Grand Medal Trophy

Grand Medal Trophy

Grand Medal Trophy

The trophy is awarded to the player who posts the best five net scores in the Monthly Medals from March to October. The award has been split into 2 divisions since 2022

In the event of a tie occurring, the trophy is shared by the joint winners.

2024Richard Smith
2023Will Balakrishnan & Tamas Ladacs
2022Kerry Sargeant
2021Colm Ivors
2020James Barker
2019Toby Hunt
2018Jon Cooper
2017Mike Shabani
2016Dave Fauré
2015Stephen Legg
2014Liam Bridger
2013Steve Cross
2012Graeme Syme
2011Graeme Syme
2010Toby Hunt
2009Nigel Ward
2008Graeme Syme
2007Ian Smith
2006Jason Loubser
2005Bruce Cuff
2004Ian Smith
2003Paul Patching
2002Jon Cooper
2001Bill McSorley
2000Ben Thompson
1999J Rutledge
1998Ian MacPherson & Geoff Seed
1997John Bennett
1996Geoff Seed
1995Bob Lovejoy
1994Doug Childs & Jon Cooper
1993Phil Flanagan
1992Ian Smith
1991Anthony Williams
1990Phil Flanagan
1989Paul Clarke
1988Chris Knight
1987Keith Pelling
1986Doug Childs
1985Ian Smith
1984Angus Skinner
1983Sandy Macfarlane & Tony Widmer
1982F Newbury
1981Dan Davies
1980F Newbury
1979George Murch
1978P Bull
1977Geoff Seed
1976Roger Burgess
1975J Gibbs
1974Jim Wooldridge
1973F E Ogier
1972D Allen
1971W E Groombridge
1970B Lee
1969John Claydon
1968P Byrne
1967D E Holman
1966R Morris
1965N D Poole
1964P MacNeilis
1963G C Wilson
1962G W Jeary