

30 Aug '15

Bank Holiday Sweep

Posted in Competitions

Turnout was good for a bank holiday. Much recent rain during the week had softened the terrain with odd bits of mud around. Scoring overall was average with CSS=SSS. A crowded top of the leader board saw four players with 40 points and count-backs separated the winner Roger Rojas from Toby Hunt, Pete Harrison and Mark Rice. Results…

26 Aug '15

Midweek Club Championship Rd 2

Posted in Competitions

Given the conditions, turnout was surprisingly high with strong performances from Ross Hood and Pete Harrison on 74, Ross winning on count-back. With lying water on greens at various times, the Committee decided to abandon the competition. The 2nd round of the Handicap Trophy is likely to be re-scheduled for 30 September. For a competition abandoned, handicapping rules provide for CSS=SSS with only reductions in handicap and so nobody’s handicap affected by the day’s play. Results…

23 Aug '15


Posted in Competitions

For the first time since 2010 the RP Open trophy will come back to Richmond Park with 3 of the first 5 places going to the ladies. The rain promised for 2pm unfortunately didn’t listen to the forecast and arrived two hours early, but also lasted considerably less time than expected. But the sudden change didn’t help the scoring and the CSS remained at 71 and 73 for the men & ladies’ respectively. Sheena Harrington was the winner with a net 65 with Tenesi Karakaneva and Keith Cassidy two shots behind on 67. Results…

Nearest-the-pin at 7 was James Barker, at 10 was Mike Shabani, and at 16 was Jon Cooper.  Longest drive at 17 was Ross Hood.

22 Aug '15

The Bontor

Posted in Competitions

The Ladies earned an impressive draw to retain the trophy. Report…

19 Aug '15

Midweek Club Championship Rd 1

Posted in Competitions

A developing breeze and some rain for later players provided a challenge on Prince’s for the first round of the 36 hole competition. A fine 63 with two birdies gave Liam Bridger victory. He was followed a shot behind by Caroline Mylon and a 65 from Ross Hood (lowest gross 73). Kate Emanuel and Gina Jillett also played very well with 66s. Liam, Ross and Caroline earned handicap reductions. Results…

16 Aug '15

JQ Robertson

Posted in Competitions

The very still August weather resulted in a lot of scores in the high thirties and first and second place were split on the back 3 holes, each with 41 points. Pete Harrison is the one to add his signature to the JQ Robertson trophy just sneaking it from Habib Amir. One shot further behind was Mike Rowe and the first lady was Molly Hood in 5th place. Results…

Nine 2’s were recorded on the par 3s – obviously playing easy on the day!

In the associated Top Dog Trophy after five events, Pete Harrison now leads. R5 Leader board…

12 Aug '15

Midweek Anniversary Cup Rd 3

Posted in Competitions

Overnight rain had softened the ground a shade. Kathryn Zally was the star of the day returning a competition winning 63 and for handicapping a -10 net differential – well done indeed! Graham Babington Smith was a worthy runner-up on 67 followed by early clubhouse leader Patrick Murphy 70 from (on count-back 70) Lesley Mason and Gina Jillett. Results…

In the associated Mid-week accumulator Gina has a 5 shot advantage from Julian James on 211 after 3 rounds. R3 Leader board…

9 Aug '15

Golden Jubilee

Posted in Competitions

A glorious August day saw some variable scoring with the ball running on the baked ground at the Park. A fair number had their rounds scuppered by one rather large score and there were enough of these to leave the CSS the same as the SSS. This didn’t affect Paul Green who adds his signature to the Golden Jubilee trophy, winning by two on a net 66 from Charlie Whiteman. One shot further behind was Steve Cross. Kate Emanuel was the leading lady, one further shot behind on 70. Results…

In the associated Top Dog Trophy after four events, Martin Heinrich leads on 14 by two points from Tony Kopczak, Graham Terry, Paul Green and Tamas Ladacs. With many events still to come the field is still wide open. R4 Leader board…

Congratulations also go to Jane Fraser who played in the NAPGC Medal final in Gravesend and won Division 2 with a net 65.

8 Aug '15

Amida Friendly

Report due soon. Report…

5 Aug '15

Midweek Monthly Medal

Posted in Competitions

Quiet conditions prevailed although later games caught the rain. Chris Jones has clearly recovered from recent back problems and rode out the clear winner with an amazing 62. Kate Emanuel claimed first for the ladies with 63 and then 64s from Shaun Feldon, Ed Henery and Julian James. Shaun shot level par for his 64. The CSS adjustment was again negative being 66 for men and 68 for ladies. Results…

In the associated Midweek Medal trophy, Richard Owen leads with 281, two ahead of Liam Bridger and three from Stephen Mason. R6 Leader board…