2002 Temporary Local Rule - Tractor and Machinery Marks

For the time being the following temporary local rule shall apply:

Tractor and machinery marks are ground under repair.

Rule 25 applies as follows:

  1. Through the green: If the ball lies through the green, the nearest point of relief shall be determined which is not in a hazard or on the putting green. The player shall lift the ball and drop it without penalty within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief, on a part of the course which avoids interference by the condition and is not in a hazard or on a putting green.
  2. On the putting green: If the ball lies on the putting green, the player shall lift the ball and place it without penalty at the nearest point of relief which is not in a hazard, or if complete relief is impossible, at the nearest position to where it lay which affords maximum available relief from the condition, but not nearer the hole nor in a hazard. The nearest point of relief or maximum available relief may be off the putting green.

N.B. The Committee has decreed that the new drainage channels on the greens and at the approaches to greens may be regarded as ‘machinery marks’.

Peter Harrington
21st June 2002