole 15)
- Cheryl (NTP on hole 16)
- Jose again 😉 (NTP in 2 on hole 18)
Post-round drinks followed and closed a beautiful day on the golf course! 🙂
RPGC Social Day at Coombe Hill GC
Someone said: A bad day on the golf course is still better than a good day at the office. The members who attended our Away Day at Coombe Hill probably agreed. They enjoyed a course in excellent condition. 2 things stood out: 1) the club is called Hill for a reason and 2) as advertised the greens are the best defence of the course. Placement of tee-shots/approaches was fairly important. If this event were to be repeated a course planner would be welcome. Although Richard N made some very thorough preparations.
Secondly the weather turned out be more than decent. Special thanks go to Caroline. She never took off her waterproofs out of fear that this would have a very adverse effect on the weather. She definitely took one for the club …
Finally let’s talk numbers:
Overall winner is Paul G. He managed to stay just clear of Caroline. Rannesh came 3rd. But he will rue the last 2-3 holes. A certain victory slipped away on that stretch.
NTP 6th: Sean O’S
Longest Drive 11th: Ed H
Special thanks to Kim as well, for coming up with the idea of a social event at Coombe Hill in the first place, for helping to organise the whole thing and for taking over command after Uli dropped off last minute due to illness!

Edward Cup
It was beautiful golf day today, with just enough sunshine, no recognizable wind and a Prince’s course in conditions we have not seen for more than half a year: the fairways had been freshly cut and widened, the rough cut down to manageable hights and the greens a pleasure to putt on! 🙂
RichardO took the most advantage and came back with unbeatable 42 points, including 3 birdies.
Late starter JustinW began his round with 2 blobs, but scrambled to 18 points on the front 9 and came back with 21 points, with 3 birdies on his card as well.
RichardO, RichardB and UliK share best gross score results with 75 shots.
Founders Cup – E Bailey (2/6)
It was the second day of bright sunshine in a row, when we played the second round of ‘The Founder’s Cup – E. Bailey’ competition.
Even first sightings of golf shorts were made … 😉
The Duke’s course had been closed for almost 5 months and was still in a less than ideal state: narrow fairways, with punishing high grass left and right … lead to extended ball searching and a rather slow round.
And, unfortunately, because of the 5 temp greens, the competition had to be changed to ‘non-handicap-qualifying’!
But it was good to play on Duke’s again, after such long ‘abstinence’!
Gina and Justin both played later in the afternoon and managed to navigate the difficult course very well to come in with respectable over-30-points results. Gina clocked a stellar 20-point back 9 to take the win!
MW Winter Comp R7/P4
Well, it was a rainy day! 🙂
And it was forecasted as such, so a good number of players chose to drop out / cancel their participation beforehand. Another handful of players, yours truly amongst them, decided mid-course that enough is enough …
Richard N came in first, with another stellar round: 42 points (23 on the first 9!). Very consistent play the last few weeks, congratulations!
Runner-up, with quite some points distance (38) was Ian B, followed by Richard M (36), who beat Mike Jones via countback of the last 9 holes.
The Sweep money got distributed like this:
1st place £13
2nd place £9
3rd place £4