Proposal for the 2009 AGM

Proposed by Sheena Harrington and Graeme Syme

In view of the difficulty in getting members to join, and to take on posts of officers of the club for both the club committee and the ladies committee, the two committees should be merged and from 2010 RPGC will be run by one committee.

This would require an amendment to the Club Constitution that currently reads -

Rule 3
The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Committee to consist of the Captain (who shall be Chairman of the Committee), the Vice-Captain (who shall also be the Men's Competition Secretary), the Secretary, the Treasurer, and other elected members. The Officers of the Club together with other elected members and co-opted members of the Committee shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election. Three members of the Ladies' Committee, one of whom shall be the Lady Captain, may sit on the Committee. The President and Vice-Presidents shall be ex-officio members of the Committee. Five members of the Committee of whom two members shall be Officers of the Club are needed to form a quorum.

Rule 5
The Ladies' Section of the Club shall be managed by its own Committee, to consist of the Lady Captain, the Lady Vice-Captain, the Hon. Secretary of the Section, the Hon Treasurer of the Section, and additional lady members as may be agreed by the Committee (three Committee members to form a quorum), who shall be elected annually at the Section's Annual General Meeting, and shall be eligible for re-election. The Committee has at all times power to co-opt a member to fill any vacancy occurring.

The proposal is for approval for this to proceed, and that during 2009 the wording of the Constitution be agreed by the current committees along with the structure of the committee.