2004 Ruffians Ryder Cup Friendly Matches

2003 | 2005
The Club plays a friendly match against Ludlow Golf Club every year consisting of two days of match play in the style of the Ryder Cup.

This year, teams will comprise 10 players from each club who compete for 5 points on the first day in four-ball better-ball matchplay format. On the second day, 10 points are at stake in singles matchplay.

This year the match is hosted by Ludlow Golf Club on 25 & 26 September.

The Captain posts a notice on the Club notice board for those wishing to sign up for either leg of the match. Alternatively, you can contact the Captain directly to register your interest in playing.

The teams and results will be posted here, so check back regularly to see how the team gets on.

First Day Report

To appear here


Second Day Report

To appear here




Saturday 25 September

tba Results

Sunday 26 September

tba Results
2003 Richmond Park Won