Gill Hibbs

For those that have not yet heard the news it is with regret that I have to advise that Gill Hibbs passed away yesterday.

It was in early 2003 that Gill discovered that she was in danger, and she did what was humanly possible to battle against the disease that was eventually to take her life. On hearing the original news Gill took early retirement and lived life to the full by travelling to the far corners of the world and socialising as much as she could physically manage. In this, Gill's enthusiasm to make the most of her limited days is an inspiration to us all.

In many respects Gill was a classic club member. She could have joined any club in the country, but she enjoyed the camaraderie of Sunday mornings, she enjoyed the mixed events, she enjoyed the competitions and matches with other clubs, but above all she enjoyed being with new friends. For the Club Gill organised a series of Ladies' weekends away and she was an active helper when her health permitted. As I have said recently, it is good to know that we brought pleasure to Gill whilst she was with us, and we very much enjoyed Gill being part of our lives over the years.

Peter Harrington
15 February 2007