Local Rules


Dukes Course - Local Rules
Adopted 14 August 2003 (Previous rules)
Superseded 13 November 2004 (Subsequent rules)

Out of Bounds

  • Beyond the perimeter enclosing both courses. This includes the driving range and the fenced area surrounding the buildings containing the greenkeeping equipment between the 2nd on the Dukes Course and the 15th on the Princes Course.
  • To the left of the white posts, or on or over the road beyond the white posts when playing the 1st hole.
  • To the left of the white posts when playing the 7th hole.
  • To the right of the white posts when playing the 4th, 10th, and 13th holes.

Stroke and distance.

Water Hazards

  • All ditches are water hazards unless determined as out of bounds.

Ground Under Repair

  • All tees (except the one in play), temporary greens and areas within two club lengths of newly planted trees (either staked or marked with a tree-trunk guard) are areas of Ground Under Repair from which relief MUST be taken under Rule 25–1.
    Matchplay - Loss of hole. Stroke play - Two strokes.
  • Tractor and machinery marks are ground under repair. Rule 25 applies as follows:
    1. Through the green: If the ball lies through the green, the nearest point of relief shall be determined which is not in a hazard or on the putting green. The player shall lift the ball and drop it without penalty within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief, on a part of the course which avoids interference by the condition and is not in a hazard or on a putting green.
    2. On the putting green: If the ball lies on the putting green, the player shall lift the ball and place it without penalty at the nearest point of relief which is not in a hazard, or if complete relief is impossible, at the nearest position to where it lay which affords maximum available relief from the condition, but not nearer the hole nor in a hazard. The nearest point of relief or maximum available relief may be off the putting green.

Immovable Obstructions

  • Cut paths are immovable obstructions. Rule 24 - 2 applies.
    Areas designated as cut paths are as follows:
    • To the right of the green on the 1st hole.
    • To the right of the tee on the 2nd hole.
    • The area to the left of the tee on the 3rd hole. The pathway between the green on the 3rd hole and the approach to the 14th hole. The pathway between the green on the 3rd hole and the green on the 4th hole of the Princes Course.
    • To the right of the tee on the 4th hole and the made up area around the refreshment point.
    • To the right of the tee on the 5th hole.
    • New and old aprons to the ditch bridges on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 11th, 12th, and 13th holes.
    • The pathway between the green on the 7th hole and the tee of the 11th hole.
    • To the left of the rear tee and to the right of the forward tee on the 8th hole.
    • The path to the right of the tee on the 9th hole.
    • The path to the left of the forward tee on the 10th hole.
    • The walkway to the right of the ditch on the 13th hole.
    • The paths to the side, front and middle of the tee of the 16th hole.
    • The path between the green on the 17th hole and the tee of the 18th hole.
    • Any cut path so designated on the Princes Course which is not in an area that is out of bounds.
  • The following are classified as immovable obstructions where Rule 24 – 2 applies:
    • The paved path extending from the right of the tee on the 1st hole.
    • The section of road that passes across the 1st and 18th holes.
    • All bridges.
    • Tree guards.
    • Shelters.
    • Benches and seats.
    • Distance markers embedded in the fairways.
    • Fixed sprinkler heads.
  • Out of bounds marker posts are an integral part of the course for the hole to which they apply, but are immovable obstructions for other holes for which relief may be taken under Rule 24–2.


  • Stones in bunkers are moveable obstructions. Rule 24 – 1 applies.


Princes Course - Local Rules
Adopted 14 August 2003 (Previous rules)
Superseded 13 November 2004 (Subsequent rules)

Out of Bounds

  • Beyond the perimeter of both courses. This includes the driving range and the fenced area surrounding the buildings containing the greenkeeping equipment between the 15th on the Princes Course and the 2nd on the Dukes Course.
  • To the left of the white posts when playing the 4th hole.
  • To the right of the white posts or beyond the ditch on the right when playing the 5th hole.
  • To the right of the white posts or beyond the ditch on the right of the 7th hole when playing the 6th or 7th holes.
  • To the right of the white posts when playing the 16th hole.
  • On or over the road on the left of the 18th hole when playing either the 17th or 18th holes.

Stroke and distance.

Water Hazards

  • All ditches are water hazards
  • The following are lateral water hazards:
    • The ditch on the right of the 5th hole.
    • The pond to the left of the 9th hole.
    • The pond between the 12th and the 14th holes.
    • The drainage ditch to the left of the 18th hole.

Ground Under Repair

  • All tees (except the one in play), temporary greens and areas within two club lengths of newly planted trees (either staked or marked with a tree-trunk guard) are areas of Ground Under Repair from which relief MUST be taken under Rule 25–1.
    Matchplay - Loss of hole. Stroke play - Two strokes.
  • Tractor and machinery marks are ground under repair. Rule 25 applies as follows:
    1. Through the green: If the ball lies through the green, the nearest point of relief shall be determined which is not in a hazard or on the putting green. The player shall lift the ball and drop it without penalty within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief, on a part of the course which avoids interference by the condition and is not in a hazard or on a putting green.
    2. On the putting green: If the ball lies on the putting green, the player shall lift the ball and place it without penalty at the nearest point of relief which is not in a hazard, or if complete relief is impossible, at the nearest position to where it lay which affords maximum available relief from the condition, but not nearer the hole nor in a hazard. The nearest point of relief or maximum available relief may be off the putting green.

Immovable Obstructions

  • Cut paths are immovable obstructions. Rule 24 - 2 applies.
    Areas designated as cut paths are as follows:
    • To the front and the right of the green on the 1st hole.
    • To the left of the tee and to the right of the green on the 2nd hole.
    • To the right of the green on the 3rd hole.
    • To the left of the temporary green and behind the main green on the 4th hole.
    • Behind the tee area and on the roadway to the right of the 5th hole.
    • The roadway that cuts across the 5th, 8th, 9th, and 11th holes.
    • New and old aprons to the ditch bridges on the 6th and 7th holes.
    • The path to the left of the tee area, and the path to the left of the greenside bunker on the 7th hole.
    • The pathway that is enclosed with railway sleepers around the tee areas of the 8th and 10th holes.
    • The made-up path between the 8th green and the 9th tee area.
    • The path leading to and between the ladies’ and men’s tees on the 13th hole.
    • The path between the 13th green and the 14th tee area.
    • The path to the right of the 15th tee area.
    • The path to the left of the 16th tee area.
    • The buggy slope from the 16th green to the 17th hole.
    • The path by the side of the driving range leading to the 1st hole.
    • Any cut path so designated on the Dukes Course which is not in an area that is out of bounds.
  • The following are classified as immovable obstructions where Rule 24 – 2 applies:
    • The road to the left of the 9th hole, and where it crosses the 4th 12th 14th and 15th holes.
    • All bridges.
    • Tree guards.
    • Shelters.
    • Benches and seats.
    • Distance markers embedded in the fairways.
    • Fixed sprinkler heads.
  • Out of bounds marker posts are an integral part of the course for the hole to which they apply, but are immovable obstructions for other holes for which relief may be taken under Rule 24–2.


  • Stones in bunkers are moveable obstructions. Rule 24 – 1 applies.