Why Golf Etiquette?
- Golf etiquette is a set of rules and practices designed to make the game of golf safer and more enjoyable for golfers and to minimise possible damage to golf equipment and courses.
- These rules are common sense and extremely simple.
- They make the game more enjoyable for everyone.
- Respect the game and the other players!
General Golf Etiquette
- Wear appropriate attire that conforms to the dress code of the course.
- Be punctual and arrive on time for your tee time.
- Keep your mobile phone silenced while on the golf course.
- Be respectful of other golfers and staff at the club.
- Avoid loud and disruptive behaviour.
- Be considerate of other players on the course.
- Follow the club’s rules and regulations.
- Silence is Golden – Don’t talk or make noise while another golfer is taking their shot.
- Remember to keep a safe distance in case you’re waiting right behind a golfer for your turn – golf clubs can be dangerous (and painful)!
- Don’t stand in another golfer’s line of sight when they are about to take their shot. Where do I stand? Generally you should always try and stand behind the ball, ideally to the side of the person hitting.
- Wait for every player to tee off before leaving the tee box.
- Don’t step on another golfer’s putting line.
- You can congratulate and make small talk before and after the game or between shots.
- Play “ready golf” – check with the people in your group to make sure they’re all fine with this.
- Help others find their ball. Help find their ball if yours is further than theirs or they’re next to hit.
- Avoid spending too much time looking for balls – remember the ‘3 minute rule’.
- The three minutes begin when you reach the place where you suspect your ball. If your playing partners reach that place before you, that does not count towards your three minutes.
- If you think your ball may be lost – play a provisional ball and announce it explicitely.
- Allow faster groups of golfers to play through if you are holding up their game.
- Walking Speed – speed up your walking between shots, if you are falling behind.
- Take a limited number of practice swings (one or two) – quick and easy.
- Golfers should always shake hands at the end of the game.
- Repair Your Ball Marks on Greens. Unrepaired pitch marks or poorly repaired ball marks can lead to missed putts and surfaces that take weeks to recuperate.
- On the green, the player farthest from the hole putts first.
- Repair any divots that you make on the golf course. Minimise the divots in your practice swings.
- If hitting an iron or wedge from the tee box, you can set your ball behind another divot to avoid making a new one.
- Rake the sand in bunkers after your shot.
- Don’t hit a ball into the group ahead of you – never hit a ball when there’s a group ahead of you ‘within your distance’. It is dangerous!
- Always yell “Fore” when an errant ball is hit towards other people (“Fore” is a term commonly used in golf that essentially means “duck and cover”.)
Golf buggies / Carts
- Golf buggies should never be driven in a way that endangers other players or golf course staff.
- Keep golf buggies off the greens and tee boxes.
- Avoid wet turf as the weight of a heavy golf buggies can easily tear through a patch of wet turf.
- Follow the golf buggies path rules and avoid driving on the fairways or greens.
- Some courses invoke the ’90-Degree Rule’ locally: in that case it is allowed to carefully drive out to your ball on the grass, however only at a 90-degree angle from the buggies path. Do not drive up the middle of the fairway from the tee.
Bookings and Start Sheets
- Please cancel any bookings, if booked and your circumstances change.
- Be aware that the tee times in the start sheet will be different to what you booked, due to last minute cancellations. RPGC have an obligation to Glendale to ensure there are no gaps in the tee slots.
Score Card & Scores
- RPGC follows WHS guidelines in all cases.
- Stableford golf: pick up your ball if you have already taken your double bogey shot, as you cannot score points on this hole anymore!
- For competitions, enter your card scores into the HandicapMaster screen in clubhouse [or MasterScoreboard on your mobile], even if you have played badly (or too well!).
- If you play outside the club booking times then
- First of all email Bookings@Richmondparkgolfclub.org.uk, that you are going to play and sign-in to the competition.
- Email Bookings@Richmondparkgolfclub.org.uk after play with photo of card(s) if the green box has been emptied of cards already.
- Remember to sign your card & playing partner’s card.
- Do not cheat!
- Do not lose your temper!
Enjoy your golf!