March Events
28 February

Hi Everyone,

I might be tempting fate but I have a sneaky feeling that winter is behind us now. For those still in hibernation mode I can say that it is safe to come out and play - in previous years we have encountered worse weather in June!

We are rolling into the period when we have our traditional qualifiers for our knockout events. The main purpose of this note is to alert everyone to our internal qualifier dates, and specifically to the mixed foursomes qualifier in two weeks on 9th March.

First though, here is our schedule for March:

2nd March - Dukes

Men - March Monthly Medal and the first round of the Grand Medal Trophy. This is an 'accumulator' trophy where the winner attains the best 5 rounds from the 8 summer monthly medal days.

Ladies - March Monthly Medal

9th March - Princes

As mentioned, this is scheduled as the qualifier for the Mixed Foursomes Knockout. Those that have already signed up for the event are listed on the Club's website.

If you have not yet entered but would like to participate in the knockout please contact me. If you already have a willing partner please shout, and if not don't worry, just let me know and we will endeavour to provide a 'matching' process. As an aside I will mention that in the unlikely event that we have less than 16 pairs for the competition there will be a modified event.

We will be running a 'friendly sweep' on the 9th for those who are not part of the mixed foursomes contingent.

16th March - Dukes

Men - the final round of the 2007/2008 Winter Competition and the final chance to attack the Dukes winter eclectic.

Ladies - the final round of the Dukes 2007/2008 winter eclectic.

23rd March - Princes

Easter weekend ! As yet we have nothing definite for this Sunday, but have no fear because there will be an event of some sort - perhaps an 'egg and spoon'.

30th March - Dukes

On this day a large contingent will be absent from the Park on the Ladies' Weekend Away. There will be a friendly sweep for those playing at the Park.

For your diary, the further men's qualifier dates are:

6th April - Princes

Qualifiers for the low and high single matchplay knockouts - the J H Taylor Shield and the Two Courses Cup. Keep an eye on the website for the booking sheet and please email if you cannot make the Park to get your name on the sheet.

13th April - Dukes

Qualifier for the pairs matchplay knockout. It will soon be time to find your strategic partner!

...and finally, the 2008 summer fixture list was completed last night. It is presently out for review and it will published and distributed within a couple of days.


Peter Harrington
28 Feb 2008