Uli Katte

Uli Katte

15 Sep '05

North Downs Golf Club Away Day

Posted in Away Days/Weekends

The Club has arranged an away day to North Downs Golf Club near Woldingham Surrey for Monday 24th October. There are places for the first 40 applicants. Details…

14 Sep '05

Monthly Medal

Posted in Competitions


The September monthly medal was a close fought contest with Julie Smith just managing to beat the Lady Captain on the Best Back 9, both with net 72’s. Results…


A 4 under par gross 65 with 5 birdies and just 1 dropped shot at the 16th earned Bruce Cuff the monthly medal with Geoff Foreman putting in an excellent net 65 for 2nd place. Results…

In a rare moment of reflection , the Handicap Committee exclaimed Eureka! in having solid evidence of what score a scratch player under ideal conditions should score (to prevent SSS possibly being increased from 67 to 68 by SCGU).

CSS was reduced by 1 to 66, with Bruce being cut back to playing off scratch and Jim Fogarty now playing off 21. Men’s handicap list

Translating the scores into the Grand Medal Trophy to date, it can be seen that Julian Diamond now heads the field 5 ahead of Paul Appleton. Statisticians will observe however, that Bruce need score only a 75 in round 8 to overhaul Julian – and there are other possibilities as well, naturally. R7 Leader board…

12 Sep '05

Autumn Mixed Foursomes Postponement

Posted in Competitions

Once the lightning appeared Captain David Marsh had no option other than abandon the event. The Autumn Mixed Foursomes is rescheduled for 1 October. More…

8 Sep '05

Platinum Jubilee

Posted in Competitions

A captain’s innings secured David Marsh the Platinum Jubilee with a 60, one ahead of John Sowter with Michael Rossiter again featuring 3rd with a 64 – just beating best lady Jini Beacham on a count back. Results…

CSS was reduced by 1 from SSS to 68.Men’s handicap list…

The impact on The Anniversary Cup was to increase Michael’s winning margin to 10 from John Sowter with Sheena Harrington 1 shot further behind. Result…

The Top Dog latest shows Michael having a narrow lead from Jon Cooper, though with 2 competitions left the field is fairly open. The outcome of the Two Courses Cup will have an impact as well, with John Ahad and Geoff Foreman contending for the title. Leaderboard…

5 Sep '05

Captain’s Log

Posted in Competitions

Captain David Marsh has issued his monthly Log for September. It’s available now online. More…

2 Sep '05

Silver Jubilee

Posted in Competitions

Michael Rossiter won the Silver Jubilee with a superb 63 for a two-shot cushion over Sheena Harrington and John Sowter. Results…

In the Anniversary Cup, Michael takes a four shot lead over Sheena. R3 leaderboard…

1 Sep '05

Rickmansworth Friendly Match

Report due soon. More…

27 Aug '05

Rickmansworth – Away Leg

Result: tba

Report to appear here.

25 Aug '05

Captains Day

Posted in Competitions


The ladies began the day in style with a glass of pink cava, mementos of the day and to top it all a new rule book encompassing the local rules. The alcoholic start set Julie Smith up in style to win the Lady Captain’s prize and she was heard to say that she should perhaps start each round this way if this was the effect it had on her golf (so look out for her appearing with a flask in future!). Carding a net 69 she dropped only 3 shots in the first nine and despite the effects of the cava wearing off over the back nine, dropped only a further 6 shots. Veronica Mitchell, who has been desperate to cut her handicap and finally succeeded last week, didn’t let it impede her golf and came in with a net 71 to be second on the day. Results…

The ladies also had a putting competition which was a closely fought contest (for some anyway if not the Ladies Captain). There was a 3-way tie at the top with Christine Stewart, Janet Fox and Ros Lake all finishing on 29 putts – well done ladies!

Nearest the pins were won by Cathryn Leftwich (9th), Juliie Smith (16th) and Julie also won the nearest in 3 on the 10th.

Greenside bunkers attracted a 50p penalty for each visit on the day, unless you got up & down in 1 with the proceeds going to Cancer Research. The club collected £50 which was not down solely to the inaccuracy of the RPGC golfers, it also included some generous donations. Many thanks to all those who went in the sand and to those who added to the collection.


Stayer Peter Harrington emerged victorious in the final furlong to win a photo-finish from Micahel Rossiter with 67. Congratulations to Peter in a round which included an 8 at 5 but a storming back 9 of 37. Results…

CSS was one under SSS @ 68. Men’s handicap list

A good crowd congregated afterwards outside the portacabins enjoying the pleasant summer conditions, company, food and drinks and speeches from the Captains along with presentations for most fairways, guessing Captains’ drives etc.

25 Aug '05

Keys Trophy

Posted in Competitions

Report due soon. More…