Club Junior Championship

Club Junior Championship

Club Junior Championship

Played over two consecutive Sundays, once on each course. The lowest aggregate gross score wins. The Junior division is for handicaps of 17 and above.

There are specified starting orders based on handicap and results. In the first week players go out generally in handicap order. In the second week, players go out in results order.

2024Paul Green
2023Brian Ransom
2022Julian James
2021Paul Green
2020Barry Page
2019Ned Shanklyn
2018Peter Harrington
2017Barry Page
2016Phil Flanagan
2015Paul Rockett
2014Charles-Marie Delpuech
2013Paul Grand
2012Tony Kopczak
2011James Cowling
2010Mike Rowe
2009John Morris
2008Paul Grand
2007Paul Grand
2006Tony Archdale
2005Peter Cunningham
2004Ollie Leon-Martin
2003Franco Romanucci
2002Phil Flanagan
2001Stan Potts
2000Graham Mills
1999Bill McSorley
1998Phil Flanagan
1997Peter Harrington
1996Bob Marshall
1995Steve White
1994Tim Meyer
1993Alan Hanlon
1992Anthony Williams
1991Dean Morgan
1990Peter Harrington
1989Peter Harrington
1988Steve Northeast
1987Steve Northeast
1986Derek Waters
1985John Gannon
1984John Sibley
1983Sandy Macfarlane
1982F Newbury
1981I Stroak
1980John Lenane
1979D Bryant
1978A Balaam
1977J Tate
1976D Foster
1975P Kirk
1974R Goldsmith
1973R Bathamley
1972Eric Stratford
1971Bill Archard
1970Jim Wooldridge
1969R Perry
1968L Cross
1967J Roberts
1966T McGrath
1965A Ayres
1964R Lawton
1963A Fraser
1962G Wilson
1961L Parsons