Uli Katte

Uli Katte

7 Aug '16

Golden Jubilee

Posted in Competitions

When the sun finally emerged, it brought with it some gusty winds but we are now getting the summer run on the ball. This could well have helped with the very impressive net 60 recorded by today’s winner. Henry Lindesay-Bethune will add his quite lengthy signature to the trophy and gets a 3.3 cut in handicap. Just two shots behind was Habib Amir with a net 62 who receives a 3.5 cut. In 3rd & 4th placez were Deborah Potter and Valerie Parker, both recording net 68s and handicap cuts. Results…

Despite these low winning scores, the CSS was unchanged from the SSS at 71 and 73 for the men and ladies respectively.

After three rounds of the Anniversary Cup, current holder Veronica Mitchell is now two shots clear of Jayne Maxwell. R3 Leader board…

6 Aug '16

Mitcham Friendly

RP won 3-0 with two 4&3 victories, with the 3rd game being a close fought affair ending 1up.

The 2nd leg was postponed from the original date and will now occur in October.

3 Aug '16

Midweek Medal

Posted in Competitions

Early clubhouse leader Henry Lindesay-Bethune maintained the lead to win with 68. A spirited challenge from Jeremy Prescot 69 earned second place with lowest gross of the day Seong Lim third with 70. Jeremy and Seong earn playing handicap reductions in a round which saw CSS elevated by 2 from SSS. Results…

In the associated Midweek Grand Medal Trophy Brett Colley 280 has a three shot advantage from Mike Shabani 283 with Paul Grand third 286. R6 Leader board…

31 Jul '16


Posted in Competitions

Turnout was good at 32 despite the disruption in the Metropolis and Surrey due to the cycling event. Scoring was quite good with CSS unchanged from SSS 37 points.

Tony Kopczak emerged the overall winner with 40 points beating Jayne Maxwell 39 with a countback separating Paul Appleton from Kyojung Lee 38s. Results…

Front and back 9 best scores:
Front Nine: 22 pts Tony Kopczak Kris Lynch Kyojung Lee
Back Nine: 22 pts Tenesi Karakaneva.

27 Jul '16

Edward Cup

Posted in Competitions

Early intermittent showers eventually gave way to extended sunny periods and conditions were perfect for golf. Reflecting the conditions, CSS was elevated to SSS+1 at 37 points. The overall winner with 40 points on countback last 6 was Lesley Mason from Brett Colley with Seong Lim 3rd on 38. Results…

Competitors noticed white lines along the centre of 8th and 9th fairways and shrugged their shoulders attributing them to be for perhaps a Glendale competition. Vehicles measuring pollution on recently diverted ditch/wildlife reeds/pond area could be seen on 12/13th.

24 Jul '16

Diamond Jubilee

Posted in Competitions

The ladies were again to the fore, with the Lady Captain, Lia Donath, returning to form and carding a net 63 to win the Diamond Jubilee by six shots from Veronica Mitchell and Cheryl Woodhouse one further back. Results…

A shot into the rough was stlll proving by and large to be penal so the ladies with their tendency to hit the fairway prevailed. CSS remained unchanged, awarding Lia a cut of 2.8 and each of Veronica, Cheryl and the first placed man, Tamas Ladacs, all receiving a cut to reduce their playing handicaps by one shot.

After two rounds of the Anniversary Cup, first place is also taken by the ladies, with Jayne Maxwell and Veronica both on 142. R2 Leader board…

23 Jul '16

Amida Friendly

We were lucky to have beautiful hot summers day for our mixed friendly match with Amida at their course. Always a fun day and we achieved a draw so many thanks to all who played on the day. We had a great turn out with six pairs. Also well done to Tony K who brought up the rear in a singles match which he won!

23 Jul '16

New GUR Local Rule

Posted in Competitions

The Committee has published a new Local Rule referring to the areas identified as Ground Under Repair at the Park. Local Rule – GUR…

If you should have any problems or queries arising with this new Rule please contact Peter Harrington.

20 Jul '16

Claret Jug

Posted in Competitions

It was a comprehensive win by Caroline Dewar to take the Midweek Claret Jug with a net 62 by four shots from Paul Appleton. With the CSS remaining at 67 for the men and 69 for the ladies, Caroline’s handicap was cut by three to 30 and Paul’s by 0.2 to take him to 10. Results…

17 Jul '16

Captains’ Day

Posted in Competitions

Not only did the captains, Paul & Lia, provide prizes for nearest the pins and a team prize, they also ordered up the hottest day of the year so far. The men and ladies were playing in their own separate competitions with an interesting difference in results. Proving that by and large the ladies stick to the fairways, their CSS went down one. Conversely, the men’s CSS increased by three.

The team prize, which was a waltz (1, 2, 3 scores to count on consecutive holes) was won by Kim, Toby, Deborah and Sheena with 91 points.

The captains provided us with platefuls of sandwiches and chips after the game which were devoured with relish – hot work out there today! And the ladies were presented with a gift from the ladies’ captain.

Honours Board

For the ladies, Joan Mulcahy continued her recent good form to win with a net 67. Also with a 67, but beaten on the back 9 was Tenesi Karakaneva, who seems to have returned to form now the weather has too. With the best turnout of the year for the ladies, the CSS was reduced by one to 68. Results…

Val Riziotis and Sonia Inniss won the nearest the pins on the 4th and 11th respectively and Lia, the Ladies Captain, won the ‘nearest the hole in three’ on the 8th.

Honours Board | Top Dog

Peter Osgood made the course look easy and was the winner with a net 64 with Pete Davis and Keith Cassidy taking second and third places both on 66. With the CSS increasing to 70, all three earned reductions in their handicaps. Results…

John Cooper won nearest-the-pin at the 4th, Paul Patching won nearest-the-hole-in two at the 8th and Toby won nearest-the-pin at the 16th.

In the associated Top Dog Trophy after three events, report due soon. R3 Leader board…