Men's Invitation
Competition Details

First tee - Dukes Course 1:00 pm. Refreshments are arranged for afterwards.

For further information, contact the Captain David Marsh or the Lady Captain Sheena Harrington.

9 July

Report by Jon Cooper

Winners: Cathryn Leftwich & Tim Meyer
Runners-up: Di Jacket & Jon Cooper

How long is a piece of string competition?

About six hours judging by last Saturday. This yarn concerns the Men’s Invitation – an event that introduced the Club to the concept of ‘Strings’. This game has all pairs playing off scratch – no handicap strokes at all. Instead, each team has a ball of string that contains a yard of string for each stroke of handicap they would have received.

Teams can move their ball whenever they like, cutting off the appropriate length of their string each time until their string is used up. The event was then contested under Stableford rules. This concept proved a little tricky for some of our members initially (especially the highly strung ones), but as the game unravelled everyone seemed to have the gist of it by the 6th hole.

You might have thought scoring would be high (after all – a six inch tap in is one stroke, but only one sixth of a yard of string) but in fact the winning score was 38 points, which did not seem high for an American Greensomes. If we play this again we might need to consider using elastic next time.

Fortunately, the event did not end in a tie (which could have been a knotty problem for the scorer) with Catherine Leftwich and Tim Meyer beating Di Jackett and Jon Cooper by one point.

Longest drives went to Julie Smith and Ian Smith.

Nearest the pins went to Jon Cooper (3rd), David Marsh (9th and 14th) and Tracy Wright (16th).

Most fairways hit went to the pairing of Tracy & Martin Wright.

And all the cut off bits of string went into Cheryl’s bag - well everyone has to have a hobby.

A good day was had by all, and the nibbles and beers afterwards were very much appreciated.