



A few years ago England Golf commenced the provision of insurance
cover for members of affiliated golf clubs and this does of course include
the members of RPGC. The policy provides personal liability insurance up
to £10,000,000. Full details can be found on the following website link:
For many years before the steps taken by England Golf an insurance
arrangement was taken out by RPGC with Golfguard Ltd, and for a
nominal fee the policy has been continued so as to provide direct cover
for the club’s members. From the club’s own experiences we are aware
that from time to time some venues ask to see evidence of insurance
cover and it is for this reason that we are providing particulars on the
club’s website. The documents being shown in this insurance section are:

  • The insurance renewal confirmation for the year commencing on
    1st August 2024.
  • The insurance policy schedule outlining the extent of individual cover.
  • The Policy Wording document.
  • The men’s insurance list.
  • The women’s insurance list.

New members who join RPGC through the year will be added to the
relevant insurance lists.
The policy does provide a ‘hole in one’ insurance cover up to a value of
£75. It has been the policy for some years that any excess above the
insurance limit will be paid by the club.
6th August 2024

Insurance Renewal Confirmation

Policy Schedule

Policy Wording

Men’s insurance list

Women’s insurance list