Uli Katte

Uli Katte

6 Jan '08

Monthly Medal / Team Event

Posted in Competitions


The first competition of the New Year was a team event. Three Sixes (1 score counts at holes 1-6, 2 scores count at holes 7-12, 3 scores count at holes 13-18). The Lady Captain’s team of Doreen Dolby, Lynn Richardson, Christine Stewart & Di Jackett won the day with 83 points. In 2nd place was Christine Brazier, Ros Gray, Sheena Harrington & Norma Lynch with 80 points. Results…


For the first time in living memory for January, play was off the grass tees and normal greens. Early frost melted but it was very muddy. All credit then to the winner of The January Millennium Monthly Medal with a glorious 65 – Richard Kenwood. On a count-back over the last 6 holes, Treasurer Dave Williams on 68 claimed 2nd from Kerry Sargeant. Results…

As the new-style results depict, a high % of Category 1-3 players for the second week in a row (50%) returned within 2 of SSS, resulting in CSS being reduced to 67. A statistical quirk – no changes to any playing handicaps. Men’s handicap list…

Bournemouth Open week arrangements are now published at www.bournemouthopen.net or via the Club website (The Club-> External Links-> Friends).

3 Jan '08

Dinner Dance Date Change

The Committee has decided to move the date of the Annual Dinner Dance. In short, one of us had to shift – it was either RPGC at The Winning Post, or the RFU and 80,000 spectators for the England vs Wales 6 Nations International at Twickers. We decided in the end that discretion is the better part of valour and the Club’s dinner dance will now be on the comparatively ‘quiet’ Saturday, 23rd February 2008.

So, armed with this information, your immediate actions should be –

  • to print off the Dinner Dance reminder,
  • to grab your diary and scribble through the old day (2nd Feb) and plant a big DD mark for 6:00pm on Sat 23rd Feb at The Winning Post, and
  • to email me by return and say how many extra tickets you want for all the guests that you will be inviting along for the evening!!

The good news is that there is no limit to the number of guests that you may wish to bring along.

30 Dec '07

Stableford Sweep

Posted in Competitions

Benign and at times spring-like conditions were conducive to good scores from the men. Handicap Secretary Paul Grand ended up the winner with 42 points – acquiring a club during the round. Excellent 40s were returned from Paul Appleton and Kerry Sargeant, the former in his last competitive round with a non-conforming driver and the latter effecting a return to his natural Category 1 home. Results…

With 55% of category 1-3 competitors returning within 2 of SSS 38, CSS was elevated to 39, limiting handicap reductions. Men’s handicap list…

The Handicap Secretary has prepared the CONGU Summary of Scores Report for 2007. Men’s Summary of Scores…

23 Dec '07

American Greensomes

Posted in Competitions

In thick foggy conditions, the paucity of available forecaddies from the caddy master meant that members had to exercise caution when playing. One game utilised the piercing whistle of one of its talented numbers to signal when safe for following game to play.

But scoring was good, and a count back separated the winners Messrs. Owen and Keen from Nash and Fogarty -each with 37 points. Husband and wife team Anne and Jack Koychev clinched 3rd place, 4 points further behind. Results…

16 Dec '07

Winter Competition Rd 3

Posted in Competitions


Whilst many ladies seemed to struggle, probably under the weight of copious layers of clothing to keep the cold out, new member Lynn Richardson won the first club competition she played in with 33 pts! Sonia Inniss was one point adrift in 2nd place. Results…

This was a Reduction Only round for handicaps. Ladies handicap list… 

After 2 rounds of the Princes Eclectic, Cheryl Woodhouse leads on net 82, having knocked 10 shots off her 1st round score. Close on her heels is Maureen Slade on net 83. R2 Leader board…


Stuart Nash excelled with 40 points to win, just a point from Osman Chaudry with Peter Harrington a further point behind. Results…

CSS was unchanged from SSS 38 (67). Men’s handicap list…

Stuart has a commanding lead in the Winter Competition, 8 clear of Francois Lemaigre. R3 Leader board…

A focused round from Toby Hunt gives Toby a 1.5 lead in the Prince’s Eclectic. R2 Leader board…

9 Dec '07

Christmas Hamper

Posted in Competitions

Cold off Santa’s sleigh are the Christmas Hamper results and latest men’s handicaps.

A dreadful weather forecast probably left a number of potential competitors having a leisurely breakfast and morning. For those testing the elements, an amelioration in conditions came and the winner with 36 points was John Ahad from Dave Williams 35. Jim Fogarty had the better back 9 from Francois Lemaigre to claim 3rd place. Best lady (all gave away a shot in the competition) was Janet Fox on 32 points. Results…

Men’s CSS was same as SSS @ 36 giving rise to no playing handicap changes. Men’s handicap list…

2 Dec '07

Monthly Medal / Team Event

Posted in Competitions


A Texas Scramble had been planned but the best laid plans…

Filthy weather meant fewer players so the ladies reverted to an individual Stableford competition. Even so, only 2 ladies completed all 18 holes out of a starting field of 10 – Lia Donath with a top score of 28 pts and Susan Smith with 22 pts. Well done to these ladies for braving the elements! Results…


Report due soon. Results…

29 Nov '07

News From the Park

Posted in Competitions

Vice Captain Richard Owen has issued the next edition of the occasional newsletter – News From the Park. It’s available now online. More…

25 Nov '07

Champagne Chase

Posted in Competitions


Fighting over the champagne this year were Sheena Harrington & Lia Donath both on 35 pts, with Sheena emerging triumphant with the best back 9. Jan Oliver was 3rd with 31 pts. Results…

There were no changes to the SSS @ 37 pts.


Tony Kopczak uncorked a vintage performance to win with 38 points followed by a sparkling 36 from Toby Hunt and at times effervescent play from Peter Harrington and Jon Cooper with 34s. Results…

Original gravity was maintained at CSS 36 (yellow).

18 Nov '07

Winter Competition Rd 2

Posted in Competitions


Lia Donath won the first winter Stableford Competition on Princes with 31 pts and takes the lead in the Eclectic after the 1st round. Results…

Maureen Slade was 2nd on both counts. R1 Leader board…

The CSS increased by 3 (33 pts) and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap.

Di Jackett triumphed over Angela Flynn in the Challenge Cup, winning on the 17th. Results…


Pleasant conditions on Prince’s playing from yellow tees produced better scoring, with 3 competitors vying for first place on 39 points. A count back placed Jon Cooper 1st over Dave Winter and Toby Hunt. Secretary Peter Harrington fell foul of rule 32-2 (click here). Results…

CSS was unchanged from SSS 38 points. Men’s handicap list…

Francois Lemaigre holds the lead in the Winter Competition, 3 ahead of Stuart Nash. R2 Leader board…

In the Prince’s Eclectic a sprinkling of birdies is evident with Toby taking the early lead by half a shot from Jon Cooper and Dave Winter. R1 Leader board…