

25 Jun '11

Rickmansworth – Home Leg

Result: 3½-2½

Once again the first leg of the annual Rickmansworth friendly was held at Richmond Park. For both sides some of the usual faces turned up but there was also a fair smattering of new ones too which is good to see.

The Rickmansworth 12 looked very smart in their peacock blue outfits but the Richmond Park Eleven looked even more colourful in a rainbow display of colours that had the opposition confused for several holes. It was particularly worrying for the 6th game who were playing Gurpal and on the lookout for a player in camouflage. Once it became clear our Captain was bravely battling on his own his opponents slowly started to take charge and we were one down despite a plucky display by Gurpal.

Overall we turned out winners by 3½ to 2½. This is not a great lead to take to Rickmansworth where we lost 6:0 last year, so we will be looking for a very strong squad to take this year – we might even take 12 this time.

The date for the return is Sat August 21st, so anyone in form might want to pencil that date into their diaries now before anyone tries to slip wedding anniversaries or Mothers 100th Birthdays in instead.

4 Jun '11

Mitcham Ladies – Away Leg

Result: 2-2

The result of this year’s friendly is set to be a close run thing compared to last year’s 8-0 win. At the end of the first leg we are tied on 2-2.

The match was played on Saturday 4th June on what turned out to be the warmest day of the year so far and for once we appreciated the wind to help keep us cool. The driest spring on record accentuated the effects of the ‘Mitcham bounce’. The ball not only ran for a long way, it also bounced in any number of directions. The greens at Mitcham are always a challenge to us, used as we are to the slow greens in the Park, but they were so fast that the Mitcham ladies too had their problems with them.

The team for the day was:
Jini Beacham & Julie Smyth
Doreen Dolby & Val Riziotis
Sheena Harrington & Nina Humphreys
Veronica Mitchell & Anne Holding-Parsons

All the matches were very close and it was good to have a number of new faces in the team. The matches are always very friendly occasions and this was no exception. The day finished with an excellent meal of a large chicken salad and fruit and meringue for desert.

Richmond need to draw the return leg on the 13th August to retain the trophy, but we’ll be going for the outright win.

4 Jun '11

Mitcham Friendly

The result of this year’s friendly is set to be a close run thing compared to last year’s 8-0 win. At the end of the first leg we are tied on 2-2.  The home leg is scheduled for 13 August. Results…

18 Sep '10

Amida Friendly

Both the Ladies and Men came up short in their friendly matches at Amida. Report…

18 Sep '10


Result: 3-0 & 2-1

The annual friendly match against Amida was held away in what turned out to be the last of the summer sunshine.

Despite close competition Amida were clear winners with a 3-0 win for the ladies and 2-1 win for the men.

We look forward to the rematch next year on home territory!


7 Aug '10

Mitcham Ladies – Home Leg

Result: Win 4-0
Overall result: Win 8-0

The home leg was played on Saturday, 7th of August on the Dukes Course. The day started cloudy with sporadic appearance from the sun, but by the last 4 holes, the heavens opened and some of us got a right soaking.

Not withstanding the result of the first match, the Mitcham ladies brought the “big guns” who were away on a White Webbs match when we played at Mitcham. But the determined Richmond team was relentless and secured another 4 – nil victory.

Apart from Kate Emmanuel who had to dash off to get married in South Africa, Richmond Park ladies kept the same partnership in the team for the home match. Jayne Maxwell kindly stepped in for Kate.

Despite the weather, everyone enjoyed their match and the great meal that followed at the Dukes Meadow’s banqueting facilities. We let the Mitcham ladies have a good look at the shiny trophy before it was taken back to Richmond Park for another year.

It was noted that the overall result in the last 48 years that trophy has been going is 22 to Richmond Park, 21 to Mitcham and 5 drawn matches. Perhaps there should be a big celebratory match for the 50th anniversary of the “Rich Mitch” match.

7 Aug '10

Mitcham Friendly (Ladies)

The Ladies completed their domination of Mitcham Ladies in a home sweep. Report…

26 Jun '10

Rickmansworth Friendly

Report due soon. Results…

5 Jun '10

Mitcham Friendly (Ladies)

The Ladies got off to a perfect start in the home leg of the annual friendly with Mitcham Ladies. Report…

5 Jun '10

Mitcham Ladies – Away Leg

Result: Win 4-0

It was a cloudy, but warm and windy day on the 5th of June when the Richmond ladies made their annual trek to Croydon to play against the Mitcham ladies.

The team comprised:
Veronica Mitchell & Norma Lynch
Alison Chadwick & Doreen Dolby
Kate Emmanuel & Jini Beacham
Sheena Harrington & Johanna Doyle.

The new members of the team gave a sterling performance supporting the veterans well and helped clinch a convincing win, giving Richmond Park a great lead before the home match. The last couple of years saw Richmond Park hanging onto the “Rich Mitch” trophy by securing a draw, so this away victory has ensured that we keep the trophy for yet another year.

Everyone enjoyed their matches and the lovely meal afterwards especially the enormous lemon meringue pie.

Thank you ladies and well done. Let’s make sure that we win this trophy outright this year!