Competition Reports

Competition Reports

23 Mar '14

Spring Stableford Rd2 / Spring Meeting Stableford

Posted in Competitions


There was a good turn out for the Spring Meeting 4BBB and conditions were dry with a blustery wind. Jayne and Doreen managed to win first prize with Doreen on good form winning the majority of points. Two pairs scored equal points with Sonia and Joan winning second place on the back 9 from Susan and Deborah. Results…

We had food and drink afterwards and managed to present several prizes to winners of the Spring Meeting, various team events during the winter and the curtailed (due to bad weather) Eclectic programme.


Playing off his handicap of 9, Paul Patching is our winner with 39 points, three better than CSS of 36 points. Nick Rogers is the runner-up with 36 points and with 35 points Peter Osgood managed third spot on a superior count back from Toby Hunt and Julian James. Results…

Now for the overall. With a combined total of 75 points the winner of the Spring Stableford is Ed Henery. Ed wins on a count back from Andrej Moxnes however it must have been a close call because both scored 41 points followed by 34 points for the second leg. In third place is Toby Hunt, following with a total of 73 points.

16 Mar '14

Spring Stableford Rd1 / Spring Meeting Medal

Posted in Competitions


The medal round for the ladies’ Spring Meeting took place on the second consecutive sunny Sunday, still on the Dunce’s composite course. Despite the considerably drier conditions, scoring displayed evidence of winter layoffs. The winner was the Lady Captain, Jayne Maxwell on a net 76. Val Riziotis pipped Doreen Dolby, both on net 78, for second spot on the back 9. Results…


Report due soon. Results…

9 Mar '14

Winter Com Rd 7 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 3

Posted in Competitions


Today’s amazing sun brought out the best in Cheryl Woodhouse, who won with 38 points, some 6 points ahead of Fiona Coombe in second place. Timing her good round with the first handicap qualifier for the composite Dunce’s course, has rewarded her with a one shot cut to her handicap. Results…


Report due soon. Results…

2 Mar '14

Monthly Medal / Team Event

Posted in Competitions


Report due soon. Results…


Report due soon. Results…

23 Feb '14

Winter Com Rd 6 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 2

Posted in Competitions


Conditions were blustery to say the least. Five ladies braved the elements and played a 4BBB on the composite course with three teams of two involving one mystery partner. Spookily all three teams scored 35 points.

In third place falling away on the back nine were Jayne and Lia. But when it came to separate the first two… Best back 6 no difference, best back 3 again no difference, best last hole still the same, so then it went to the last 10 holes still no luck until at last on a count back to the 11th hole Cheryl and Deborah edged it from Doreen and Cheryl (mystery partner). We leave it to Captain Jayne to decide the prizes. Results…


Report due soon. Results…

16 Feb '14

Winter Com Rd 5 / Princes Eclectic Rd 4

Posted in Competitions


With another new course, the 5 present decided on another team competition and Peter Jagger was co-opted to one of the teams. A waltz was order of the day with the team of Susan Smith, Cheryl Woodhouse and Sheena Harrington comfortably beating Doreen Dolby, Val Riziotis and Peter, mainly courtesy of Cheryl’s good back 9. Use of the men’s stroke indices gave rise to some interesting scores! Results…


Report due soon. Results…

9 Feb '14

Monthly Medal / Team Event

Posted in Competitions


Three brave ladies Kate, Lia and Val took on the composite 9 hole round twice last Sunday 9th February. No prizes to be had, no eclectic competition, no chance of playing the proposed team game but still they set out with energy, enthusiasm and a touch of madness to boot.

To keep them interested in walking through the sludge and to cope with the long walks between the tees together with the prospect of no prize to motivate them, they invented their own game of Joker Match Play. Lia had 1 joker, Val 2 with both awarded 2 jokers to play together against Kate. Surely they could do it.

Val leapt into the lead on the front nine only to be caught up by Lia and Kate very quickly at the beginning of the back nine. Courageous Kate kept cool and finally took the victory with a brilliant tee shot onto the edge of the 17th green. Val and Lia were left flabbergasted, muddy and wet (with still 1 more joker to play against her), but finally they tied for 2nd place. There were no prizes but there were no losers. Results…


Report due soon. Results…

8 Feb '14

Annual Subscriptions

Annual subscriptions are due on 1st February. The rate remains unchanged at £50, with Senior members paying £25 (65 and over on 1st February).

Please check this recent Committee Notice for details and payment options.

2 Feb '14

Annual General Meeting

A scintillating AGM was held at the clubhouse, where reports and discussions included changes to the courses.

For those members not able to attend the Secretary’s Report for 2013 is available at this link…

2 Feb '14

Winter Com Rd 4 / Princes Eclectic Rd 3

Posted in Competitions


Another gloriously sunny day belied the extremely wet and muddy condition of Prince’s and again the competition was a non-qualifier with the 9th/18th being played on the Duke’s 18th. It was a low scoring day for the ladies, with Sheena Harrington winning the day on 33 points followed by Susan Smith on 32. Results…

The leaderboard for the Eclectic has the same ladies in first and second place with Sheena on net 72 and Susan three shots behind on 75. R3 Leader board…


Report due soon. Results…