2012 Bontor Trophy

2011 | 2013
The Bontor Trophy is the annual Men vs. Ladies singles match play event.

The two Captains go head-to-head. The remaining matches are drawn in strict handicap order.  The Captains usually play in the first game and other games go out in any order.

As in regular match play, the higher handicapper receives an allowance of the full difference between the handicaps of the two players. The handicaps shall be adjusted if necessary for any stroke allowances that may be relevant for mixed competitions (click here for details). Any shots are taken against the Men's stroke indices.

The Bontor Trophy is awarded on the day of the event to the winning Captain (Honours Board). No further prizes are awarded, although it has been known for a Wooden Spoon to find its way to the man who loses by the largest margin.

The course and tee time are to be advised.

Match Report
Report by Jon Cooper

Winners:  Men 7-6

The annual men v ladies match - the Bontor – was held this weekend. As usual the conditions would be a major factor with the lush grass not giving the ladies their usual advantage of a running ball at this time of year. However, the strong winds looked like compensating, affecting the men’s higher shots more than the ladies and bringing the unusually dense rough into play.

Thirteen ladies suspiciously disappeared into the portacabin and some of us, knowing a little about covens, were pleasantly surprised to be greeted instead by the Sioux Smith tribe in full war paint. Most of us, having seen ladies put make-up on before, were not as intimidated by this display as the ladies had expected but hoped for Apache display from them.

Right from the first match on the first tepee, the match was hard fought and could have gone either way at any time. In a tense finish the men took the necessary scalp to win 7 to 6 and had a chance to look at the trophy for the first time in three years. Results...

We look forward to the ladies giving their all to win it back next year and the men are eager to supply suggestions as to suitable costumes most likely to distract us in 2013.


Saturday 4 August
Duke's Course

Susan Smith   Jon Cooper
    Stuart Kerr
    Graeme Syme
    Nick Rogers
    Ed Henery
    Tim Meyer
    Richard Owen
    Nigel Ward
    Phil Flanagan
    Steve Cross
    Gurpal Sekhon
    Cuneyt Sazer

Men 52 - Ladies 20 - Draw 1

2011 - The Ladies 6-4
2010 - The Ladies 9-7
2009 - The Men 7-6
2008 - The Men 9½-7½
2007 - The Men
2006 - The Ladies
2005 - The Men
2004 - The Men
2003 - The Ladies

Honours Board