Competition Reports
Competition Reports
Summer Fixture List
The Club Secretary Peter Harrington has released the 2008 Summer Fixture List. Details…
Four-ball Better-Ball Pairs
Fortified from the Dinner Dance on the previous evening, Captain Richard Owen and Veronica Mitchell were the clear winners. Richard had the best round of his life returning a gross 3 over par 72, net 58. Results…
- Saturday 23rd February 2008
- 6 pm until late
- The Winning Post, Chertsey Road, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 6LS. Click here for a map.
- Tel: 020 8894 2772
- Dress code is evening / smart
What’s included
- Dinner
- Speeches from your Captains
- Trophy presentation to 2007 winners
- Dancing to live music from the Sixties All Stars
- Tombola
- £30 per plate
- Instalments or deposits accepted
- Tickets to be purchased prior to the event
- If you are interested in coming along, please contact Dave Williams
Peter Harrington
October 2007
Winter Comp Rd 7 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 3
On a bright, if rather nippy, sunny day, and with the course conditions having markedly improved, scoring was high in the Stableford competition which was also the 3rd round of the Duke’s Eclectic. Half of the 14 ladies who competed scored 33 points or above and it was a story of back 9’s vs front 9’s.
With an excellent score of 21 points on the front 9, Sheena Harrington could not quite keep the momentum going on the back 9 and was pipped into 2nd place by Doreen Dolby, both having 35 points. Four ladies then had 34 points but it was Di Jackett who came out on top, her 22 points on the back 9 not surprisingly beating Jini Beacham who in turn beat Lia Donath on the back 6 who in turn beat Julie Smith on the back 9!! Results…
However, given that the ladies’ SSS is 38 points on the Duke’s in winter, the CSS increased by 3 (35 points equivalent) and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap.
Knocking 7 shots off her previous score, Lia Donath has taken the lead in the Duke’s Eclectic on net 71, but only by a whisker from Sheena Harrington (net 71½) who improved her own score by 6 shots. Julie Smith is close behind on 72, though there are others who could also still win.
Stan Potts emerged as winner for round 7 of the Winter Competition with an excellent 40 points. There followed five with 39 points, with 2nd being determined as Ian Smith on a last hole count-back from Stuart Nash. Results…
CSS was reduced from SSS by one to 39 points.
One of the other 39s, Lee Eden, now leads the Winter Competition two ahead of Paul Appleton with Peter Harrington a point further behind.
In the associated Duke’s Eclectic, Ian Smith on 61 now leads Paul Appleton by one.
2007 Secretary’s Annual Report
Club Secretary Peter Harrington delivered his annual report for last year at the AGM in January. He has now made it available for online access. 2007 Annual Report…
Please check regularly the Committee Notices pages for the latest Committee announcements and other information on Club affairs.
Winter Comp Rd 6 / Stableford Sweep
Despite the glorious weather, most of the ladies still struggled with the state of the course, especially the front 9 holes. However, Susan Smith proved a worthy winner on 35 points with Maureen Slade in 2nd on 32 points. Results…
The CSS increased by 3 (34 points) and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap.
In spring-like conditions, Itsawat scored heavily to win round 6 on Prince’s with scope for improvement – 2 ‘scrubs’ – his total of 43 points making him the convincing winner 3 ahead of Julian Ratnage and 4 ahead of Julian James. Handicap Secretary Paul Grand was the best of 6 38s with a back nine 23 points. Results…
Members basked in the sun’s rays after the competition.
The balance of play resulted in CSS remaining at SSS 40.
The Winter Competition has just 2 rounds (on Duke’s) to go and looks close with Paul Appleton, Peter Harrington and Richard Owen one ahead of Lee Eden and Julian James. But a winner may yet emerge from the pack, for example Itsawat could come with a late run but needs a Duke’s score.
The Prince’s Eclectic was won by Toby Hunt with some strategic scoring in the 4th round. The results sheet depicts Toby winning ‘on the back 6′ from Gurpal Sekhon – both with 62s. Our new handicapping software uses the handicap at the end of the competition and rounds up a halved handicap. However, on the traditional method of exact ½ handicap before any adjustment, Toby would also have finished winner 62:62.5. Accordingly the Handicap Secretary has not not manually changed the results as presented. Well done indeed to both Toby and Gurpal.
Monthly Medal / Team Event
The Ladies February Team Event was a 4-Ball Better-Ball Pairs competition. Pairs were randomly picked from those who were brave enough to face the cold and very strong wind!
The winning pair was Di Jackett & Sheena Harrington with 35 points, closely followed by Julie Smith & Ros Lake with 33 points. Susan & Maureen scored 30 and Jayne & Inge 28. Results…
Thanks to Julie who brought along delicious cakes which were most welcome with our tea on the 19th.
A biting cold wind numbed the senses of competitors for the monthly medal, only abated in the more sheltered parts of the course. Of hardy stock, Jim Fogarty shrugged off such intemperate conditions to clinch the medal with a 68 in a very tidy card marred only by a 9 at 12. A battle royal between captain Richard Owen and previous captain Jon Cooper saw the latter claim runner-up position on a back 9 count-back. Kerry Sargeant regained composure with a remarkable one over par back 9. Results…
No category 1-3 players came within 2 of SSS 66 and the round was declared a reduction only round for handicapping purposes.
Annual Subscriptions
Annual subs are due on 1st February. The rate remain unchanged at £50, with Senior members paying £25 (men 65 and over, Ladies 60 and over on 1st February).
Make cheques payable to RPGC and either see Club treasurer Dave Williams at the Park on Sundays or email Dave to discuss other options.
Winter Comp Rd 5 / Prince’s Eclectic Rd 4
After coming second in each of the previous 2 weeks’ stableford competitions it was 3rd time lucky for Lynn Richardson who notched up a winning score of 35 points. Di Jackett was 3 points behind in 2nd place. Results…
The CSS increased by 3 (34 points) and this was a Reduction Only round for handicaps.
Lynn’s excellent round, which included 5 pars, also clinched the Prince’s Eclectic for her with a net score of 73½ off half handicap. In 2nd place was Cheryl Woodhouse on net 76.
Captain elect Richard Owen shot an exemplary round with 40 points, just beating Lee Eden on a back 6 count back. Stanley Hunt and Richard Kenwood were just 1 behind. Results…
The balance of play delivered CSS 38 vs SSS 40.
Richard’s round gives him the lead in the Winter Competition, 2 ahead of Ian Smith with Peter Harrington 1 further behind.
Toby Hunt and Jon Cooper are now tied in the associated Prince’s Eclectic with just one round left.
The portacabin roof seems to have sustained the heavy shower on Thursday. For members who hitherto can only visualise the damage, attached are a couple of snaps. Pic 1… Pic 2…
Winter Comp Rd 4 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 2
Lia Donath’s 34 points, a good score in the wet & muddy conditions, were good enough to win the day’s stableford competition. An in-form Lynn Richardson came 2nd with 33 points. Results…
This was a Reduction Only round for handicaps.
Half way through the Duke’s Eclectic, again the scores are very close. Julie Smith leads on net 75½, followed by Louise Williams on 77, Sheena Harrington on 77½ and Lia Donath on 78.
Improver Julian James took advantage of the short winter course to win with 40 points, just one ahead of Paul Appleton who continues to demonstrate why he is current Top Dog. A further couple of points behind were consistent Winter Competition contenders Ian Smith and Peter Harrington. Results…
CSS was unchanged from SSS 38 with again no changes to playing handicaps.
In the Winter Competition to date, Stuart Nash remains ahead on 106 from Peter Harrington on 104. And Francois Lemaigre and Ian Smith trial both on 103.
In the associated Duke’s Eclectic Ian Smith is a clear leader by 4.
Perched on a homemade ladder, a handyman patched up the portacabin roof following a partial collapse during the previous week.