New Members This Year

The Club welcomes the following new members this year (with starting handicap). A re-joiner is a former member who has rejoined after an absence.


  • Jenny Lawrence (24)


  • Stephen Haworth (19)
  • David Leather (33)
  • Luis Oroval (27)
  • Martin Smith (8)
  • Jennifer Wood (34)


  • Chris Ayers (21)
  • Joel Chang (tba)
  • Bruno Clerkx (9)
  • Jessy Diasilua (13)
  • Kenny Du (11)
  • Susan Hempsall (27)
  • Peter Kaufman (21)
  • Richrd Kent (29)
  • Oliver Khan (23)
  • Carl Latham (23)
  • Peter Needham (15)
  • Julieann Nicholl (33)
  • John Rose (25)
  • Alex Self (18)
  • Cathy Staveley (20)
  • George Taylor (14)
  • Yi Wang (38)
  • Alastair Whyte (24)


  • Mick Abrams (27)
  • Amir Azari (22)
  • Prelab Barua (21)
  • Andrew Box (10)
  • Ben Dickey (33)
  • Louis Dickey (35)
  • Doug Donaghey (15)
  • Rene Fourie-Grosvenor (11)
  • Rocky Marshall (14)
  • John Maxwell (20)
  • Joseph Murphy (18)
  • Kamil Naidoo (11)
  • Duncan Smith (18)
  • Philip Taggart (6)
  • Roslyn Williams (17)


  • Luke Baker (18)
  • Mitchell Cohen (15)
  • Roy Evans (15)
  • Oliver Griffin (10)
  • Richard Inglis (18)
  • Jasper Jones Jnr (23)
  • Andrew King (19)
  • Adil Lalani (27)
  • Ludovico Mori (18)
  • Gary Morris (27)
  • Ruth Morris (24)
  • Sean O'Sullivan (19)
  • Chris Rudkin (31)
  • Miika Savolainen (12)
  • Sean Seelochan (19)
  • Russell Stewart (12)
  • Magdy Tantawi (36)
  • Sean Thomas (12)
  • Richard Young (25)