Merrist Wood GC Away Day


  • Thursday 4th June 2015


What's included

  • Coffee and bacon rolls on arrival
  • Free warm up range balls in the morning
  • Morning 9 hole team event
  • One-course lunch
  • Afternoon 18 holes competition
  • Light golfers buffet
  • Presentation of prizes


  • 8:00 arrival and registration
  • 9:00 tee off on the 10th hole for 9 holes
  • 12:00 tee off on the 1st hole for 18 holes


  • £50 per person plus £5 for the prizes fund
  • Optional, £25 per buggy, to be arranged directly with the shop if required


  • If you are interested in coming along please speak to anyone on the Committee or make a booking on MasterScoreboard.
  • Cheques addressed to RPGC.
  • Guests welcome, pending availability

Peter Harrington
24 April 2015