Uli Katte

Uli Katte

4 Jun '11

Mitcham Friendly

The result of this year’s friendly is set to be a close run thing compared to last year’s 8-0 win. At the end of the first leg we are tied on 2-2.  The home leg is scheduled for 13 August. Results…

4 Jun '11

Mitcham Ladies – Away Leg

Result: 2-2

The result of this year’s friendly is set to be a close run thing compared to last year’s 8-0 win. At the end of the first leg we are tied on 2-2.

The match was played on Saturday 4th June on what turned out to be the warmest day of the year so far and for once we appreciated the wind to help keep us cool. The driest spring on record accentuated the effects of the ‘Mitcham bounce’. The ball not only ran for a long way, it also bounced in any number of directions. The greens at Mitcham are always a challenge to us, used as we are to the slow greens in the Park, but they were so fast that the Mitcham ladies too had their problems with them.

The team for the day was:
Jini Beacham & Julie Smyth
Doreen Dolby & Val Riziotis
Sheena Harrington & Nina Humphreys
Veronica Mitchell & Anne Holding-Parsons

All the matches were very close and it was good to have a number of new faces in the team. The matches are always very friendly occasions and this was no exception. The day finished with an excellent meal of a large chicken salad and fruit and meringue for desert.

Richmond need to draw the return leg on the 13th August to retain the trophy, but we’ll be going for the outright win.

29 May '11


Posted in Competitions

Report due soon. Results…

26 May '11

Hersham Away Day

Posted in Away Days/Weekends

The rains held off just enough for a great day of golfing at Hersham. Report…

22 May '11

Summer Cup / Committee Cup Rd 2

Posted in Competitions


A very windy day kept the scoring down as the ladies battled against the elements. Despite her despondency at not getting a third week of reductions to her handicap, Lia’s 32 points were enough to extend her first round Committee Cup lead to win by 4 shots from Sheena Harrington in second place. Lia finished on 70 points and Sheena on 66. Susan was the day’s winner, beating all those who’d signed up to play her in the Barton Bowl. Results…


Scoring was difficult, no doubt due to a stiff wind. The winner was decided on a back 6 count back with Andy Furniss victorious from Arthur Dolby. Both had their handicaps reduced a stroke. Results…

15 May '11

Platinum Jubilee / Committee Cup Rd 1

Posted in Competitions


Speed of play for round 1 of the Committee Cup, played on Princes, didn’t seem to affect too many with Sunday’s results producing a tight grouping at the top. Lia, maintaining her good form, leads at this stage by one on 38 points from Anne Holding-Parsons, Kate Emanuel and Sheena Harrington all on 37 points. Results…

Platinum JuBilee

Jim Fogarty pulled out all the stops to produce a glorious 63 and win the Platinum Jubilee. Excellent rounds were produced by a number of players – notably Paul McConnell 64 and Itsawat 65. Best lady was Lia Donath on 68. Results…

Jim naturally leads the associated Anniversary Trophy. R1 Leader board…

14 May '11

Ladies Invitation

Posted in Competitions

Sheena Harrington and Michael Hansler proved a strong pair and were clear winners on 45 points. . Results…

8 May '11

Monthly Medal

Posted in Competitions


With a number of ladies playing in various knock-out matches, the field for the medal was reduced to 12. Both the wind and state of the greens made it a challenging day, but one that Lia took by the scruff of its neck and subdued, coming in with a net 67, some 5 shots ahead of both Maureen and Rianda who finished in 2nd and 3rd respectively. Results…


Toby Hunt was the decisive winner of the May Medal with an astounding score of 63 which included 3 birdies. Well done Toby. Nearest rivals were Danny Deprez 68 and Andrew Byrne 69. Results…

Toby commands the lead in the Grand Medal Trophy through 3 rounds, 7 ahead of Tony Kopczak. R3 Leader board…

1 May '11


Posted in Competitions

The stableford sweep was won by Greg Saunders with 38 points on a back 9 countback from first lady Alison Chadwick. Results…

24 Apr '11

Stableford Sweep

Posted in Competitions

New member Nigel Gaymond was the clear winner on 40 points from first lady Alison Chadwick who ceded 2 shots and scored 38 points. Third on a count back was Toby Hunt. Results…