Competition Reports

Competition Reports

11 Mar '09

Summer Knockout Competitions – Enter now

Posted in Competitions

The details for the summer knockout competitions have been released. There is no qualification round this year and entries are open until Sunday 5 April. Full notice…

8 Mar '09

Winter Comp Rd 7 / Princes Eclectic Rd 4

Posted in Competitions


Increasingly difficult very windy conditions resulted in a low scoring competition. Lia Donath won with 32 points followed by Julie Smith with 30 points. Results…

No one played within two points of the SSS or better and so this was a reduction only round with the CSS going up 3 points to 74 (33 stableford points). Ladies handicap list…

Lia also won the cumulative Princes Eclectic competition with a net 69, having won each of the three rounds that were played (round 2 was rained off). Final result…


Pleasant conditions prevailed for the early games but later games were caught by a vicious storm with its inevitable impact on scoring. John Ahad emerged the victor with 39 points, one ahead of John Morris. Results…

CSS was elevated to 68 (37 points) from SSS 67 (38). Men’s handicap list…

Three now share the Winter Competition lead – John Morris, Matt Roadnight and Nigel Ward. R7 Leader board…

The Prince’s Eclectic was won by John Morris on 61, one ahead of Dave Winter and Kerry Sargeant. Final results…

2 Mar '09

Epsom Away Day

Posted in Away Days/Weekends

The Club has arranged an away day to Epsom Golf Club for Friday 1st May. There are places for the first 40 applicants. Details…

2 Mar '09

Summer Fixture List

Posted in Competitions

The Club has just released the summer fixture programme. Secretary’s notice…

The Fixtures link in the left-hand panel will be updated with the usual links soon. In the meantime a printable PDF version is available. Printable PDF fixture list…

1 Mar '09

Monthly Medal

Posted in Competitions


On an overcast day, Sonia Innis took full advantage of benign conditions with a stonking net 69, leaving the rest of the field trailing in her wake. Lia Donath was 2nd with a distant 75. Results…

But for us mere mortals there is a God! Sonia’s handicap, hitherto 30, meant that her score did not count towards calculation of the CSS, so this was a reduction only round with the CSS increasing by 3 from the SSS of 71. Furthermore, the increase in CSS means that Sonia is rewarded not just with the medal but also a massive handicap cut from 30 to 27.2! Ladies handicap list…


The first meteorological day of Spring produced favourable conditions with Nigel Ward (again) and John Pieters taking full advantage with both returning 61s. A count back placed Nigel first with a gross 37 net 26.5 back 9. Very creditable scores were also returned from Richard Kenwood 63, Gary Flounders 64 and Abdulaziz 65. Results…

A loose drive at 13 found Kerry Sargeant 2 inches OB. Undeterred, he resolved nevertheless that he could still get ‘cut’ as the resulting 8 would count as 6 for handicapping purposes. Showing true grit, he then proceeded to finish the remaining holes in par (inc. 2 birdies) – and regained Category 1 status.

The RoG resulted in a disqualification for Johannes (too high a handicap declared).

The competition sheet details a number of playing handicap changes with CSS equal to SSS 68. Men’s handicap list…

This was the first round of the 2009 Grand Medal Trophy. R1 Leader board…

In the prestigious Duke’s and Prince’s Tour, Nigel leads the money list for the year to date on $58,000 with 5 winning events. Leader board…

22 Feb '09

Winter Comp Rd 6 / Princes Eclectic Rd 3

Posted in Competitions


In mild but really rather sticky conditions (the balls were just not running), Lia Donath’s 35 points were enough to win with Jayne Maxwell in hot pursuit with 34 points. Results…

The CSS was 71 (36 stableford points) with no changes to playing handicaps. Ladies handicap list…

Lia looks like running away with the cumulative Princes Eclectic competition with a net score of 71 after 3 rounds followed by Di Jackett on 82 (net). R3 Leader board…


Nigel Ward conquered Prince’s, inspired no doubt by a birdie at the first hole.  His winning score of 45 points was two clear of Matt Roadnight with a count back separating Richard Owen and Mike Smeal with 41 points each. Results…

CSS reflected the balance of play being 66 (39pts), one less than SSS 67 (38 pts) – both Nigel and Matt were cut 2 shots for their efforts. Men’s handicap list…

Indeed, Matt and Nigel now lead the Winter Competition with 117 points. John Morris and Julian Ratnage are three points behind, but Paul Robinson only needs a ‘reasonable’ round to catch up. R6 Leader board…

In the associated Prince’s Eclectic, Nigel, Dave Winter and John Morris lead with 64 each. R3 Leader board…

15 Feb '09

Winter Comp Rd 5 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 3

Posted in Competitions


Ten ladies competed in round 3 of the Dukes Eclectic in spring like but rather muddy conditions. Two excellent scores led the way. Jayne Maxwell was the winner with 36 points closely followed by Julie Smith on 35 points. Results…

The CSS remained at 71 (37 stableford points) and there were no changes to playing handicaps. Ladies handicap list…

It looks like this will be a three horse race for the cumulative Dukes Eclectic competition. Julie maintains her lead with 75 with Jayne close behind on 77 and Sheena Harrington third on 79. R3 Leader board…


Pre-springlike conditions prevailed, with the first large field of the year competing. Some excellent scores were recorded with Brett Colley emerging the winner with a very creditable 42 points, one ahead of Paul Robinson. In third place was Kerry Sargeant with 39 points and now just 2/10ths of a shot from coveted Category 1 handicap. Results…

CSS remained at SSS 68 (36pts) with Brett being cut 1 and Paul 2 shots. Men’s handicap list…

Winter Competition, Paul Robinson now has a commanding lead being 5 points clear of Lee Eden and Paul Doran but there is still time for a dark horse to emerge. R5 Leader board…

Master of strategy Ian Smith remains Duke’s Eclectic leader improving by 4 to 64. But Paul Doran may have timed his finishing run perfectly with an improvement by 9 to 65 and focused final rounds from others on the leader-board may yet bring a surprise result. R3 Leader board…

8 Feb '09

Monthly Medal / Ladies Team Event

Posted in Competitions


Three teams battled it out for the honour of a box of three golf balls as the prize given to each of the winning team, which turned out to be Jini, Lia and Veronica. Results…

Well done to these three musketeers! The rest of us plodded along in their wake but a good time was had by all. The weather, although chilly in the morning, turned out to be a glorious day to play golf and even the sun shone.

It is the last of the team events until November and from the beginning of March, the serious business of medal rounds begin!


Favourable playing conditions on Prince’s induced some good scoring, with Mike Smeal the winner of the monthly medal on 65. Nigel Ward and Toby Hunt were just one off the pace with 66. Results…

CSS computed to 1 less than SSS @ 66. Men’s handicap list…

1 Feb '09

Annual Subscriptions

Annual subscriptions are due on 1st February. The rate remain unchanged at £50, with Senior members paying £25 (men 65 and over, Ladies 60 and over on 1st February).

Please check this recent Committee Notice for details on how to pay.

1 Feb '09

4-Ball Better-Ball

Posted in Competitions

Cognisant of the need for team-work, the Handicap Secretary and Lady Secretary delivered a fine performance with a net 68.  The former putted poorly, particularly on the last hole having driven the green – and then 4 putting! Partner came to the rescue with a 5 net 3 which was enough to see off 4 other pairs on 69. Results…