Rickmansworth Friendly
Competition Details

The Men's Section plays a friendly match against Rickmansworth Golf Club every year consisting of separate home and away legs.

For further information, contact the Captain Jon Cooper.

1 July

Home Leg

Result: Win 4-2

Report to appear here.

19 August

Away Leg
Report by Richard Owen

Result: Win 7-5 Overall

The return leg of the Rickmansworth match was played on a bright and breezy afternoon and turned out to be a very close affair – undecided until the final match came in. With a 4-2 lead from the home leg, Richmond Park needed to gain at least another 2½ points to win back the Challenge Cup, which has been played for between the two clubs every year for the past 40 years.

As anyone who has played there will know, the Rickmansworth golf course is not nicknamed “Tricky Ricky” for nothing. With the first 4 games in, our 4-2 lead had turned into all square at 5-5, and another 1½ points still needed. But comfortable wins in the final two games by Richard Owen & Gurpal Sekhon, and Jon Cooper & Jurek Strelcyn, saw the this year’s final match result: a win for Richmond Park 7-5.