Membership renewal
It is the start of the new Club year and the time when we all have to dip into our pockets to renew our subscriptions for the year ended 31st January 2011.
At the Club's AGM last week we adopted the proposal from Nick Rogers our Treasurer that the subscription fee for 2010/11 should remain at £50. For those aged 60 or over on 1st Feb 2010 the subscription fee is £25.
There are three methods by which payment can be made as follows:
Direct credit transfer to the Club's bank account, the details of which are:
HSBC - East Sheen, London SW14
Code: 40 - 02 - 35
Account number: 90701599
Account name: Richmond Park Golf Club
If you use this facility please email by return to advise that the transfer has been processed.
Cheque by Post
Post a cheque - payable to " RPGC " - to me at:
74 Corringway
London W5 3AD
I will acknowledge receipt by email.
At the Park
Pay at the Park by handing a cheque/cash to Sheena or to me or by dropping your payment into the green box (in an envelope please!).
As always, if you should have any queries, problems, suggestions or whatever please do not hesitate to shout.
Peter Harrington
4 Feb 2010