Midweek CC/Midweek Handicap Trophy Round 2
The 2nd round of Midweek Club Championship were played in fairly benign conditions with a fairly constant breeze/wind ( I think – was in hospital for day) .
New member Justin W shot best net of the day 64 from Gina 67 and Ronnie 69; Jay was best 71 on countback (and lowest gross) from Jeremy R and Naveed.
The overall men’s scratch Senior Division was won by Jay pulling ahead of 1st round leader Stephen S with 151. The Junior Division was claimed by Justin R 174 from Stephen H 189 .
Overall women’s scratch winners was Gina 175 , 5 ahead of Ronnie 180 and Sheena 183.
The Midweek Handicap Trophy is ‘joint’ meaning that the men and the women challenge for the same cup. The result was close and with his six under second round score Justin finished as the winner with a combined net 133, just ahead of Veronica Mitchell with her 134.
In addition to the normal NRs for no card returned/ NRs at individual holes [medal comp] , Richard B was DQ for returning card with an incorrect score honestly reported as having played wrong ball.
Summer Bank Holiday Plate
Benign conditions prevailed for the B/H Plate- a (distinctly chilly) wind with northerly component fluctuated as temperature rose – see bottom of results report.
Late entrant Chris S proved the winner 41 points from Saturday entrant Marco V winning 2nd spot 40 on countback from new member Justin B. Yours truly held on to 4th with 39. Best lady Lia 37. Back-marker marking cards for hcap – peter H 17pts.
Chris S had a purple patch 5 through 7 – 3,3,3; mine lasted 1 hole -the 7th with a drive through to back of green and 1 putt for a birdie – swiftly forgotten at next hole – 9!
Next Sunday is the London Duathlon with Richmond Park roads closed to traffic- see details at .
Peter H will no doubt cover in his weekly missive but please allow extra time since roads open may be congested etc.
Friday Stableford Sweep
With dry but overcast late summer conditions the women again showed their liking to the Dukes course. Well done to Sheena with a winning score of 35 points, two ahead of Richard N. again posting a competitive score and with Ann G. coming in 3rd on 31 points, beating Jeremy on countback. It could have been so different for Naveed, who’s 34 points should have been 36 had he not penalised himself 2 shots for hitting his trolley on the 17th and then signing for an incorrect score.
Midweek CC/MW Handicap Trophy Round1
Pleasant late summer conditions prevailed with much sunshine and little wind for round 1 of Midweek Club Championship; this is borne out by local weather report at end of net results -top 24C and light breezes.
The net (doubles as Handicap Trophy rnd 1 and also sweep rnd1) winner was Julian James from the last game om 64 just edging Richard N on countback. A glorious 65 (but no sweep) came from Ronnie best woman with Richard O completing the top 4 on 66.
Chris J recorded an eagle at 14 and is 3rd man to do so this year – only Louis D and Ross H from Sunday contingent have done this. Well done Chris and I’d love to share a pint hearing how it was achieved!
The men’s scratch shows new member Stephen S 75, 1 ahead of Jay followed by Richard S 78 and Richard O 80. Just 1 NR from the Senior Division.
The women’s scratch shows Ronnie 86 just 1 ahead of both Gina and Sheena with Cheryl 10 further behind.
[Of technical interest Stephen transferred a UHS handicap of 1.0 from another club (as a single number with no actual underlying scores). This round was his 3rd with us and WHS handicap index is now 4.7 due to the math. Per attached pdf]
The Junior Division is tied with Julian J and Justin W each 88 followed closely by 89s from Stephen H and Richard No. 11 DQs/NRs from this Division.
The best scores analysis report attached should speak for itself.
President’s Putter (Top Dog Event 6 of 7)
Richard B rode out the impressive winner with 43pts [23 in the final furlong] Paul Gre returned an impressive 40 whilst Duncan T, Katherine K, Louis D and Tony K had solid 39s. Armi had 6 birdies whilst Katherina K and Secretary Peter H shared the 5 par 3 honours – 23pts.
The comparative advantage and Mixed Tee Adjustment of 5.1 in Wednesday’s Duke’s comp for women did not apply as usual in this round on Prince’s.
President Tim M welcomed all to the clubhouse and was so pre-occupied he omitted to sign his own comp’s card!
NTP prizes as below. Congrats to Silvia who simultaneously completed 3rd hcap card – hcap index 10.9.
1: Nearest the pin in 2 – Nick R & Silvia B
2: Nearest the pin – Joseph M
4: Nearest the pin – Cuneyt S
11:Nearest the pin no NTP marker
13 or 16 : Nearest the pin – James P
16 or 13 : Nearest the pin – Armi I
18: Nearest the pin in 2 – Henry L Chloe L
The number of DQs for not returning or not signing card is creeping up. Please bear in mind for future. With NTP prizes, DQ from competition would have meant loss of NTP prize; happily this did not occur this time.
The round doubled as round 6 of 7 for men’s Top Dog [ matchplay results to come] – this shows Rhys still in lead 25 from Cuneyt 20 and Louis 16. The detail report attached (not available on Masterscoreboard) shows points awarded in each comp by individual.
Friday 1,2,3 waltz Team Stableford
Six teams of 3 played Princes in pleasant weather conditions but, at the end of the day, only the two teams with women members challenged for first place. The winning team of Jayne, Veronica and Richard O. finished on 75 points (3 better than the ‘par’ score of 72 points) and the runners up with 71 points were Cheryl, Justin and Naveed (the pre-comp. tip to be the winning team). Jayne’s birdie on the 16th and the pars by both Jayne and Ronnie on the 17th got us over the line, despite Justin’s birdie on the 17th.
Anniversary Accumulator (Round 2 of 3)
The main report of results shows showers at 1 and 3 am; enough to make the rough extremely wet in places and some areas still roped off due downpours (of was it previous week?).
Stephen H emerged on countback from Gina – both with very tidy 67s; Sarah came 4th from a Richard N regaining good form ;Cheryl, John P and Sheena again on countback 70s.
A high proportion of women in the field again took 5 of first 8 places. Last of 6 sweep prizes went to 10th position – shown in detail on prizes report.
The round constituted 2nd played of the Midweek Anniversary Accumulator with women taking 3 of 4 top places: Cheryl leading 137 from Gina 138,Angus 140 and Sheena 141.
Golden Jubilee (50yrs 1924-1974) (Top Dog Event 5 of 7)
The day was one of improvement weather-wise – with sun and wind increasing -see bottom of results. and Glendale had cut back some of the rough but e.g. 17th for men off whites still punishing.
The sun shone from the start for Louis with another good – indeed exceptional round of 62. Well done Louis – you earn an ESR adjustment of 1.0 for 20 rounds.
For those interested, all the info about ESRs under WHS are included in USGA handicapping rules extract attached.
Alison also played exceptionally but not ESR country; of the early starters Wonil and John C had 66 and 67 respectively. Gina flew the women’s sweep flag 5th with 68 just heading Tony K and Ant on count back. Ant incidentally had lowest gross of the day and added to his birdie tally by 4.
The competition was 3rd of 4 Jubilees in the Anniversary Cup which has Richard I the leader 208 from Mark B 215 and women’s handicap secretary Sheena 218.
For the men this was round 5 of the Top Dog with
Stats report attached gives other highlights.
Friday Stableford Sweep
On a dry but somewhat overcast day, it looked for a long time that 36 points would be the winning score, that was until tail-ender Richard Norden posted his 44 points score. Richard had a birdie 3 on the 9th hole and pars on 5 other holes – well done Richard, you’re playing much better than your 30 handicap would suggest and we look forward to you being ‘cut’! John Morris and Naveed were 2nd and 3rd, both on 36 points but John having the better net back 9 holes. Sweep pay-out to the top three players.
Midweek August Medal (Midweek GM Rd 5 0f 8)
Welcome back to summer golf. The sun is trying its best very to erase all memories of the wet weather. But there was still standing water in most of the bunkers. Wonder how the rough will react to extra water. It can’t possibly grow any thicker right?
Rick K caught fire on the back 9. 3 birdies enabled him to come home in a score of 31 gross (-2). Couple that to a tidy front 9 (39 gross) and you end with an excellent score of 70 (gross – 61 net). Best of the rest were 2 players on scores of 67 (net). Brian’s better back 9 award him 2nd place ahead of Justin. First woman of the day was one of the early starters, Caroline S. Looks like the 7.31 tee-time did relatively well (Justin was in that game too). Giles also recorded a 69 (net) but his back 9 couldn’t match that of Caroline. Richard and Jeremy R take places 6 & 7 with scores of 70 (net) each. Shout out to Pete G for his eagle on the 9th.