Richmond Park Golf Club 
Club Championship Division Result 2013
Printed: 2 September 2013
Best 2 Rounds Competition
Position of competition as at 2 September 2013
Results compiled using Gross Scores.

Division 1

Overall Position CountMinMaxTotal 
1Aidan Hurley 27177148 
2Nicholas Rogers 27279151 
3Ed Henery 27586161 
3Toby Hunt 27982161 
5Richard Owen 27591166 
6Charles Ajani 28187168 
8Bryan Imrie 28295177 
13Ben Chadwick 28397180 
23Jon Cooper 1747474 
24Alfred Weightman 1797979 
25Chris Thompson 1808080 
27Paul Patching 1818181 
30Alan Cinnamond 1848484 
32Matt Evershed 1919191 

Division 2

Overall Position CountMinMaxTotal 
7Paul C.C. Grand 28489173 
8Tony Kopczak 27998177 
10Steve Cross 28593178 
10Chris Jones 28593178 
12Nigel Gaymond 28990179 
13Liam Bridger 28793180 
13Cuneyt Sazer 28496180 
16Mike Shabani 28995184 
17Stephen Wilcock 29095185 
18Jim Fogarty 284102186 
19John Fordham 285104189 
20Jon Scriven 292106198 
21Lee Eden 296103199 
22Raymond Esin 2101115216 
25Phil Flanagan 1808080 
27Danny Deprez 1818181 
27Charlie Whiteman 1818181 
31Carmelo Di Salvo 1909090 
33Abdulaziz Al-bader 1929292 
33Ahmad Al-bader 1929292 
35Denis Pellerin 1969696 
36Peter Jagger 1989898 
37Osman Chaudry 1102102102 

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Club Championship Division Result 2013
The best 2 rounds by each player count towards their total.
COUNT identifies the number of scores counting for each player.
MIN and MAX identifies the lowest and highest scores of those counting.
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