Adrian Wilder

It is with deep regret that I have to advise the sad news that after a courageous battle against ill health stretching over many years Adrian Wilder died this morning.

Adrian took his illness in his stride and persevered with his golf and other activities for as much as his strength would permit. He did not take the easy option and so far as I could judge he liked to participate on equal terms and without favours. Many would say that accountants are boring folk but in Adrian we found an exception to the rule. Adrian was constantly jovial, he was always being whimsical, he would be pulling people's legs, and taking the mick in the nicest possible way about others and himself.

Adrian was an excellent ambassador for the Club. On numerous occasions one could hear Adrian chatting to new and prospective members championing the benefits of membership and extolling the virtues of being able to play with members just like him, and what's more, he really meant it.

Like most of us at the beginning stage of golf Adrian was frustrated by the time that it was taking him to make progress, but once he had passed the early stage you could sense that he really did enjoy his golf and he got immense pleasure from the challenge where he had an equal chance of winning. Most of all he enjoyed the camaraderie of playing with his friends and club members, especially if he took the money. But I think that he found that the best time on the course for him was when he was tucking in to his Paddington Bear sandwiches.

It is very difficult to find the correct words to adequately sum up the loss of Adrian today. In my view I will say quite simply that we have lost someone who always appeared to me to be an instant friend of everyone.


Peter Harrington
28 March 2007