2003 AGM Proposals



The Club's AGM will take place at 8.00pm on Wednesday 29th January 2003 at All Saints Church Hall, Park Avenue, East Sheen, London SW14.

The following proposals have been put forward for discussion at the 2003 AGM.

Proposal Proposed By Seconded By
The Constitution of the Club shall be changed from -
and lady members equal in number to 10% of the total membership of the Section (four to form a quorum),
to -
and additional lady members without limitation (three Committee members to form a quorum),
and the words
(by ballot if necessary)
The ‘total membership’ shall be considered to be that existing at the time of the Annual General Meeting, excluding all Honorary or Life Members.
shall be deleted.

The Constitution shall now read:-
The Ladies’ Section of the Club shall be managed by its own Committee, to consist of the Lady Captain, the Hon. Secretary of the Section, and additional lady members without limitation (three Committee members to form a quorum), who shall be elected annually at the Section’s Annual General Meeting, and shall be eligible for re-election.
Peter Harrington Maureen Slade
The booking officers' job is carried out on a rota system, consisting of 2 people (e.g. 1 male / 1 female) each Sunday who sort out the games and always go out in one of the last games. The pairs are then changed every 3-4 weeks.
Julie Smith Sheena Harrington

If you would like to put forward a proposal for discussion, please submit your proposal along with a seconder to the Club Secretary by 31st December 2002. Alternatively, enter your proposal on the form posted on the Club notice board.

Peter Harrington
21st November 2002