Club Matches

Club Matches

31 Jul '21

RPGC vs Huntswood and vs Hoebridge

Posted in Competitions, Hawtree

Nick Rogers reports:

Whatever this team had for breakfast… give me some of that! An average of 42.75 points across the 4 teams, and nothing below 40. The Richmond Park A teams’ total score of 171, versus Huntswood’s 153 was enough to progress to the area final.

The most lucrative hole was by far the 8th, where the team amassed 15 points, including 2 birdies and an eagle courtesy of Jayne and Kim (Jayne sinking their third from off the green).

The match was followed by drinks and nibbles with Huntswood. To the A teams delight, the B team playing their next round match just behind us, beat Hoebridge to reach their area final too.

Good luck to the A team for the next round where we will take on Wycombe Heights on a neutral ground. Good luck to the B team in their next round too.

19 Jun '21

Hawtree match, Richmond Park A vs Easthampstead

Posted in Hawtree

In fine sunny weather, following the previous day’s continuous heavy rain, RPGC’s A team played host to Easthampstead. Both teams were captained by Zimbabweans, which made way for a lot of pre game reminiscing about the good old days. All four of our pairs performed well, resulting in a final score of 152 versus Easthampstead’s 145. The match was followed with a much appreciated selection of pizzas, courtesy of the club. Good luck to the team for the next match which will be against Huntswood A.

13 Jun '21

Hawtree Richmond Park B vs Southsea GC

Posted in Hawtree


RPGC’s B team welcomed Southsea to the Park on a baking Duke’s course with the (over) abundant rough further challenging all the players, leading to a high number of reloads or ‘over to you partner’ comments becoming the norm for the day.  All four pairings outscored their opponents, as we ran out comfortable winners 146-115.  Caroline Stilwell and Luke Baker prevailed 32-30, Susan Smith and Armi Ingratta 35-26, Lia Donath and Nigel Gaymond 38-30, with pride of place going to the lead-off pair Cheryl Woodhouse and Damber Thapa who got things going with a hard-fought performance 41-39 over the Southsea captain’s pair in the lead game.  The team now awaits their next opponent in the regional semi-final in an anticipated home game against Hoebridge A.

29 May '21

NAPGC Clapham Common match vs Huntswood

Posted in Clapham Common

RPGC team narrowly lost this first round match 209 to 206 points

22 May '21

Siemens Bowl vs Wexham Park GC

Posted in NAPGC Siemens Bowl

On a wintry day in May, marked by intermittent showers and a strong icy wind, the scoring on both sides was remarkably good, given the conditions.

The result of the four, fourball betterball stableford matches, was that Wexham Park triumphed by the very slim margin of 153 points to our 151.

Our four pairs, who individually played to 85% of their Course Handicaps scored as follows:

Away pairs, John Ahad and Adrian Wells (38 points) plus Paul Green and Shaun Dupreez (39 points) managed a combined 77 points against the Wexham opponents score of 76 points.

At Prince’s, Mike and Chris Jones (38 points) plus Cuneyt Sazer and Tony Kopczak (36 points) had their combined 74 points bettered by Wexham Park’s 77 points.

So, a very close call indeed; the 60 foot breaking birdie putt sunk by our 27 handicap opponent on a par three for 4 points was pivotal to the result.

Onwards and upwards!

John Ahad (Captain)

13 May '21

Toprock Salver match vs South Bucks

Tamas Ladacs and Angus Robertson faced off against South Bucks in this midweek 4 Ball Better Ball match play competition. The weather conditions were decent and the match was pretty even on the front 9. Our team played to its handicap and were 1 down. The back 9 was a totally different story. Unfortunately for Tamas and Angus the match was over before they knew it. They faced a real barrage: par (10th), birdie (11th), birdie (12th), par (13th) and par (14th). End result: 5&4 loss.

28 May '17

Clapham Common Match v Brent Valley

Report due soon. Report…

27 May '17

Hawtree Match at Hoebridge

Report due soon. Report…

9 Jul '16

Clapham Common v Ruislip

Report due soon.

22 May '16

Clapham Common v Harefield Place

Clapham Common Shield.
Second Round Match.
RPGC vs Harefield Place.

A fine but windy day greeted both the away and home pairings at Harefield Place and on the Dukes. Another fabulous effort on an unfamiliar course by our away guys saw all three two balls replicate their first round scores of at or close to their handicaps. Remarkable and consistent golf saw both teams tied after the away leg at Harefield Place Leg.

Scores at Harefield Place.

James / Pete D 36 points
Pete H / Roger 35 points
Toby / Jon 35 points

The three RPGC home pairings had their work cut out to match the efforts of the away guys but match them they did.

Scores on the Dukes

Richard / Nigel G 33 points
Julian / Danny 32 points
Nick / Paul B 43 points

Consistent scoring again from all RPGC pairings saw us triumph by the team totals of 214 points to 203. Well done guys and bring on the next opponent.