Hersham GC Away Day
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  • Thursday 26th May 2011


  • Hersham Golf Club, Assher Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey KT12 4RA. www.hershamgolf.com
  • Tel: 01932 267666

What's included

  • Coffee and bacon roll on arrival
  • Morning 9 hole team event
  • Short break
  • Afternoon 18 holes Competition
  • Light dinner
  • Presentation of prizes


  • £45 per person including prizes
  • Cheques payable to "RPGC"


  • If you are interested in coming along, please contact Jon Cooper or Peter Harrington
  • Cheques to RPGC. Hand payment to Jon or Peter.
  • Only 30 places available on a "first come first served" basis.
  • Guests welcome, pending availability

Peter Harrington
31 March 2011