In this section you will find the latest news on club affairs.
If you have information that you would like to publish here please contact the Editor.
30 December

Stableford Sweep

Prince's was in reasonably good shape (except for the muddy fairways). Jay Barker put some new sticks in the bag. The change paid off immediately: a round of 70 gross translates into 39 stableford points. 3rd place is nice reward for good day at the office. Steady Eddy Brian McMahon recorded another solid round on Prince's: 21pts on the way out enable him to push Jay into 3rd thanks to the countback rule. One of the late starters Sean Thomas logged an excellent score of 40pts (21pts on the way back). Sean's handicap drops to 12 in a nice finish to the 2018 golfing year. The RPGC version of Waldorf and Stadler, aka Kerry S and Alan K, claim 4th and 5th spot with excellent rounds of golf. Julian James' strong back 9 land him 6th place. Paul Brown trounced Val by 9pts and earned bragging rights for one day. It has to be said that apart from Tenesi the ladies didn't like today's conditions. Results... 

On a housekeeping note: Ludovico can you please record your score on the computer at the clubhouse. Doing your admin is NOT one of the duties of the Handicap Secretary. Recording a score on the computer takes 90s. No valid excuses for not completing this task.

CSS: 37pts (Men & Ladies)

23 December

American Greensomes

After all the rain it was of course very boggy underfoot, so we were fortunate that the public were out shopping allowing us to switch courses to play on Prince's which unlike Duke's had no temporary greens. Although the early starters would have played a few holes in the rain it didn't have any detrimental affect on their results as they took the top places. Scoring was tight amongst the also-rans, but the top 3 scored 40 or more with Keith & Lee winning on 44 points, 2 points back were Brian & James with Kerry and Alan in 3rd place on 40. Results... 

There were some interesting handicap calculations and the ladies got 2 additional shots, so most pairs ended up with more points than they recorded.

The Harringtons were again the most festive with their hats and lights adorning their trolleys - sadly it didn't improve their golf!

19 December

Midweek Christmas Cracker

Overnight rain made Prince's muddy but not as bad as Duke's. Otherwise it was pleasantly mild just two days from the winter solstice.

Peter and Sheena won adulation for their Xmas gear - esp. Peter with Xmas lights on his trolley!

Adil Lalani shot a fantastic back nine 24 points to win overall with 40 points. Luke Baker shot a workmanlike 39 points and well done to Hassan with 37 points off 6. Results...

Unusually on Prince's CSS was reduced from SSS 37 to 36 points with no 'Twos'.

16 December

Captain -v- Secretary

The rain of the last few days left its mark: competitors faced muddy fairways, some casual water in bunkers and fairly receptive greens. Roger Rojas was one of the early starters and laid down the marker with an excellent score of 39pts (he will regret his score on the 18th hole though. Stunningly his score was only good enough for ... 6th place today. No less than five competitors managed to record 40pts.

5th place goes to Luke Baker who keeps up his excellent form (FYI: he finished second last week). Paul Grand just edged Luke thanks 19pts on the back 9. Paul B will have mixed feelings about his round: he would've taken 40pts and a par on the 16th hole on any given day. However today: that tally only leads to 3rd place and to make things worse he is beaten a) on countback by b) none other than ... Val. She did a Paul Brown and let victory slip away with an untidy bogey on the 16th. Nigel Ward's excellent back 9 (11pts on the last 4 holes) enable him to leapfrog Val into 1st. The whole 40-gang get sizeable handicap cuts. Results...

Please also note that Tony Kopczak went from hero (winner last week) to zero in just 7 days. Exit polls seemed to indicate that Captain and Secretary ended in a tie ...

CSS: 37pts (Men & Ladies)

12 December

Midweek Chanpagne Chase

Benign but seasonably muddy conditions prevailed for the field of 31 competitors. Jon Cooper posted a winning 37 points to win the midweek Champagne Chase in his valedictory round at RP (after circa 33 years) with 37 points from a strong 36pts from Angela Flynn. Keith Cassidy and Tamas Ladacs shared honours on 35 points. Results...

On a day where the UK political situation shared characteristics of an embittered banana republic, the important question arose: did the presence of swans on the clubhouse pond spell curtains for Canadian Geese?

CSS remained at SSS.

9 December

Christmas Hamper

Weather proved to awful for the 8.00am starters. Strong winds, muddy fairways, uneven greens were met by brief and heavy showers. It won't come as a surprise that scoring proved to be tricky for the field.

Roger Rojas recovered from seeing his Man City lose to Chelsea yesterday to take the clubhouse lead with 35pts. Lee Marshall saw his round of solid golf rewarded with 36pts. Change of the clubhouse lead after just two completed games. Rain means that Tony Kopczak will show up with his blue Inspector Gadget coat. The trick seemed to work. A wobble on the 1st hole was immediately offset by a birdie on the 2nd. Another wobble followed when it took him 3 shots on the 8th just to get his ball ... past the ladies tees. 19pts on the way out were followed by an identical score on the back 9. He even tried to be too smart for his own good. Sensing a good score he tried to manage his handicap by professionally messing up the 18th. He didn't take into account that CSS would move (see below). As a result Inspector Gadget's handicap gets cut by 1.2 strokes down to 18. Luke Baker, who was in the same flight, didn't fare too well in the rain. Once the waterproofs came off he put on a clinic on the back 9: 24pts. He also skilfully messed up the 18th. Still good enough for 37pts and 2nd place. Anis Driaa matched Roger's score and since both players recorded identical number of points on the way in the computer had to pick the player to finish 5th. HandicapMaster decided that Anis would finish ahead of Roger. The software developer must be a Chelsea fan or dislike Man City fans ... HLB closes out the Top6. Results...

Other note: 2019 Men's Captain Nigel Gaymond's ambition for today was to complete one round without swearing. Unfortunately he pulled his tee-shot on the 1st into the trees on the left. Hacking out proved to be too tricky and a few 4-letter words soon followed ... Outgoing Captain NR claims he could've avoided a +0.1. But he too got fixated by a static CSS. To use his words: If I'd tried harder on the back 9 I could've ...

Only one lady stayed within her buffer. Rumour has it that a skilful display on the greens helped Sheena pull off that feat.

How tricky were conditions? Only 6 (!) out of 47 players stayed in their buffer. CSS: 34pts (Men & Ladies)

5 December

Midweek Medal

Threatened rain held back to allow some good scoring for the last midweek medal of 2018. An excellent 64 from an improving Jeremy Prescott decisively won the medal with Pralab Barua second and Bruno Clercx having best gross and third on countback from Richard Hodgkinson net 69s.

Jeremy’s 64 follows club captain Nick’s (and Jay Barker’s) inspiring 64 on Sunday. Best lady was Ann Gardner with a buffer-zone 72. Results...

CSS remained at SSS.

2 December

Monthly Medal / Team Event


The first of the team events coincided with the start of the new lady captain's reign and a customary drive-in started the day. Deborah Potter, the new LC hit a perfect shot down the centre of the fairway, probably she was the most surprised! A drive-out was also included for the outgoing LC as she'd missed her own drive-in, obviously now in more relaxed mode, hers went close to the tree on the left.

The team event was a Texas scramble with two teams of four and one of three, and not only were the shot allowances close, but so were the results. Despite having four chances on each hole, it was the three man (lady) team to record the only birdie of the day. Both teams of score had gross 73s, but the captain's team of Deborah, Alison, Val & Sheena prevailed courtesy of their additional 0.2 handicap allowance. Results...


This week's rain clearly left its mark on the Prince's course. Muddy fairways, sticky/slower greens that turned out to be pretty uneven too in some occasions. Kudos to Jay for rediscovering his mojo. 69 gross was a welcome result after a couple of tough(er) weeks. Three birdies (one of them on the 7th and another one on the 13th) were the testament of a very good round of golf. Caleb Mills and Oliver Maskell netted excellent scores to claim spots in the Top6. Steady Brian McMahon and resurgent Jim Fogarty (who will regret the last 3 holes - he actually did a "Paul Brown" on the 16th ...) complete the Top6. Nick Rogers made the golfing headlines for the right reasons on this occasion. A double bogey 6 on the first seemed to settle his nerves rather than rattle him. A solid front 9 was followed by an excellent back 9. Countback awards victory to the soon to be former Men's Captain. Well done! Results...

CSS: 69 (14 out of 42 remained in their buffer)

28 November

Midweek Team Event - Waltz

Somewhat iffy conditions were forecast but 31 competitors turned out for the fun 'Waltz' team event. Wind gradually increased to very blustery but just spits and spots.

Interestingly, first place went to the first game - Jon Ramphul, Susan Hempsell and Philp Taggart with a combined total of 70 points whilst second place went to the last game - Charlie Renton, Dylan Merchant and Jack Evans 7 behind - 67 points.

Doppelgängers at random of Peters Harrington and Jagger were assigned to 2-man teams of Tony Bennett/Mike Sands and Mitchell Cohen/John Maxwell. Results...

25 November

Champagne Chase


At times it was hard to see the ball in the air as it merged into the overhead greyness on a drear & chilly day. With a touch of déjà vu, the results for 1st & 2nd place are the same as last week but this time both scored 37 points. In a twist though Caroline Stilwell switched her best 9, with 21 on the back 9 to beat Cheryl Woodhouse's consistent 18 and 19. Third place was also hotly contested with both Fiona Coombe and Tenesi Karakaneva on 36, with Fiona recording the better back 9. Results...

CSS remained at 36 points.


The field faced cold(er) conditions. Maybe it was a foregone conclusion that "Northeners" would thrive in these conditions. The first "Northener", Keith Cassidy, laid down the mark with a solid score of 37pts (birdies on 9, 13 and 17 didn't hurt). Henry LB overtook Keith. But his round was quite eventful: he dropped a "silly" shot on the 8th by hitting the ball with his putter during his practice stroke. And on the 17th his hybrid landed in the bunker and it took him 4 more shots to finish that hole. Alexander Krasnenkov played a solid round of golf to record 37pts. Richard Inglis' back 9 could've been even better were it not for his no score on the 17th. Chris Lordan played a strong back 9 (19pts) to finish in the Top6. As mentioned before the conditions did seem to favour "Northeners" and Christer Larsson delivered. 41pts make him today's winner. Christer's handicap gets cut by a massive 2.2 strokes. He also receives an ESR of 0.5. Therefore his new handicap stands at 26.4. Well done! Jon Cooper managed to record two 2's (7th and 16th). Results...

18 November

Winter Comp Rd 2 / Princes Eclectic Rd 1


A reminder that we are in November today, with a cold wind taking a lot of warmth out of the sun. After the additional run of the ball during the long hot summer, remembering that more club is required is a definite requirement. Looks like only 3 ladies achieved this and with them no more than a shot apart and the winner on 37 points, CSS went to 36.

In 1st place was Caroline Stilwell who shot 22 points on the front 9 and was looking set for a good score on the back 9, but finished with scoring 15 after the 16th, blobbing both 17 & 18. She is rewarded with 0.4 cut in handicap to take her back to 21 after spending several weeks on 21.5. Cheryl Woodhouse continues her recent run of form with 36 points and 2nd place. Results...

One further shot back was Habe Crocker; she leaps to a 6 shot lead on 75 in the accompanying Eclectic after the first round. R1 Leader board...


The field met some nippy weather, cool breezes and some very unappealing pin positions. The one on the 16th was particularly brutal.

Today was really a tale of two halves. The early morning starters struggled badly. Caleb Mills was the only one of the 8.00am starters to play his handicap. His score of 37pts was good enough for take the clubhouse lead. Scoring proved to be so bad that around 1.30pm CSS was estimated to be 35pts! (For a reminder: SSS for Prince's is 37pts). Thankfully the 9.00am starters put on a better show. Three players matched Caleb's score. 20pts on the back 9 vaulted Sean Thomas into 1st place. Caleb holds onto 2nd. Gunnar Sundberg confirmed to his recent good form and captured 3rd place. Ollie Griffin was the last member of the 37-gang and finishes 4th. Jon "steady" Cooper had an excellent back 9 to claim 5th place and Julian James completes the Top6. Results...

A few bits and pieces:

  • Nigel Ward, Tony Kopczak and Mike as per usual went out together and all three of them recorded the same number of points. What a coincidence ...
  • Captain Nick made it past the ladies' tees with his 1st shot on all the holes ...
  • Roger's round was all or nothing: he recorded 3 birdies but the rest ...

CSS: 37pts

After 2 rounds Tamas Ladacs is the leader of the 2019 Winter Competition with 69pts. R2 Leader board...

Round 1 of the Prince's Eclectic- report due soon. R1 Leader board...

14 November

Midweek Winter Competition Rd 1

Mild, bright and breezy conditions prevailed for the first round of the Midweek Winter competition. Alexander Krasnenkov shot a convincing 41 points to win the round from John Curry 37. Countbacks settled Toby Hunt, Oliver Khan and Jonathan Rivers with 36s. Cheryl was best placed lady 33. Results...

CSS was unchanged from SSS at 36pts, both Men and Ladies.

In the associated Duke's Eclectic positions are reversed with John 74.0 leading Alexander 74.5 with James Barker making an early move 75.5. R1 Leader board...

11 November

Winter Comp Rd 1 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 1


There were only 6 survivors from the original start sheet, but those who withdrew because of the weather were probably kicking themselves when the day turned out to be gloriously sunny & dry, if a little wet underfoot in places.

Habe & Sheena should probably have joined them, but the remaining four adjusted quite easily to the new soggier conditions. With 3 of the 4 in their buffer zones against SSS, the small field adjustment came into force resulting in CSS going to 37, pushing all but Val Riziotis with 34 points and today's winner, out of their buffers. Results...

Positions of 1st and 2nd are reversed after the first round of the accompanying Eclectic, with Jayne Maxwell leading the way. A result of the half handicap allowance. R1 Leader board...


42 players weren't scared off by the weather forecast and the prospect of soaked greens and muddy fairways. Truth be told the course held up pretty well: the fairways offered no roll and the greens were very receptive. Some of the bunkers had some casual water. The wind made things pretty tricky too.

Barry Page went out (really) early and recorded a superb 41pts (19pts out & 22pts in). As a result Barry's new handicap drops to 15. Pete Harrison put up excellent numbers: 18pts on the way out and 21pts on the way in to finish second with 39pts. Bruno "Rain Man" Clerckx proved again that he's at his best in wet conditions. 20pts on the way in offset an untidy front 9 (17pts). 3rd place is his based on the countback rule. James Anslow and Damian Hackett netted 37pts too. Jeremy Thompson closes out the Top6 with 36pts. Results...

Captain Nick Rogers' day was made up from a high (eagle on the 17th) and a couple of lows (it took him two shots to make it past the ladies' tee on the 15th and another unspecified hole).

CSS: 36pts. 14 players remained within their buffer zone.

Round 1 of the Duke's Eclectic - report due soon. R1 Leader board...

7 November

Midweek Medal

Early rain may have reduced the size of the field. But the day turned out blustery with sunny spells and spits and spots.

Stephen Haworth and Chris Phillips-Jones had excellent 65s with countback last 9 deciding the November Medal for Stephen. Mike Jones. Hassan Mouilah and late contender Dylan Merchant took positions 3 to 5 again decided on countback. Hassan took honours for lowest gross = 74. Results...

Cheryl Woodhouse led for the ladies with 73 whilst CSS was unchanged from SSS @ 67 Men and 69 Ladies.

4 November

Monthly Medal / Team Event


There was an excellent turn-out for the first team event of Winter and we took that opportunity to play the Autumn 4BBB which was abandoned in September due to shocking weather.

Nine pairs took to the field with varying fortunes and two teams came in on 43 points. By virtue of a better back 9, Fiona and Alison edged out Ronnie and Cheryl. Some of the ladies enjoyed a tipple of mulled wine on the 13th tee provided by Gina and Alison.

After the games we enjoyed sweet potato fries and prizes were handed out for the Autumn Medal and today's competition. Thanks to Susan for buying the prizes. The much anticipated "Swap Shop" also took place with shoes, waterproofs, books, tees, clubs, balls, mittens all changing hands.


Conditions were calm and mild. Some exceptional scoring on Prince’s resulted. Early clubhouse leader shot a seemingly unbeatable 62 but Gunnar won the November Medal on last 9 countback. Jonathan Scriven had a very commendable 63 to take 3rd slot from Peter Needham 64. Oliver Maskell started 3353 and returned the lowest gross71 net 65. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 67 with Gunnar cut two playing shots.

31 October

Midweek Stableford Sweep

Early competitors would have been out with the frost still on the ground, but the 10.00 crowd enjoyed a lovely sunny day albeit with a wind that was decidedly chilly in the shade.

An early clubhouse leader, Bruno Clerckx posted a 37, retaining his lead for most of the day but slipped to 3rd place after a 39 and a 38 from Sheena Harrington and Rocky Marshall respectively. Five players were contesting 4th place on 36 points, with Mick Abrams having the best back 9. Results...

CSS remained at 36 points.

28 October

Charity Cup

The Beast from the East was back with a vengeance today. Conditions were pretty miserable: cool temperatures, strong winds, rain showers and hail towards 3pm. So scoring proved to be tricky.

VC Nigel Gaymond was still on a high from his recent visit to Beantown and the positive results from his beloved Patriots (aka Deflategate cheaters) and Red Sox (on the clinch to winning the MLB World Series). He followed up a strong front 9 (20pts) with a decent back 9. Margin of victory would/could've been bigger had it not been for a 7 on the last hole. 36pts earn him a 0.3 cut on his handicap down to 12. Captain Nick was +1 gross after 6 holes en route to 21pts on the way out. Pressure clearly got to him from then. The back 9 was steady until he decided to copy his VC by carding a 7 on the 18th. Based on the countback rule the Men's Captain has to settle for 2nd. Nigel Ward confirms his good form with 36pts that earn him 3rd place. 1st lady today (and 4th overall) was Cheryl Woodhouse who keeps racking up the good results. Jim Fogarty and Jon Cooper complete the Top6. Results...

CSS: 36pts

The final of the Barton Bowl was also played today and the winner on 34 points was Habe Crocker, with Tina Neeson in second place on 33. Over the course of the Summer the ladies can pick a day to challenge the Lady Captain. And then, at the end of the year, the top 8 ladies who have fared the best against the Lady Captain on their chosen day compete in a play off for the Barton Bowl. Well done Habe.

24 October

Midweek Harrington Trophy

Pleasant autumnal conditions prevailed with mild temperatures and sunshine. In a similar vein to the 3 clubs and putter comp played on Sunday, the winner emerged from a late game - Tamas shooting a splendid 63 dropping only 5 shots on the back nine.

Alan King again tapped into a rich recent vein of form with a glorious 65 and improver Jeremy Prescot a very commendable 67. Best lady was Sheena Harrington (last year's Lissaman Cup 3 clubs & putter winner). Results...

21 October

Lissaman Cup
Honours Board

The field enjoyed some nice weather. The course proved to be in ok condition. Was it me or were the greens really slow? Some players made some excellent club choices. Luke Baker set the early mark with an excellent 64 net. The Ladies' handicap secretary went one better and recorded a very tidy 63 net. Where was that kind of form in the Autumn Mixed Foursomes? Brian McMahon had an interesting 40 (gross) on the way out. He managed to follow that up with a remarkable 35 (gross) on the back 9. A score of 62 net (75 gross) would've put him into contention in any regular medal comp. But one of the later morning starters Jennifer Wood snatched victory from Brian with an unbelievable 60 net! Her score would even have been better had she had not recorded an 8 on the 17th. Pity for some of you that today's comp was a non-qualifier. Top10 was equally split between men and women. Results...


Some other highlights:

  • Paul Brown finally tamed his ladyboy, aka the 16th hole (a ladyboy in golf is a hole that looks easy but is not exactly what it seems)
  • Tamas' tee-shot on the 11th looked like Kate Moss, aka a bit thin. But just like OJ Simpson he got away with it by holing his chip from the rough (his tee-shot landed next to the big log in the rough). Quite remarkably on the previous hole he had hit 2 tee-shots OB!
  • Mike Shabani and Liam Bridger were the Brothers-in-Law of the day: they showed up but they know they shouldn't have come (they did play their Men's pairs KO final earlier this morning- and rumour has it they won ...)

In the Men's Top Dog Trophy, after winning the Men's pairs KO comp last year Tony Bergqvist added another trophy by winning the 2018 Top Dog. Final leader board...

17 October

Midweek Charity Trophy

A good charitable collection of £173 today for MacMillan.

Those playing at the two ends of the day probably enjoyed the better weather, as the majority played 18 holes in the wet, but at least it was light drizzle most of the time.

Early player Henry Lindesay-Bethune posted a 38 to take the lead, holding off a challenge from a probably very soggy Kim Chaffart (no waterproofs, no brolly), but to no avail with Alan King showing a return to form to win the Charity Cup with 42 points. Proving that a good night's sleep is not required before 18 holes, late starters Charlie Renton and Dylan Merchant both recorded 40 points and Charlie's consistent 20 out & back gave him 2nd place. Results...

Despite these good scores, the rest of us kept the CSS to 36 points for both men & ladies - but quite a few handicap changes. Dylan gets an ESR of an additional 0.5 of a cut for his consistent play.

14 October

Stableford Sweep

Thick clouds, rain showers and cooler temperatures didn't scare off 15 brave souls. Bruno Clerckx comes alive in rainy conditions. An excellent front 9 (21pts) set the tone. A few wobbles on the back didn't put him off. 38pts is still more than enough to win today's comp. Leader in the clubhouse Roger Rojas came alive on the back 9 with two birdies. Tamas Ladacs kept up his good form to finish 3rd (35pts). Results...

CSS: 37pts

10 October

Midweek President's Prize

Glorious sunny and warm conditions set the scene for the Midweek President's prize. Three ladies were atop the leader board early on with 38 points - Alison Chadwick, Doreen Dolby and Joan Mulcahy. But a couple of afternoon rounds proved superior with Tamas Ladacs emerging the winner on 41 and Jon Cooper 2nd with 39. Results...

With 51% of the field within buffer zone of 37 points, CSS was elevated to38.

Results of the challenges:

  • Men
    Longest drive on the 5th Hassan Mouilah (320 yds)
    NTP in 2 on the 13th: Nobody on the green
  • Ladies
    NTP in 3 on the 6th: Habe Crocker
    NTP in 2 on the 16h: Doreen Dolby

7 October

Monthly Medals
Honours Board


A chill start to the day soon burnt off for another sunny autumn day after the rain of yesterday and with the ground still baked after the summer, the run on the ball continues to flatter - long may it continue.

The last ladies' medal round of 2018 attracted a good turnout and for many, scoring was good. Habe Crocker posted an early 66, recording a gross score of 74 and a very balanced round of 37 for each nine. However the last game included Cheryl Woodhouse, who is having an autumnal resurgence in form. Having recorded a winning 66 midweek, she posted another one today and with a back nine that was eight shots better than the front, takes the honours again. Results...

With CSS reduced by one to 68, Cheryl clings on to a playing handicap of 22 with a reduction to 21.5


Yesterday's rain had clear effects on the course: softer fairways (which are still struggling to recover from the July/August heat wave) and slower greens were some of today's challenges. Roger Rojas posted a net 69 to become leader in the clubhouse. Gradually better scores started flowing in. Tony Bergqvist and Tamas Ladacs had their moments in order to record net 67s. A quattuor of players recorded net 65s. Countback places Henry in 4th, Carl in 3rd and Richard Owen in 2nd. Jon Cooper's excellent back nine (except for the 12th hole) kills two birds with one stone: he wins the October monthly medal and wins the 2018 Grand Medal Trophy. Results... | Final Leader board...

CSS: 67

3 October

Midweek Medal

As with Sunday, final round 8 of the Wednesday Grand Medal belonged to a lady with Cheryl shooting the lights out with a 66, and consequentially receiving a two point reduction in playing handicap. Jay Barker was 2nd with a one over par 72, net 67. Chris Jones was best on countback 68s from Parkash Arora and Pralb Barua. Results...

CSS was reduced by one for gents from SSS 71 to 70 and ladies from SSS 73 to 72.

Jay sits aloft the Midweek Eagle tree with three this year, adding a second on the 17th. See also the Midweek Birdie tree.

In the Midweek Grand Medal Jay is confirmed winner on 334, improving on a previous 72 to finish with all five rounds in the 60s. Congrats for excellent consistent golf through the season. A plucky late challenge from Ted improved his previous 351 to 347 coming second. Final Leader board...

30 September

JQ Robertson
Honours Board

Autumn is back at the park: chilly temperatures for the early tee-times and lots of clouds. Fairways are still suffering from lack of rain. The greens are starting to dry up too.

Peter Osgood had an excellent front 9 (20pts). The back 9 could/should've been better were it not for bogeys on 11, 17 and a double bogey on 10. 39pts made him leader in the clubhouse though. Nigel Ward was on fire on the way out (22pts). Unfortunately he had a poorer back 9 (17pts) so he wasn't able move ahead of Peter. However this day belonged to the ladies. First Doreen came home with an excellent 20pts on the back (4x 3pointers didn't hurt). Those 9 holes move her ahead of Peter O. Victory finally went to Fiona Coombe. Her excellent score of 41pts was the result of a steady front 9 combined with a fantastic 23pts on the way in. As a result Fiona's handicap drops to 26. Doreen's handicap also receives a healthy chop (down to 22). Ronnie Mitchell and Martin Heinrich complete the Top6. Results...

CSS: 36pts

In the Men's Top Dog Trophy Toby retains a 1pt lead over Tony Bergqvist. R6 leader board...

26 September

Midweek Mixed 4 Ball Better Ball

An early autumnal nip in the air gave way to glorious sunny condition with fairways softened by Sunday's rains. With good conditions for scoring it appeared that the partners Gina Jillet and Jon Cooper led with 47 points. But due to the system not being 'up' until later in the day, the 47 was unsupported by the unerring accuracy of system processing. 47 had arisen by the pair having recorded manually two points at the 2nd SI 15 (actually 1) and zero shot allowance for ladies (stableford, Prince's).

A countback on last 6 holes separated eventual winners Damian Hackett and Veronica Mitchell 46 from Gina and Jon. Mike Jones and Henry Lindesay Bethune took 3rd 45 from Cheryl Woodhouse and Michael Choo 44. Results...

Afterwards competitors basked in the sunshine outside clubhouse.

23 September

Monthly Medals


Results due soon. Results...


The ominous weather forecast for once materialised and the vast majority of the field decided to stay home and keep dry. Eleven brave (or foolish - make your choice) players decided to have a a go at it.

Bruno Clerckx and Jon Cooper went out first. Both players had decent front 9's. Bruno recovered very well from a double bogey on the first with birdies on 8 and 9. Jon unfortunately recorded bogeys on those holes. Jon's slide continued through holes 10 to 12. Late bogeys on 17 & 18 resulted in a net score of 70 Bruno, closely followed by Jon's 71. Gunnar Sundberg and Alan King finish on 72. Looks like Nigel Ward used up all his good shots in yesterday's victory in the Autumn Mixed Foursomes. Results...

CSS: 70

Jon Cooper retains his lead in the Monthly Grand Medal Trophy. R7 Leader board...

19 September

Midweek Anniversary Accumulator Rd 4

Wind from the remains of storm "Ali' made itself felt but there were some good scores - notably from Jessy Diasilua winning with 68 following his round from the previous week. One behind was Hassan Mouilah again following a good round from last week. With lowest gross of the day, James Barker edged Parkash Arora on countback 71s. Results...

James' 71 proved to be of strategic importance and replaced a 75 (& dislodging previous leader Sheena Harrington) to win the overall Midweek Anniversary Accumulator on 210, 1 ahead from Jon Ramphul. Final leader board...

16 September

Burgess Cup / Ladies Medal


A breezy September day that warmed up as it went on and conditions underfoot still decidedly dry meant that the ball was running as much as ever. This seemed to benefit about half of the field such that the CSS dropped to 72.

With back to back birdies on holes 13 & 14 to add to the one at the 1st, Tenesi Karakaneva recorded a net 69 to win by 3 shots from Doreen Dolby on 72. Tenesi receives a 0.9 cut in handicap to 17.3. Results...


Perfect conditions to play golf and no pressure of a qualifying comp: all conditions were present for a stress free round of golf. Jay and Oli posted an excellent score of 39. The no score on the 15th was the only blemish of the day. Two other teams joined them on that tally - Carl Latham/John Rose and Toby Hunt/Ray Esin. Usually a score of +40pts is required to win this comp. Damian Hackett and Lee Marshall were the first to reach that target. They couldn't quite follow up on their excellent front 9 (22pts). Martin Heinrich and Brian McMahon's round was the mirror image of Damian and Lee's round. Birdies on 17 and 18 sent them onto 22pts on the way in. Enough to take the Burgess Cup off of Pete/Roger's hands. Shout-out goes to HLB whose hybrid into the 14th set his team up for a birdie on that hole. Results...

A lot of competitors didn't fill out their individual handicaps on their scorecard. This is a violation of Rule 6-2(b) and results in a DQ. Keep that in mind for the pairs comp.

12 September

Midweek Fred Hawtree Cup

Early rain petered out to just the odd spot to give excellent conditions for scoring. For a long time John Ahad's excellent 45 points remained at the top of the leader board but a one under par back 9 [27 points!!!] from Jessy Diasilua won the Fred Hawtree Cup on 46 points.

These were otstanding rounds from Jessy and John - and John earned an additional ESR to now play off 15. Best rounds from mortals were 41 - Mike Mouilah (off 7) and Mike Assender (off 9). Damian Hackett had two 'twos' at 2 and 11. Cheryl Woodhouse had an excellent 39 points to lead the ladies. Results...

The balance of play on Prince's was (yet again) raising of CSS by one to 38 points.

9 September

September Sweep

The field were met with quite windy conditions. The theme of the day seemed to be: go broke on the front 9 and see what happens on the back 9. No less than 7 players recorded 20 or more points on the way out.

It only seemed fitting that on the day of their national elections that the Swedes would steal the show. Christer Larssen netted 24pts on his front 9! Through holes 4-9 he scored 3pts on each hole. He got off to a great start on the back 9 with a par (giving him 4pts). Two no scores (13 and 18) "only" yielded 17 in total on the way in. His total score of 41pts still proved to be good for the rest of the field. Christer's handicap gets cut by 2 strokes to 29. Kerry Sargeant played consistent golf (20pts out and 19pts in) to take 2nd. Phil Flanagan recorded a chip-in eagle on 17 (rewarding him with 5 stableford points!) on way to 18pts on the back 9. 21pts on the front mean he has to settle for 3rd. Gunnar Sundberg (Swedish too - cf remark above), Tony "sausage roll" Kopczak and Martin Heinrich complete the Top6. Results...

CSS: 38pts (Men & Ladies)

5 September

Midweek Medal

Hollow-tining and sanding of greens had been freshly completed and within weeks the positive benefits will be felt. Scoring was good and CSS was pegged back one from SSS as a consequence. No fewer than 12 playing handicap changes arose.

Ted Holt had another good round to win the September Medal 67, one ahead of Damian Hackett and best lady Elaine Elborn 68. Results...

Jay Barker consolidated his lead in the associated Midweek Grand Medal, his 72 [best gross of say] replacing a previous 76 to now lead on 339, 11 ahead of Ted with Toby Hunt and Jeremy Ryan one further back. R7 Leader board...

2 September

President's Putter
Honours Board

Perfect conditions for golf at the park today: some patches on the fairway are drying up again generating some unexpected roll but the greens were fairly receptive.

Ray Esin set the mark with a solid 38pts (20pts out & 18pts in). Susan Smith's front 9 included birdies on the 1st and 6th. 21pts were a just reward for a solid front 9. Even with a no score on the 12th she still netted 18pts on the way in to take the lead on 39pts. The President felt a real desire to hold on to his putter. His score of 38pts unfortunately was not enough to keep his beloved trophy out of the grasps of new member Kamil Naidoo. In his first comp Kamil used the countback rule to win the 5th of the Top Dog competitions. Peter Needham and Caroline Stilwell complete the Top6. Results...

Collapse of the day has to go to the MW Captain, Kim Chaffart. After recording 32pts over 14 holes he ruined any chance of victory by scoring 0pts (15th), 0pts (16th), 1pt (17th after missing a tap-in par putt) and 3pts (18th misreading the birdie putt).

CSS: 37pts (Men & Ladies)

Results of the President's challenges:

  • Ladies:
    Nearest the pin in 3 on the 6th: Susan Smith, birdie
    Nearest the pin in 3 on the 15th: Lia Donath
  • Men:
    Nearest to the pin 7th: Peter Jagger, using his driver to delicious effect, and he did make the birdie putt
    Nearest to the pin in 2 on the 18th: Keith Cassidy, missing the birdie putt
  • Men & Ladies:
    Nearest the pin 10th: Sheena Harrington

29 August

Midweek Captain's Day

Some early rain challenged very early starters but otherwise it was fair, facilitating some good scoring.

The Captain's Day was won by John Curry with an outstanding 45 points [24 alone on front 9 and 5 birdies overall], just ahead of an improving Paul Grand 44 (cut 3 playing shots). Countback separated Kenny Du from new member Pralb Barua and Graham Swindells 39s. Alison Chadwick took ladies' honours on 37. Results...

Captain Kim provided challenges for the field of 39:

  • Longest drive on the 5th
    Ladies: N/A
  • Nearest to the pin in 2 on the 7th
    Men: John Curry (a rifled 6-iron second to within 2 feet and yes birdie)
  • Nearest to the pin 11th
    Ladies: N/A
  • Nearest to the pin 16th
    Men: Kenny Du

Drinks and cakes were taken in the clubhouse and there was even a Midweek Committee Meeting!

26 August

Bank Holiday Sweep

The August Bank Holiday and the Ladies away weekend reduced the number of competitors. The field faced some fresher temperatures. The fairways didn't yield the massive roll from a couple of weeks ago. But it looks like the receptive greens made up for that. An impressive number of birdies were recorded. Peter Harrison and Richard Owen each recorded three birdies just on the front 9.

Pete Harrison's 39pts made him leader in the clubhouse (again). Brian McMahon and Alan King matched that tally but recorded better back 9's. The round off the day goes to John Ahad. After a score of 22pts on the front 9 another player may start getting a bit nervous. But the VC remained in total control: 21pts on the way in earn John a well deserved victory. Results...

John's handicap drops to 17. Well done. James Anslow and Jon Cooper (who recorded b2b birdies on 13 &14) complete the Top6. First lady was Joan Mulcahy (just make sure to keep that form for 6 more days ... #HawtreeFinal).

CSS: 38pts (Men & Ladies)

22 August

Midweek Club Championship Rd 2

Good mid-season conditions prevailed for round 2 of Midweek Club Championship.

The net (& sweep) for the day belonged to the Ladies with Elaine Elborn carding 65 and just beating Lia Donath on countback. Ollie Maskell shot 66 and best gross for the day followed by Paul Grand. Net Results...

CSS was reduced by one with Ollie now playing off 6 with 6 other changes.

Division 1 of the Men's scratch for the 2 weeks sees Ollie 145 crowned champion followed by Jay Barker 147 and Paul Cook 148. Men Results...

Division 2 saw Stephen Mason emerge clear winner 178 ahead of Chris and Mike Jones (183 and 186 respectively). Men Results...

The Ladies Club Championship was won by Habe Crocker167, 2 clear of Sheena Harrington. Ladies Results...

The overall Handicap (Net) Trophy goes to Ollie 131 with Sheena Harrington just piping Eelco Snijders on countback 135. Handicap Results...

18 August

Bontor Trophy

The Men reversed the trend of the last four years with a clear win. Photo... | Report...

15 August

Midweek Club Championship Rd 1

Round 1 of the Midweek Club Championship on Prince's saw very good scoring generally and in particular from Eelco Snijders who won the handicap (i.e. Net all competitors) with 60 followed by 63s from Mark Rosamund and Avi Murphy with 9 handicappers John Curry and Bruno Clerckx on 63s. Net Results...

Gross ('Scratch') results show Paul Cook leading Men division 1 with 70 followed closely by Eelco Snijders and Jay Barker 71s. For men division 2 John Ahad piping Nat Street by one on 84. Men Results...

Habe Crocker leads the Ladies scratch on 82 with excellent 83s from Angela Flynn and Sheena Harrington. Ladies Results...

Eligibility for the midweek championship is limited to those having completed 3 midweek rounds this year so Patrick Murphy and John Maxwell who did not meet the criteria are excluded from the scratch event but shown on Net result which doubles as a 'sweep' tally.

12 Aug

Monthly Medals


A small group of ladies ventured forth on what had been forecast to be a miserable day and although they did get to remind themselves of what it's like to play in the rain, it was light albeit with gusty wind at times. For such a small group there was a wide range of scoring and with 3 of them below the SSS, it was enough to drop the CSS to 68.

Susan Smith finally managed to keep a good round going for all 18 holes resulting in a win by 2 shots, courtesy of 7 pars, from Jayne Maxwell in second place. Susan's winning score of 65 sees her handicap cut by 0.9 to 19.2, Jayne on 67, gets a 0.3 cut to reduce her playing handicap to 14. The last of the good scores was Fiona Coombe on 68. Results...

With the Bontor imminent, it was not good timing to get cut, but does indicate how well some, at least, are playing at present.


The ominous weather forecast led to a couple of last minute defections. The competitors who did show up enjoyed spring conditions: milder temperatures and softer fairways/greens. The competition itself was a tale of two parts/halves. The early pace was set by Chris Lordan and Jay Barker. A cold putter prevented Chris from improving on his 72 (66 net). His stable back 9 allowed him to take the clubhouse lead from Jay. The pair were later split by an in form Richard Owen and Bruno Clerckx. None of the later starters were able to challenge Chris. Except for two players coming from the final two flights. Peter Needham recorded an excellent 79 (63 net) to push Chris into 2nd. But today's winner is the club's secretary. Peter Harrington's round had a little wobble in the middle (7's on holes 9 & 10). But apart from that he couldn't be faulted. A score of 81 (62 net) reduces Peter's handicap to 17. Results...

CSS: 66

In the Grand Medal Trophy Jon Cooper (332) has a sizeable lead over Cuneyt (342), Toby (344) and Chris Lordan (347. Some other competitors have only recorded four scores. Of those players Jay seems to be in prime position to mount a serious challenge in the last two rounds. R6 Leader board...

8 August

Midweek Anniversary Accumulator Rd 3

Conditions were at last cooler and players could aspirate and concentrate on their game. Greens and surrounds were immaculate with recent rains having added to green staff's efforts.

Anyway, Rajinder Sehmi pulled a game out of the top drawer to clinch round 3 of the Midweek Anniversary Accumulator on 66 with Tamas Ladacs a shot behind. Jay Barker had lowest gross and led 68s on countback from Henry Lindesay-Bethune, Jonathan Rivers and Sheena Harrington. Results...

CSS was one below SSS with Rajinder cut two to 20 and Tamas trimmed to 16.

With just one round of the Midweek Anniversary Accumulator left, Sheena Harrington commands a one shot lead from Jay Barker on 213. But it's wide open and who knows - the winner could emerge from those having only played two rounds. R3 Leader board...

5 August

Golden Jubilee
Honours Board | Anniversary Trophy

The field (again) enjoyed incredible weather and Duke's course seemed there for the taking. Michael Choo put on a master class on the par 3's. He went -2 gross over holes 7, 10 & 16. Add a birdie on 12 and some damage limitation on holes 13 & 14 and you get to an incredible score of 63 (75 gross). Nobody would better this tally. Michael's new handicap stands at 10. Well done! Deborah Potter put on a superb display with a 64 net to take second. Good news for the Men's Bontor team is that Deborah's handicap gets a massive cut. Deb now plays off 23. Peter Needham is keeping up his excellent form. His net 66 equates to the second score in as many weeks where he scores four better than CSS. An ESR of 1 is well deserved. Toby Hunt's 67 earns him 4th spot and keeps him in the lead for the Top Dog. Leader in the clubhouse Pete Harrison put in an excellent 68 and hangs on to a spot in the Top6 by the skin of his teeth. Doreen Dolby's putting skills sent her onto a net 68 and 6th place. It didn't cross the mind of any of the other Lady Bontor competitors to reduce their handicaps. Results...

CSS: 70 (Men)/72 (Ladies). There is a long list of handicap changes. Please take note of your new handicaps.

Jay Barker wins this the Anniversary Trophy with a score of 204 before Keith Cassidy. Final Leader board...

Toby Hunt and Tony Bergqvist share the lead on 20pts in the Men's Top Dog Trophy. R4 Leader board...

1 August

Midweek Medal

Recent rains had minimal effect on play and once again there were some excellent scores. Most notable and with a rare 58 to win the August Medal was Oliver Khan. Well done Oliver - you've been cut 3 to 20. Ted Holt returned an excellent 63 and was followed by four 64s from Messrs. Ryan, Haworth, Cook and Rosamund, and a solitary 65 from Phil Flanagan. Paul Cook returned lowest gross 69 (one over par) and 2 'Twos'. With batteries re-charged from cooler climes, Cheryl Woodhouse waved the flag for the women. Results...

CSS was raised to 38 points reflecting the scoring conditions.

Jay Barker heads the associated midweek Grand Medal on 343, nine clear from Toby Hunt 352. Jay's lead is particularly 'strong' with a 76 to dispose of with otherwise 60s. R6 Leader board...

29 July

Summer Sweep

A somewhat depleted field took to the course to battle the wind and rain. It was already reduced in numbers because of the Ride London road closures, but less than 50% of those on the start sheet materialised to play. Scores, it is fair to say, were definitely weather affected with none of the 14 playing to the SSS of 37 points. No doubt most were in shock after some 6 weeks or so of blazing sunshine.

After the front 9, Martin Heinrich appeared not to be bothered by the conditions with his 21 points, but he could only muster 15 on the back 9. However, his 36 points secured him the win by 4 points from Luis Oroval and Peter Jagger both on 32. Results...

CSS was 34 points meaning that Martin gets a 0.6 reduction to his handicap.

25 July

Midweek Edward Cup

A slightly reduced field (mainly due to NAPGC comps) braved the hot conditions for the Edward Cup. Winner on a commendable 42 points was Stephen Haworth with Jeremy Ryan 2nd 41 points on countback from Peter Needham and Oliver Maskell 4th 40 points. Leading lady was Ann Gardner 38 points. Results...

CSS was raised one from SSS to 37 points. Peter was cut two playing shots.

22 July

Club Championships Rd 2
Honours Boards


The leaders after the first week were in full fight mode and both Veronica Mitchell and Alison Chadwick recorded net 68s for the second round. With the ball rolling ever further as the ground gets paler and harder by the day there were 12 birdies recorded by the ladies, which must be a record for one day. R2 Results...

It would have required a monumental effort by the field to catch the leaders in the gross, and though most played either to handicap or below, it was nowhere near enough to catch them. Habe Crocker therefore retains the Club Championship with a 154 with Veronica 10 shots behind on 164. Overall Results...

As is often the case, the result was reversed for the Handicap Cup, with Veronica 9 shots ahead of Habe. Results...

With only 5 competitors in the higher handicap division, there is only a winner for the Pembroke Cup and Lady Captain, Alison Chadwick, held onto her lead after the first round in a much tighter competition to hold off Joan Mulcahy by one shot. Results...

With such good scoring CSS was reduced by 1 to 72. Both net winners earned playing handicap reductions, with Veronica getting an ESR of one shot to drop her to 13.6. Joan followed up her cut of last week with a further cut and Avi Murphy was the last of the ladies to cut her playing handicap.


The course is keeping its links look and feel. Fairways are still offering interesting roll after carry but the greens were a tad slower but also more receptive.

In the Senior Division Chris Lordan went into Rd 2 with a small lead over the defending champion Jay Barker. The two contestants both went out in 37 gross. It has to be noted that one player in their flight may have been a bit more nervous than normal. How else do you explain the fact that he topped his tee-shot and didn't make it past the ladies tee? Both Jay and Chris had volatile backward nines. In the end Jay proved to be a bit better in limiting the damage. His gross score of 78 is enough to retain the RPGC Club Championship. Results...

Aidan Hurley put in the best score today (76 gross), closely followed by Seong Lim (77). Roger Rojas (78) and Jeremy Ryan (79). Captain Nick Rogers' weird preparation didn't yield the expected results: he spent last night watching Pretty Woman (!) from start to finish. He can't even blame anybody else because the choice of movie was all his doing.
Congratulations to Jay.

In the Junior Division Peter Harrington started the day with Tony Kopczak breathing down his neck. The club's secretary was able to turn the tables on the chasing pack. The good front 9 was followed by a steady back 9. A score of 86 (gross) added to previous week's score of 81 makes Peter the winner of the junior division by 5 shots (he narrowly avoids an ESR). The round of the day goes to Paul Neuhardt whose 88 (gross) gets rewarded with a new handicap of 21. Well done Peter. Results...

In the Handicap Trophy for the best net score Peter Harrington was a clear winner on 126 over brian McMahon on 131. Results...

The net (sweep) for the day was won by <tba>. Results...

18 July

Midweek Claret Jug

In conditions rapidly resembling the African Serengeti during the dry season, 20 competitors (half the field) returned scores in the 60s. Very early clubhouse leader Jon Cooper held sway with 64 but was soon trumped by yet another fine round from winner of Claret Jug Bruno Clerckx. Bruno also returned lowest gross - nice one Bruno. A clutch of 64s returned by Jack Evans, Jon and Toby Hunt. Impeccable 65s came from Seong Lim, Gunnar Sundberg, Jon Ramphul, Peter Needham and Oliver Maskell. Leading lady was Gina Jillett 67. Results...

Reflecting conditions, CSS was pared back one from SSS.

Amit Acharya joined the 'Twos' at the 4th in a round marred only by some loose drives.

15 July

Club Championships Rd 1
Honours Boards


No great surprise that the leader of the gross competition is Habe Crocker with a gross 74. The closest contender is Veronica Mitchell who played six under her handicap to record a gross 80. The remaining competitors will have to put in some sterling performances next week to catch them. Results...

In the Handicap Cup, positions are reversed in the low division with Veronica some four shots ahead of Habe with the rest trailing some way off. For those with handicaps over 18, in the Pembroke Cup things are a lot closer. Joan Mulcahy leads the way on a net 66 from Alison Chadwick and Fiona Coombe on 68. Results...

CSS went to 68. All of the above receive cuts to their handicaps, with Joan earning an ESR of an additional shot. Special mention to Jane Fraser who recorded a rare eagle on the par 5 9th hole.


Things sort of went like planned in Round 1 of the Senior 2018 RPGC Club Championship with Jay and Chris slugging it out. Both players matched each other with scores of 36 gross on the way out. An untidy 18th hole by Jay allows Chris to take a slender one shot lead into next week's final round. Keith Cassidy played an excellent back 9 to remain in contention with a score of 74. Richard Owen was the surprise package of the day. He matched Keith's score of 74 and earns a spot in the 1st group out next Sunday. Pete Davis, Tim Meyer, Aidan Hurley and Damian Hackett (who will probably be sued by the people of Richmond Park for denting every tree on the front 9) are back on 76 and need to pull out all the stops to have any kind of chance. Results...

The "juniors" seemed to enjoy the extra roll/bounce on the course a lot better than the seniors. The Secretary Peter Harrington for once wasn't on handicap marking duty and slides into 1st place with an 81 gross (more on his net score later ...). Tony Kopczak did an excellent job matching Peter's score. But the countback rule pushes him into 2nd. Charlie Whiteman (83), Anis Driaa (84), Nathan Street and Steve Cross all have a chance next week to catch Peter. Results...

In the Handicap Trophy for the best net score Peter leads on 59 over Tony 61 and Richard 62. Results...

CSS: 66 (net). Chris' handicap gets a small cut. Richard Owen gets rewarded with an ESR of 0.5. His new handicap now stands 11.

11 July

Midweek Anniversary Accumulator Rd 2

Slightly cooler conditions than of late prevailed and with no recent rain to assuage variable bounces some areas of rough had been cut back from the fairway.

Captain Kim Chaffert led from the front recording an amazing 64 and lowest gross. Bruno Clerckx challenged on countback 69 from Michael. Choo, Chris Jones and Jon Ramphul. Following her victory on Sunday, Alison Chadwick led the ladies with 70. Results...

Reflecting the conditions, SSS was lowered by one. Kim may have to self-administer an Exceptional Scoring Reduction having set a marker net differential of -6!

Unsurprisingly, Kim leads the Midweek Anniversary Accumulator after two round on 139, just one clear from Michael Choo. Ann Gardner, Chris Jones and Sheena Harrington provide the immediate competition on 145. R2 Leader board...

8 July

Silver Jubilee
Honours Board | Anniversary Trophy

Going out really early wasn't the best plan of action. None of the very early starters completed all the 18 holes. A tidy 68 by Jay Barker couldn't prevent CSS moving temporarily up to 73 for the men. The nice weather and the course conditions seemed to inspire (or favour - make your choice) the ladies today. Ladies' Captain Alison Chadwick withdrew at the last minute from the Men's Invitation yesterday. It clearly helped her focus on today's comp. A net 67 safely guided her to victory. Her competition handicap also drops back to 20. Jay's held off a very steady round by Tenesi (68 net) to keep 2nd place. Ronnie's improved play on the back 9 moves her into 4th (70 net) . Keith Cassidy and Seong Lim complete the Top6. Just to prove that it is worth to keep at it: Jeremy Thompson didn't finish the 2nd hole. But his perseverance over the remaining 16 holes yielded the equivalent of 41 stableford points. As a reward his competition handicap now stands at 14. Results...

CSS: 70 (Men)/72 (Ladies)

In the Anniversary Trophy standings, Jay keeps his lead ahead of Keith Cassidy. R3 Leader board...

7 July

Men's Invitation

A great turnout considering it was going to be touch and go as to whether we’d be back in time for the 3pm start of the England v Sweden game. Ten pairs fought it out in blistering temperatures, umbrellas and wide brimmed hats were the order of the day.

Ann and Tamas got off to a flying start with a birdie on the first, however their back 9 let them down with a blob on the 12th and only managed 3rd place, a consistent performance with 20 out and 20 back could have been enough to secure victory on a normal day for Ronnie and Pete, however this wasn’t a normal day. Jon and Susan had a mediocre front 9 but warmed up for an exceptional second 9, scoring gross level par and 24 points, winning the men’s invite with 42 points.

And to top off the day, England progressed to the next round.

4 July

Midweek Medal

Another glorious summer day greeted competitors for the July medal. An even-paced but spectacular 64 from Cathy Stavely won the medal with Oliver Maskell close behind on 65. Oliver was one under par standing on the 13th tee but then unfortunately dropped more than his handicap in two holes. There then followed excellent 66s from Michael Choo, Paul House and Jeremy Thompson. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 67 (Men) and 69 (Ladies)

In the associated Midweek Grand Medal after 5 (of 8) rounds, the early leader is James Barker chased by Chris Jones 366 and then just 44 shots adrift Paul Grand. R5 Leader board...

1 Jul

Monthly Medals


As the course starts to resemble the savannah, the ball was running forever. But the combination of this with the rough still heavy and dense and issues with correct clubbing meant that the winning score was 2 over the SSS at 71 and CSS remained at 69.

After the front 9, not many would have put money on Gina Jillett being the eventual winner having used up 13 shots of her 15 handicap by that point. However, a little bottle of prosecco after the 10th provided the necessary boost and she only dropped a further 3 shots on the back 9 to win on countback from Elaine Elborne. Results...


The course must have been starting to feel like a Russian Roulette or a penalty shoot-out. Extra bounce on the fairways is making it nearly impossible to judge where the ball will come to a standstill. Conditions were pretty tough. Just 9 of 41 players remained in their buffer and 15 players didn't finish all the holes. To put that in perspective: that is 36% of the today's field.

Paul Hackett took victory with a solid 66 net. Seong Lim played a strong back 9 to finish 2nd with 67 net. The star group today was the 8.24 tee-time. Shaun Dupreez recorded a 68 net. His clubhouse lead didn't earn him the cocktail glass but 3rd place will do nicely. Captain Nick Rogers played an excellent front 9 but four wobbles on the back 9 prevent him from finishing higher than 4th (the wobbles were a 7 on 10, a 5 on 17 and a 6 on 14 & 18). There clearly was a Crocodile Dundee dress code in that group. Peter Osgood only emulated the Captain dress code but not his scoring ... Mark Laverty and Kerry Sargeant complete the Top6. Results...

CSS: 67

The round was the fifth of eight rounds for the Grand Medal Trophy. Jon Cooper retains his lead but is just one of a handful to have recorded 5 rounds. R5 Leader board...

27 June

Midweek Midsummer Cup

Morning cloud burnt off to give yet another hot sunny day tempered by a breeze. The Stableford format saw just one player disqualified for not signing card.

An impressive four over par with three birdies gave victory to Paul Cook 38 points for the Midweek Midsummer trophy. He was challenged by 36s from Jeremy Ryan, Chris Philips-Jones and Jeremy Thompson. Cathy Stavely nudged Susan Hempsell on countback for ladies' honours on 34. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 36 points for both Men and Ladies.

24 June

Captains' Day
Honours Boards: Men | Ladies

The field enjoyed another day of summer conditions (next week is forecast to get even warmer). Luckily the Captains' challenges didn't involve any poems (PDH should be more careful for the Fake News rumours). And to the joy of the majority of the field the English national football team qualified for the KO stages of the 2018 World Cup.

(Very) early starter Pete Harrison to use his own words "managed to put together a good score for the 1st time in a while" to become leader in the clubhouse with a net 69. He did fear that the score would not be good enough to win the comp today. Vice-Captain Nigel Gaymond stole Captain Nick's thunder by bettering Pete H's score. His net score of 68 held off challenges of President Tim Meyer (net 68 - Out in +2 gross!) and Ladies handicap secretary Sheena Harrington (net 70). The best was yet to come. Hawtree deadline is approaching so that can only mean one thing: Joan Mulcahy is edging closer to top form. A stunning net 65 means victory is hers. Tony Bergqvist came really close. But a double-hit (rumours even has it that the double hit happened on a putt) means that he couldn't better his net 66. Results..

On to the admin. CSS: 71 (Men) / 73 (Ladies). An impressive list of handicap changes. Please note that Nigel also receives an ESR. His new handicap now stands at 12 (Where was that form when the Hawtree team needed it?).

Captain's Day Challenges:

  • Ronnie's algorithms enabled her to correctly predict Ali/Nick's scores. Or was it more down to the fact that she put in 6-8 wagers (law of large numbers is that an algorithm too?)? I even believe that Lee Marshall had originally predicted the correct scores but he changed his mind allowing for Ronnie to pounce.
  • Nearest to the Pin for the Ladies

    - on the 7th was won by Joan Mulcahy
    - on the 10th was won by Val Ritzotis
    - on the 16th no GIR
    - on the 8th in 2 was won by Joan Mulcahy

  • Nearest to the Pin for the Men

    - on the 7th was won by Nigel Gaymond
    - on the 10th was won by Paul Cook
    - on the 16th Alan King
    - on the 11th in 2 was won by Nigel Gaymond

  • Best dressed supporter kit has to go to Liam Bridger.

Huge thanks to the player who generously went the extra mile in his charity donations.

By virtue of his second place Tony becomes the new Top Dog Trophy leader ahead of Richard Owen and Toby Hunt. R3 Leader board...

20 June

Midweek Stableford

A cloudy muggy start gave way to sunny periods. Perhaps having knowledge of a period of drought, a greenkeeper could be seen manually giving additional watering to some greens with a hose. Variable bounces and tough thick rough continued to be Prince's main defences.

Very early starter Mark Rosamund posted an unbeatable personal best 44 points. Mark was mildly disappointed to score only two points at 17 & 18 (!). Well done Mark, who also earned an additional Exceptional Scoring Reduction to play off 16.3 from 16.8. Toby Hunt shot a fantastic 42 with 23 on the back 9 to pip Kim who retuned a captain's innings of 41. Anne Holding-Parsons was leading lady with 37 points. Results...

CSS was elevated to 38 points from SSS 37 reflecting the relatively favourable scoring conditions.

It was drinks all round with new member Bruno Clerckx acing the second. Well done and cheers to Bruno. Recent holes in one are depicted in this report.

17 June

Shaw Cup
Honours Board | Top Dog

The field must have thought they were on a links course today (except for the sea). The course was still very dry. Tee shots that were just about off line could easily roll into the "bermuda" grass. Greens remained in pretty good condition. But rolling the ball onto the greens arguably remained the better approach. The gusting winds made club selection tricky.

Going out early seemed a pretty good idea. Oliver Maskell scored an excellent 41pts. Unfortunately his two birdies were offset by a five on the 16th (Where's Paul Brown when you need him?). A couple of games later the lead changed. Scott Sparks continued his excellent run of form by bettering Oliver's score by one. 21pts on front and back are an outstanding result. His lead was only held for 30min. Richard Owen matched Scott Sparks' score. But the countback rule awards victory to Richard. Paul House (39pts) and Davide Oddono (38pts) led the late morning charge but came up a bit short. 1st lady today is Jayne Maxwell with 38pts. Drive of the day has to go to Habe Crocker whose drive on the 3rd ended a few yards short of the Valley of Sin. I won't tell you how the hole finished. Results...

CSS: 37pts (Men & Ladies). Both Oliver and Scott earn ESR's. Scott now plays off 17 and Oliver's new handicap stands at 8.

Toby and Richard lead the Top Dog thanks to their respective victories in the first two rounds. On to Captain's Day next week. R2 Leader board...

13 June

Midweek Anniversary Accumulator Rd 1

Breezy but bright and dry conditions prevailed but with punishing rough.

Scott Sparks rose to the challenge with 67 - three ahead of leading Lady Ann Gardner. Third was Michael Choo 71 with Eddy Holt and Sheena Harrington 72s. Results...

CSS remained at SSS and Scott earned a two-shot playing reduction to 19. Well done Scott!

Round 1 of Midweek Accumulator naturally reflects the result. R1 Leader board...

10 June

Diamond Jubilee
Honours Board | Anniversary Trophy

Today's competiton had the collection of craziest golf sequences you can imagine: chip-ins, holing out your iron for an eagle, recording 4 birdies on the back 9. We also recorded an insane number of No Returns: 17 competitors did not manage the conditions that well. Sadly we also had to record 3 DQ's.

Roger Rojas had a rather volatile front 9: 2 double bogeys, 2 bogeys, 1 birdie and 4 pars equalled a score of 40 gross on the way out. 10 and 11 didn't fare any better (2 consecutive bogeys). Roger steadied himself remarkably and went on an absolute tear: 3 birdies in a row on 13,14 and 15 (I was even told that they were tap-in birdies), 2 pars on 16&17 and another birdie on 18 meant that he finished the back 9 on 34 strokes gross. His score of 65 (74 gross) is more than enough to win today's comp. Roger also earns an ESR and his new competition handicap now stands at 7. A rather good day at the office wouldn't you say?

Jay Barker threw everything and even the kitchen sink at Roger. But although he birded the 13th with a chip-in from 25 yards he came up a bit short. A 67 (71 gross) is "only" good enough for second today. First lady today was the leading candidate amongst insiders for the ladies MIP: Fiona Coombe. Her excellent back 9 gets rewarded with a net score of 69 and 3rd place. Keith Cassidy holed out his approach on 15 for an eagle 2. But his rollercoaster back 9 prevent him from finishing higher than 4th. Aidan Hurley and Maureen Slade complete the Top6. Results...

CSS: 71 (Men)/73 (Ladies)

Finally on to the Anniversary Trophy standings: Jay Barker (136), Keith Cassidy (139), Ray Esin (143), Roger Rojas (145). R2 Leader board...

6 June

Midweek Medal

Conditions were noticeably fresher than Sunday but warm sunshine prevailed in ideal conditions with good greens but punishing rough.

Just the sound of airplanes distracted Michael Choo's otherwise immaculate putting in a glorious 65 to win the June Medal - with just 2 shots dropped on the back 9 amidst 4 'Threes' starting with birdie at 10. Michael was pursued by the very early clubhouse leader Gina Jillet 66 with Oliver Khan and Rajinder Sehmi returning 67s. Results...

CSS remained at SSS.

There was no change of leader in round 4 of the Wednesday Grand Medal - Jay Barker 285, 9 clear of Jeremy Ryan and Chris Jones two further back. Cheryl Woodhouse leads for the women 4th on 301. R4 Leader board...

3 Jun

Monthly Medals


A small field entered this month's medal as there were several knock-out matches also taking place. After the rain in the week, there were still a number of places where relief was required from the conditions underfoot, but the ball was still running - mainly once it got on the greens. The highlight of the round was probably that four of the six competitors parred the notoriously tricky 17th. Sheena Harrington made her annual good round of golf coming in with a net 67 to take 1st place. In 2nd & 3rd were recent new recruits, Jen Wood and Cathy Staveley. Results...

However, scoring was such and with a small field, that the CSS went up to 70, giving Sheena a 0.9 cut to 15.4


Summer conditions all around for today's competition. An explosive growth of the rough punished any tee-shot that bounced/rolled off the fairways (this probably explains why 20% of the field completed an N/R). Most of the pin positions didn't seem too cruel. Final note to mention that the greens really suffered from the dry weather.

Oliver Maskell's aggressive style of play paid dividends. Four birdies sent him on his way to an impressive 63 (73 gross) to become leader in the clubhouse. His lead didn't last long. Louis Oroval recorded three 7's (on the 9th, the 17th and the 18th) but mastered the other 15 holes to perfection (I assume the the stress was building quite badly on the last 2 holes). A 60 (90 gross) means victory is his today. Louis' handicap gets a whopping cut of three strokes and his new playing handicap is now 27. Oliver Maskell's handicap drops to single figures for the 1st time (on the other hand I don't think his partner in the mixed pairs will be too impressed). Toby Hunt, James Barker (who chipped in for an eagle from a really bad lie on the 9th), Ray Esin and Charlie Whiteman complete the Top6. Results...

CSS: 67. Only 12 of the 35 players remained in their buffer zone.

The round was the fourth of 8 rounds for the Grand Medal Trophy. Jon Cooper retains his lead over Ray Esin. R4 Leader board...

30 May

Midweek Sweep

Kim Chaffert played a captain's innings to win the midweek sweep with 39 points. Mike Jones made a valiant effort on back 9 with 21 points but Kim's score was good enough to beat Oliver Kahn and Chris Phillips-/Jones' 38s. Alison led the women's challenge on 34. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 37 points. Chris, Oliver and Mike earn handicap reductions.

27 May

Bank Holiday Sweep

A (very) small field braved the near apocalyptic weather forecast by the BBC (#FakeNews to use the words of The Donald) to compete in today's sweep. The 24 competitors were rewarded with beautiful golfing conditions. After a few rain drops the initial clouds made way and the sun decided to stick around for the rest of the day. The overnight rain created a lot of casual water in the bunkers and on the 16th green. The ditch between the 3rd and 18th actually filled up with water creating a "real" water hazard. Also the greens were very receptive. Finally the fairways still offered a nice bounce and roll.

Today nobody was a match for Keith Cassidy. Two opening birdies set him on his way to 23pts on the front 9 (34 strokes gross). After a birdie on 17 the prospect of a level par round was on the cards. But an untidy 5 on the last hole translated to "only" 21pts on the way in. Keith finished on 44pts (72 strokes gross). His playing handicap now stands at 8! Well done! The best of the rest (5pts behind the winner) were leader in the clubhouse Caleb Mills (who had an excellent back 9) and Kim Chaffart (who couldn't hit a green in regulation and whose putter totally abandoned him on a tap-in on the 10th and short putt on the 13th). Paul Neuhardt, Ray Esin and James Anslow complete the Top6. First lady today is new member Jennifer Wood. Results...

CSS: 36pts (Men & Ladies)

23 May

Midweek Founders Cup Rd3

A cool and persistent wind eventually abated to give Spring sunshine. Generally, rough had thickened but course and greens in good condition.

The winner of round 3 of the Founders' up was settled with countback separating Steve Tyrell, Martin Smith and Jeremy Ryan - all 38s, Jeremy Prescott and Jay Barker were next with commendable 36s. Anne Holding-Parsons flew the ladies' flag on countback 35 from Gina Jillet. Results...

The Founders' Cup was won by Dylan Merchant 79 from Chris Jones. Hassan Mouilah and Oliver Khan with 76s. Final Leader board...

20 May

Monthly Medals


Just a small group of eight contested the medal this month, a combination of the previous day's invite and a Whitewebbs match. With a net 66, including a birdie at the first and a 9 on the seventh, it is likely that the winner would still have been Alison Chadwick even with a larger field. She finished some six shots ahead of Tenesi Karakaneva. Alison sees her handicap cut by 1.6 to 20.9. Results...

CSS remained at 69


The field enjoyed some very nice weather. But scoring proved tricky for most of the field. Jay Barker started on the front and back 9 with a bogey. But he calmly offset those with birdies on 2 and 17 to finish on gross 68 net 63  to wrap up victory. Jay's handicap moves back to 4. After 36 holes in one day he supposedly had enough of golf for a couple of days. Pretty sure he will be out on the course every day of the coming week. Cuneyt Sazer had a very strong front 9 (41 gross). A setback on the 13th prevented him from improving on a net score of 65 (85 gross). 2nd place is a well earned consolation. Despite a horrendous 10th hole Phil Flanagan used an excellent back 9 to finish 3rd on 66 (84 gross). Caleb Mills, Christer Larsson and Simon Malin (who b/c of the stableford adjustment sees his handicap drop back to 7 just ahead of his singles KO match) complete the Top6. Peter Osgood performed a minor miracle by losing the shanks that had been holding him back over the last couple of weeks. Too bad all the other parts of his game let him down this time. Results...

CSS: 67

The round was the third of 8 for the Grand Medal Trophy. R3 Leader board...

16 May

Midweek Founders Cup Rd2

The chill on a late Spring day was accentuated by a persistent wind, providing a stern test on Duke's but greens were even-paced. A good Wednesday turnout (47 + odd match) was in evidence with the winner emerging late from the afternoon pack. Congratulations to Dylan Merchant on 44 points with 23 and just six shots dropped on front 9. Five behind was early clubhouse leader Hassan Mouilah with Kim Chaffart and recent new members Oliver Khan and Stephen Haworth with decent 37s. Gina flew the ladies’ flag with 34 points. Results...

Dylan earns a handicap cut from 22 to 19 and leads the Founders Cup after 2 of 3 rounds on 79 points - 3 clear of Chris Jones, Hassan Mouilah and Oliver Khan. R2 Leader board...

13 May

Summer Cup / Committee Cup Rd2

Honours Board

No one was expecting to play in the dry today so were pleasantly surprised to see blue skies and despite yesterday's downpours the course had absorbed most of it. With the greens playing much faster than they had on Prince's last week, it took a while to adjust.

Almost half of the field in the first round of the competition didn't participate in today's round including the leader. With only a few points separating the leading group there was all to play for in this round. Cheryl Woodhouse lost no time in staking her claim with three 3-pointers in the first 4 holes helping her to 20 on the front 9. At this point the golfing god switched allegiance to Veronica Mitchell who began her back 9 with a birdie 2, blobbed one hole and still managed 20 points to be both winner today and over the 2 rounds with 36 points today and 70 in total. Sheena Harrington had a consistent 17 out and back to take second place with 34 points today and 67 overall. Results...

Overall Committee Cup...


The dream/hope of playaing the national final of the UKPCC at St Andrews was full on today. A big field enjoyed near perfect conditions to play golf. The course was still dry enough to offer an extra bounce/roll. Yesterday's rain on the other hand made chipping/pitching less complicated. The effects of the rain were also noticeable on the greens which proved a lot less unpredictable than last week.

The pace today was set by 4 early starters. Lee Marshall's golf was totally dialled in today. 33 strokes (gross) on the way out resulted in 25pts! A slight wobble on holes 13-15 were swiftly dealt with. 19pts on the way and a total score of 44pts (!) seem like a good day at the office. Lee's handicap gets cut by a massive 1.6 strokes. His new (playing) handicap now stands at 8. Jon Cooper's round was a mirror image of the winner's. 23pts on the way in (2 birdies in a row on 16,17) and 19pts out earn him 2nd place. Roger Rojas rediscovered his touch on route to an excellent score of 40pts. Pete Harrison's highlight of the day was a "tap-in" eagle on 17. 39pts (21pts in) allow him to hold off Cuneyt Sazer (who will regret the 18th hole though) based on the countback rule. Chris Lordan had a "birdie free" round but still finished on 38pts to complete the Top6. Ray Esin came out all guns blazing and ended the front 9 with 24pts. His sub-par back 9 prevented him from sneaking into the Top6. Results...

CSS: 36pts. Although the winning players' scores were impressive only 13 out of 42 players remained within their buffer zone. 

Final note: Lord give strength to the person who has to partner Peter Osgood in the mixed pairs (poor Deborah), men's pairs (poor Tammy), Hawtree/Ladies Invite (SOS Cheryl), Clapham Common (Wait a second ... That's me. Thanks Nigel ...)

9 May

Midweek Founders Cup Rd1

Conditions remained favourable for round 1 of the Founders' Cup although for those straying into the semi-rough a lost ball was a possibility. Playing to the top of their game were the winner Chris Jones and Habe Crocker. Well done to Chris who triumphed on a countback back nine 24 points dropping only four shots. Even paced John Rivers was 2nd with 42 whilst new member Oliver Kahn returned 39 points but no card and so DQ. Results...

This is the first of three rounds of the Founders Cup. R1 Leader board...

6 May


There's a saying that goes that Golf is nothing else but a good walk spoiled. I think that saying describes the feeling of the vast majority of the field. Astonishingly the summer conditions at the Park proved to be a massive obstacle. The extra carry & roll on the fairways proved to be of very little use. Arguably the faster greens caught a lot of competitors off guard too. Finally the pin position on the 7th green was pure evil. To resume: 34pts was enough to finish in the Top6 today.

Davide Oddone coped very well with today's conditions. Consistent golf (20pts & 21pts in - with a no score on the 15th!) allows him to see off a resurgent Steve Cross. The latter scored points on each hole (22pts out) but he arguably let victory slip away with a double-bogey on the 16th. Both Davide and Steve get healthy handicap cuts. Davide's new handicap stands at 19 and Steve will from now play off 22. Paul House was on fire on the front 9. An eagle on the 9th vaulted him to 23pts on the way out. 16pts (with just 2pts on the last 2 holes) prevented him finishing higher than 3rd. Paul also gets a new competition handicap (11). Jonathan Scriven (36pts), Charlie Whiteman (35pts) and James Anslow (34pts) complete the Top6. Results...

It was quite an eventful day for Ray (again). He managed to ace the 2nd, scoring 8 stableford points on the first two holes! First lady was Tenesi.

CSS: 36pts (Men & Ladies)

Finally it is with regret that we had to say goodbye to Eric Lit who was forced to return to Holland (to be precise the return was not Brexit related). Here are a few words from Eric:

"It is with great sadness that I have to say goodbye to you all. I have to go back to Rotterdam. It was a great pleasure to meet you all and i had a lot of fun playing golf with you. You take care of yourselves and keep 'em straight :-)”
2 May

Midweek Medal

Atrocious conditions of rain and wind prevailed for morning competitors. This takes nothing from the superb gross 72 crafted by Jay Barker who whipped the field by 4. Well done Jay! Commendable 71s were returned by Hassan Mouilah and Cheryl Woodhouse flew the ladies' flag with 73. Results...

Jay ventures further into Category 1 territory being cut to 4.2 and incidentally also leads the Wednesday Grand Medal Trophy on 209 from Toby Hunt by three. R3 Leader board...

29 April

Bogey Sweep / Committee Cup Rd1

Honours Board

What a difference a week makes. So it was back to thermals and woolly hats in the cold wind that seemed to get worse through the day. No doubt that with double the entry for this year's 36-hole competition, most were hoping to retain their shorts of last week.

Despite the conditions overhead, the course was in good condition and scoring was generally better than for many a week. Leading the 1st round is Fiona Coombe with 36 points, which included a 5-pointer for a birdie 2 on the 10th, Veronica Mitchell is lying 2nd with 34 and there are another 3 ladies just 1 point further back. Results...

CSS remained at 36


It seemed like the Beast from the East had made an unwelcome return to the Park. Cool temperatures and a gusting wind that became stronger as the day went on made life pretty miserable. Most of the field failed to take advantage of a course which is improving at an interesting pace.

The lone exceptions being Tore Burman - although these conditions must feel like a Scandinavian spring to him - and Chris Lordan. Tore played a solid front 9 (2Up) but faded away on the back 9 to finish at 1Up and take 2nd place. Chris Lordan reeled off 3 birdies in a row (5,6,7) to finish 4Up on the front 9. He played a steady back 9 until the 17th and 18th hole (which he both lost). A score of 4Up makes him the clear winner. Chris' new playing handicap now stands at 6. Luis Oroval was level on front and back 9 to finish 3rd. Leaders in the clubhouse Jon Cooper and Scott Sparks (who went out in a score of 3Up!) were the only other players to not lose to the course. Nathan Street (1 Down) completes the Top6. Peter Osgood to use his own words died on the back 9 (don't worry: he's come back from the dead). Paul Brown's putter apparently was still as hot as during yesterday's victory in the Clapham Common. Too bad about the rest of his game. Results...

CSS: All Square. Just two handicap changes.

25 April

Midweek Sweep

Typical April conditions prevailed with a persistent wind. This was the last competition with preferred lies for the season.

Mark Rosamund stamped his authority on the field early in the day with 42 points to win the midweek sweep comp, 3 clear from Messrs. Colley and Curry. Gina Jillet was best placed lady 35 points. Results...

CSS: 67 Men, 69 Ladies. Mark earns a two playing shot handicap reduction.

22 April

Monthly Medals


Unlike the men, many of whom made it look easy, this was not the general consensus of opinion from the ladies, nor did the scores reflect that. With a small field of 7 and no one reaching the SSS, CSS remained at 69.

Susan Smith emerged as the winner on net 70, with Cheryl Woodhouse two further back on 72. These results were reached in quite different ways. After the first hole, Susan had a storming few holes before a complete blip on the 9th. Cheryl, on the other hand, was riding her birthday luck, with balls bouncing out of the trees back onto the fairway until she'd used up the luck on the 18th. Results...


Conditions were very receptive today. Extra carry and roll on the fairways and some additional grip on the greens thanks to last night's rain. If you were able to adapt to the speed of the greens you were in for a good score. Even though the level of play proved to be excellent a lot of the players will feel like they've let one slip away. Quite a few scorecards show players blowing up on one or more holes (that includes yours truly).

Ray Esin continues his incredible run of form. Holes 9 & 10 proved to be the only blemishes on his card. Net 59 (78 gross) made him leader in the clubhouse. Such was the level of play that Ray only managed to hold on to victory thanks to the countback rule. James Shine played a very consistent round of golf to match Ray's score. His birdie on 18 earns him a well deserved runner-up position. Vice-Captain Nigel Gaymond seems to have rediscovered some form (just ahead of the Hawtree). An impressive 62 lands him into the Top3. Seong Lim posted the lowest gross score of 71 (62 net). Mike Shabani (net 63) and Sazer Cuneyt (net 64) complete the Top 6. A net score of 68 today would only get you into position 16-19. Results...

CSS: 66 (net). Ray leads an impressive list of players with new handicaps. He also earns an ESR of one stroke. His new handicap now stands at 16.

The round was the second of 8 for the Grand Medal Trophy. R2 Leader board...

18 April

Midweek Priory Cup

A big field were greeted by some beautiful spring/summer weather. The course on the other hand is still recovering. A few days of sunshine have dramatically changed the look of the Duke's course. No traces of mud or standing water. Greens hardening at a surprising pace: carrying the ball to the pin was not the correct strategy. And putting still remained tricky.

The Top3 today were among the early starters: arguably the conditions were a better at that time of the day. Jonathan Rivers was on fire on the front 9 (5Up). The back 9 proved a bit trickier. But a final score 4Up is more than enough to hold off a reborn Elaine Elborn. Elaine's back 9 (3Up) was excellent. David Vines (3Up) was equally impressive on the back 9. In the end 2nd place goes to the Irish fury thanks to the countback rule. Dylan Merchant (1Up) was the only one of the afternoon starters to put up a decent score (1Up). Ann Gardner and Jeremy Ryan complete the Top6. Results...

CSS: 1Up (Men & Ladies). Jonathan and Elaine earn nice handicap improvements.

15 April

Platinum Jubilee
Honours Board | Anniversary Trophy

A big field had to deal with some issues on the Duke's Course today. The dry weather over the last 2-3 days took care of most of the mud. That being said: the course was not the most welcoming. The fairways are still too wet therefore preventing the greenkeeping team from cutting them. The rough is growing quite rapidly. Finally the greens were more unpredictable due to the sand.

Three of the players in the 1st game put up decent scores. Jay Barker recorded a net score of 69. This score was matched by Keith Cassidy. Pete Harrison put up a net 70 to finish 5th. The quality of the golf seriously dropped off in the 2nd game (Peter Osgood, Roger Rojas, Caleb Mills - who can invoke jetlag as an excuse - and Shaun Dupreez). The players in the 3rd game made up for that. Ray Esin leapfrogged everybody. A net score of 67 earns him victory today. A stroke of good fortune on the 18th hole (where his ball was on its way to the 1st ditch only to be stopped by one of the metal loops) didn't hurt. Kim Chaffart's iron play remains scrappy but he scrambled his way to a net 68 and 2nd place. Alan King completes the Top6 with a net 71. Four players in the Top6 earn handicap reductions. Results...

CSS: 71 (Men)/ 73 (Ladies)

The event was the first round of Anniversary Trophy - the best 3 of the 4 Anniversary events - where the results mirror the Platinum Jubilee results at this point. R1 Leader board...

A few other bits:

  • Nigel Gaymond still hasn't recovered from last week's alcohol and food poisoning (expertly administered by Damian Hackett, Nick Rogers and Roger Rojas). Hence why he forgot to leave his scorecard at the club (he supposedly shot a net 71).
  • Nick Rogers matched Jay and Pete Harrison on the front 9 (37 gross) before collapsing on the way in.
  • 1st lady today is Ronnie Mitchell.
  • Shot of the day goes to Jay Barker for his reverse flop shot off the bank on the 14th (?) (video available on request).
  • Peter Osgood committed his full weight (16 stone and counting) to a lay-up strategy on the 18th hole. His tee-shot barely made past the ladies tee.
  • A lot of competitors (especially the ladies) had some accounting issues with their scorecards. Total number of gross strokes were all over the place (to put it mildly).
  • Finally the most infuriating item: it can happen that your score is so bad that you can't even be bothered. What do you do? You go home and you ask your playing partner to record your score on the computer for you. Can you please ensure that that person records the correct score? The scorecard in question was a total mess.
    I'm not begging but I'm urging you all to help all the handicap secretaries in their work. Today the handicap secretary had to personally check 63 scorecards (we do check all the scorecards indeed!) and he has to run/publish a few other reports too. All handicap secretaries are trying their best to publish the results in a speedy and professional manner. A helping hand from the Members wouldn't hurt.

11 April

Midweek Medal

Rain over last few weeks affected the course badly with 8 temporary greens. So not a handicapping qualifier. The conditions of mud and un-mown temporary greens affected people differently (perhaps an assist to those with the 'yips' having to ram home putts?) but analysis reveals that on the whole, the back 9 were easier. Analysis...

Cream rose to the top with Stephen Haworth in his first competitive round with RPGC being the early clubhouse leader with 65 having birdied the last nudging late starter Jay Barker into 3rd on countback. The deserved winner was another late starter - Tamas on 64. Jay had the best gross with a two over par 70. Leading lady was Angela Flynn 74. Results...

The round counted as the 2nd Midweek Grand Medal round and early leader is Chris Philips-Jones on 135 - 2 clear from Toby. R2 Leader board...

8 April

Ladies Spring Weekend Away

Veronica Mitchell wins the Lockie Trophy for the best Lady over the weekend rounds.  Peter Harrington was the best Man. Results...

8 April

Spring Stableford Rd2

A smaller field today due to the Ladies' away weekend and the club playing in the Surrey 5's. The field faced a course which at first sight could have been more forgiving. Recent works on the greens, still quite a lot of mud and standing water (preventing the greenkeepers from cutting the fairways). Nobody could've really expected today's barrage.

Damian Hackett put up an excellent front 9 (21pts) and then recovered excellently from a no score on the 13th hole. 19pts on the back (total score 40pts) made him leader in the clubhouse. Unfortunately for him the back-up handicap secretary matched his score on the front 9. Birdie on 14 and a chip-in birdie on 16 pushed Kim on to 21pts on the way in. 42pts proved to be enough for victory today. Chris Lordan continues his excellent form. Three birdies on the front 9 (23pts) set him up nicely for a more subdued back 9 (17pts). 40pts move Chris into 3rd and gets his playing handicap down to 7. Brian McMahon finishes 4th just 1pt behind Chris. Jay (39pts) and Tenesi (38pts) complete the Top6. Results...

Factoid of the day: Greg Saunders 2-putted every green today.

Jay wins the Spring Stableford with a total score of 76pts just ahead of Brian McMahon (75pts) and Kerry Sargeant (74pts). Results...

CSS: 38pts (Men & Ladies)

4 April

Midweek Master Bowl

At times conditions proved very blustery but by and large it was dry. Many puddles were manifest - some not seen since the flooding of 2000.

Oliver Maskell produced a characteristically winning 68 four ahead of Cosmo Liefting-Moore and Jeremy Ryan. Oliver wins (of course) the Masters Bowl. Habe Crocker was leading lady 83. Results...

The 'No Returns' produced some interest for those of a certain bent: Kim being DQ card not signed whilst Messrs. Grand, Lindesay-Bethune and Rivers had net differentials within buffer zone, thereby avoiding 0.1 increase 9i.e. were within buffer on a stableford basis) despite 'blobbing' at least one hole.

1 April

Sunday Sweep

The effects of the rain over the last couple of days were hard to ignore. A lot of standing water and mud on the fairways. The right side of the 16th green was not the place to be. A bit of extra carry on tee-shots was useful.

All this seemed to play into Chris Lordan's strengths. After a steady front 9 he came alive on the back 9 with three birdies on 10, 16 and 17. He managed to total 21pts on the way in. A total score of 39pts is an excellent result in the conditions. His competition handicap doesn't change but he edges closer to a new handicap.

Leader in the clubhouse Caleb Mills recorded a very solid 37pts to finish second. An excellent back 9 (21pts) allows Steve Cross to take 3rd place. Damian Hackett got a little flustered by nearly being hit by yours truly's tee-shot on the 17th (and NO it wasn't a hook or a slice. Just a pure strike down the right side of the fairway). Two sixes prevent him from finishing higher than 4th. Phil Flanagan and Lee Marshall complete the Top6. Shout-out to John Curry for his eagle on the 17th. 1st lady today was Lia Donath. Results...

CSS: 36 (Men & Ladies)

28 March

Midweek Sweep

Perseverance with the rain was manifest with a small but quality field of 7. 57 % scored within buffer zone resulting in an elevated CSS of 38 points/reduced 66 shots. Mark Rosamund shot a blinding 38 points (19 out 19 in) to win 3 clear from Henry Lindesay-Bethune. Results...

25 March

Coronation Cup
Honours Board

Grey sunless and still early spring conditions proved ideal for golf. Following his recent midweek win, Toby Hunt was crowned the winner of the Coronation Cup with a glorious 65 narrowly beating Tony Bergqvist and leading lady Habe Crocker 66s and five following with 67s. James Barker claimed best gross 76. Results...

A good turnout of 60 produced CSS = SSS with ladies in receipt of 2 shots (difference in the SSSs).

An authoritative bark from Toby from the top of the men's Top Dog Trophy (first event 2018) with 12 points echoed a new handicap of 12 having nudged 14 earlier in the year. Well done Toby! R1 leader board... 

21 March

Midweek Medal

Just 3 days ago both courses were unplayable per this view. Today the sun shone and it was a pleasant Spring day. It was a double first for Toby who won the first midweek grand medal round with a 66 and the best gross of the day 80. He was chased by Chris Phillips-Jones 67 and Richard Hodgkinson and Jeremy Prescott 69s. A jet-lagged Kim returned a respectable late 75. Results...

14 March

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 8

A mild but at times blustery day greeted competitors hinting that Spring is surely just round the corner.

Ted Holt emerged the winner with 38 points ahead of Raymond Esin 37 and John Curry & Paul Grand 36s. Results...

Ted hit a perfect shot on 2 for an ace! And after 4 holes had 14 points in the bag. Well done indeed Ted. It was drinks all round (at least for late morning players) at the nineteenth.

This was the last round of the midweek Winter Competition confirming the 1-2-3 as before - Eeelco Snidjers 114, Peter Harrington 113 and Jonathan Rivers 112. Final leader board... 

Brett Colley won the Prince's Eclectic on 64 with Henry Lindesay-Bethune 2nd on countback 64.5 from Chris Phillips-Jones. Final leader board...

18 March

Competition Cancelled

This view illustrates the weather conditions that caused the cancellation of the day's competition.

11 March

Monthly Medals


Despite the hint of spring to come with the sun making an unexpected showing for a few holes, the ladies made heavy going of their first medal round of the year. The small field of 9 did not cover themselves in glory, with only 2 managing less than 50 shots on the front 9. Things weren't a whole lot better on the back 9, with the result that it was a QRO and the CSS went to 72. Winning with a net 77 and winning by one shot was Tenesi Karakaneva, by dint of a better back 9, Sheena Harrington took the second slot from the three on 78. Results...


Early Spring conditions prevailed with mud in places but otherwise good for scoring opportunities. Jon Cooper shot an exceptional 62 to win the March Medal and by all accounts still left a shot or two on the course. Well done Jon! Second placed Jay Barker shot 66 and lowest gross 71 and beat Mike Shabani on countback. Paul House and Toby Hunt had 67s. Results...

The round doubled as first of 8 for the Grand Medal Trophy. R1 Leader board...

A shout-out to Kerry Sargeant for 2 ‘Twos’ and for recording the year’s first eagle – unusually at the fifth. Eagle tree...

7 March

Midweek Inaugural Trophy

Following the previous week's snow, conditions were good for early Spring. Rain plagued the early starters whilst later competitors suffered an unexpected hail shower.

Henry Lindesay-Bethune started as he ended with a birdie and scored an outstanding 43 points to win the Midweek Inaugural Trophy (with a 'blob'). Lesser mortals were led in 2nd place with a fine 40 from John Curry and workmanlike 39s from Jeremy Ryan and Paul Grand. Results...

CSS remained at SSS with 6 handicap changes including a 1.2 cut for Henry to 7.0.

4 March

Spring Stableford Rd 1 / Medal Meeting


As the weather appeared to continue to deteriorate as the week drew to a close, a few names disappeared from the booking sheet. The start sheet of 8 ladies soon dropped to 6 and by Sunday morning to just 4 players. Those 'hardy' few found a course free from all but a few pockets of snow, little wind, and positively balmy temperatures compared with those we played in for the last few weeks.

Since all four would have been winners with the prize allocation for the Spring Meeting, the competition was abandoned and a 4-ball better ball match ensued. Habe & Lia played Doreen & Sheena in a close game that was halved on the 18th. A very fair result celebrated with drinks and biscuits all round.


There were no doubt many at home, regretting their decision to pull out of the opportunity to win this 36 hole competition! Not that many would have believed golf would be possible after the snow that was still falling on Friday. After the temperature finally rose above freezing, the snow had all but gone and conditions underfoot were surprisingly good.

So it was a small field of 28 who entered the first leg of the first of the new 2018 season competitions. Giving the rest something to chase, Alan King takes a 3 point cushion into the second round. His winning score of 41 points, which included 2 blobs and 3 birdies, sees him rewarded with a 1.2 cut to his handicap. Paul House continues his recent run of form to lie in 2nd place on 38, with a 0.2 cut and there are a further 3 players one shot further back. Results...

CSS went to 37 points.

25 February

Winter Comp Rd 8 / Princes Eclectic Rd 4


Piercing blue skies, an icy wind but a much drier course underfoot did nothing to inspire most of the ladies - let's blame the number of layers being worn restricting movement. None of this stopped Joan Mulcahy whose 35 points gave her a run away victory by four from Lia Donath. Results...

With no one achieving the SSS, the CSS dropped to 34 points awarding Joan with a 0.4 handicap reduction and most of the rest of us a 0.1 addition.

The final round of the Eclectic saw a number of scores improve, with Habe Crocker and Val Riziotis on net 70, but Habe took it on countback, making her the winner on both courses. Final leader board...


Another round of winter golf at Richmond Park today. The extra roll on the fairways was largely offset by polar winds and the fact that chipping/pitching around the greens and judging the speeds of those greens was pretty tricky. Quite obvious that these conditions would suit a man playing in his ... shorts. 

Caleb Mills played a really steady round of golf (17pts out and 19pt in) to cruise to victory. The late morning starters put up a decent challenge but Habib (35pts), Martin, Christer and Michele (all on 34pts) came up a bit short. All 3 of them played excellent back 9's. Roger, also on 34pts, completes the Top6. Results...

CSS: 35pts. Caleb is the only player to earn a handicap reduction.

Winter Competition
Nobody was to improve on their respective scores. With a score of 116pts Paul House seals his victory. Add that to his win in the Midweek Winter Matchplay and we can safely say that it's been an interesting couple of months for Paul "yellow tees" House. Final leader board...

Prince's Eclectic
James Barker wins this competition with a net Score of 59 just ahead of Roger (net 60). Final leader board...

21 February

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 7

Chilly with mud summarised the conditions. Some very good scores were returned with Jack Evans the winner of the penultimate midweek winter comp round on 43 points. Jeremy Prescot had a purple patch returning 42 beating Sushant Lal on countback. Kerry Sargeant returned a creditable 39 returning to single figure handicap. Results...

SSS remained at yellows/reds 37 points with no fewer than 10 handicap changes (mainly reductions).

Brett Colley is declared the winner of the associated Duke's Eclectic on 62.5 beating Paul House by a clear shot. Final leader board...

In the overall midweek Winter Competition Eelco Snijders leads on 114 from Peter Harrington 113 and Paul House 112. With at least one round having to be played on each course, the results have been compiled manually and attached report has an additional column showing what competitors would need to score to beat Eelco on the final Prince's round. R7 Leader board...

18 February

Winter Comp Rd 7 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 4


Positively balmy conditions in comparison to last week encouraged a few to some good scoring on the front 9 with the ladies who finished in the top 3 spots all recording 17 points. The back 9 wasn't so kind to them resulting in another reduction only round. Tenesi Karakaneva took first place with 31 points, followed by Habe Crocker on 30. Results... 

After the final round of the Duke's Eclectic, Habe emerges the winner, having taken five shots off her previous total. Her winning score of 72 beating Susan Smith the previous leader by three. Final Leader board...


At first sight the field didn't seem to face the harshest conditions. Mild(er) temperatures, less mud/casual water and ever receptive greens might have given the impression that the course was there for the taking. The early starters failed to capitalize. Oliver Maskell overcame a sluggish front 9 with an excellent back 9. Three birdies put him en route to a score of 22pts on the way in and 38pts was good enough to become leader in the clubhouse. To give an idea about the struggles of the early starters until 1.30pm CSS was estimated at 35pts.

The later starters put on a show. Jim Fogarty had three birdies to total 39pts. Michele Prencipe's round was a mirror of Jim Fogarty's 18 holes: 19pts out and 20pts in take him into 1st place thanks to the countback rule. Michele sai che è già la seconda volta che fai un punteggio di 39 punti su Duke's? Questo corso di golf e quasi fatto su tua misura.

Other late starters Chris Lordan, Paul House and Peter Harrington complete the Top6. Michele's handicap gets cut 0.9 strokes and he now plays of 18. Auguri!! Jim Fogarty and Paul House also get new handicaps. Thanks to the flurry of good scores CSS went back to 36pts. Results... 

In the Winter Competition Paul House had to record a score on Duke's to keep a chance of winning these series. Today's score allows him to retain his lead with 116pts. Michele Prencipe is 2nd on 113pts. Oliver Maskell and Jay Barker are a little further back. R7 Leader board...

In the final round of the Duke's Eclectic - report due soon. Final Leader board...

14 February

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 6

Conditions varied for competitors - common in winter. Early frost greeted the first games whilst increasingly gale force winds affected the later games. Early players seemed to have the advantage with Alan King taking the honours on 39 points with countback separating Jonathan Rivers, Brett Colley and Kim Chaffart. Only 'Two' recorded was by a lady Joan Mulcahy on 2nd. Results...

CSS reflected difficult winter conditions @ 36 points.

In the associated Prince's Eclectic, Henry Lindesay-Bethune shares lead with Brett Colley on 65.0 from Jonathan Rivers 66.0. R3 Leader board...

In the Winter Competition Jonathan has a lead of two on 112 from Peter Harrington. R6 Leader board...

11 February

Winter Comp Rd 6 / Princes Eclectic Rd 3


In addition to the mud underneath, today we had to contend with a biting wind, helping to make club selection a challenge. From the scores, it was obviously a challenge to which most did not rise. With 32 points, Jayne Maxwell was probably not overly impressed with her score, but she was way out of reach for everyone else and cruised to a 5 point win over Jane Fraser and Val Riziotis. Results... 

CSS went to 34 points, Reduction-Only round.

Habe Crocker has returned to the top of the Eclectic, kicking her round off with a birdie, but there is rather a chasing pack with Jayne one shot back, and Val and Sheena two back. All is left to play for in the last round. R3 Leader board...


The field faced some real winter conditions: cool temperatures, muddy fairways and swirling winds to name a few. Paul House had a decent start to his round (18pts) but sealed his win today by notching up 22pts on the way in. The only blemishes on the back 9 were bogeys on the 12th and 13th hole. Paul's handicap gets cut to 11.5. Barry Page earned a well deserved runner-up place with 39pts (20pts out & 19pts in). Scott Sparks (21pts on the way in) and early clubhouse leader Peter Harrison finish on 37pts. Tamas Ladacs (20pts on the back 9) and Caleb Mills complete the Top6. Results...  

CSS: 37pts.

Jay Barker retains the overall lead in the Winter Competition since Paul House hasn’t yet recorded a score on Duke’s. R6 Leader board...

Jay retains his lead in the Prince's Eclectic (Net 59) ahead of Pete H (Net 61) and Kerry Sargeant (62). R3 Leader board...

7 February

Midweek Medal

Early snow flurries evaporated to leave a largely sunny but cold day. Mud from the weekend was not so prevalent and there were some very good scores for some. Early clubhouse leader Jonathan Rivers shot 66 and in the event this remained the lead until the last game produced the winner. Charlie Renton produced an outstanding 62 to win from Jonathan with Brett Colley 3rd 67 one ahead of Henery Lindsay-Bethune. Results...

Well done Charlie who had a three shot cut to 19. CSS remained at SSS 69.

5 February

Annual Subscriptions

Annual subscriptions are due on 1st February. The rate remains unchanged at £50.

Please check this recent Committee Notice for details and payment options.

4 February

Monthly Medal / Team event


Report due soon. Results...


Cold temperatures and the aftermath of the annual dinner created a list of last minute cancellations. It has to be said that the ladies field lost a lot more players: only 5 out of 10 (!) players showed up for their competition.

On to the matter of the day: Keith Cassidy played an excellent front 9 (where he left an uncountable number of birdie putts short). His back 9 was a bit more volatile. But a scrambling 4 on the 18th allows him to to take 1st place today (based on the countback rule). Peter Harrison's round was pretty similar (excellent on the way out - shaky on the way in). But bogeys on the last 3 holes push him into 2nd. Oliver Maskell on the other hand proved again that he's very comfortable on the back 9 on Duke's. He posted the best score on the last 9 holes to finish 3rd. Barry Page, Jay Barker and Martin Heinrich complete the Top6. Results...

Just 6 players played to their handicap (aka their buffer zone). CSS: 72

31 January

Midweek Stableford

Today proved to be a stern test of the players' resolve and patience. For once the weather forecasters were right. Conditions were not great to use an understatement: rains showers, hail, casual water and gusting winds to name a few.

Two birdies on the shorter part 3's on the back 9 put Angela Flynn on her way to an impressive 38pts to win today's comp. One of the other early starters, Jon Cooper, finishes 3rd with 35pts. Paul House's practice sessions with Jay Barker continue to pay dividends. 2nd place (36pts) is his reward for a consistent round of golf. Michael Choo, Kim Chaffart and Hassan Mouilah complete the Top6. Results...

CSS: 35pts

28 January

Annual General Meeting

The AGM was held at the clubhouse after the morning round with the usual officer reports and discussions.

For easy reference click for the Secretary's Report for 2017 and the newly installed 2018 Committee.

28 January

Winter Comp Rd 5 / Princes Eclectic Rd 2


What a difference from last Sunday although the effects of the rain then and during the week, made conditions underfoot decidedly muddy, but it was at least mild. Some of the ladies made light work of the mud and there was some good scoring on the back 9. With 3 ladies scoring 15 points out, it was all to play for on the return. Two months away from the game seemed to work for both Val Riziotis and Fiona Coombe, but both were piped by Jayne Maxwell, who with 21 points back scored 36 overall, with Val on 35 and Fiona on 34. Results... 

CSS went to 38 points.

It was all change in the Eclectic after 2 rounds, but 5 ladies are within 3 shots of each other leaving all to play for in the remaining two rounds. Val is currently leading by one from Jayne. R2 Leader board...


Despite the wind and mud the RPGC men came out to play. 22 of the 49 players remained within their buffer zone. The contest was over before everybody knew it. Jay Barker managed to score 21pts on both the front and the back 9's to win today's comp. Jim Fogarty, Martin Heinrich and Barry Page all recorded 39pts to finish 3rd, 4th and 5th respectively. Another three players finished on 38pts to complete the Top6. The first 10 players posted excellent results on the back 9 (shout out to the handicap secretary for his 21pts on the way in). The back-up handicap secretary was unlucky on the last two holes preventing him from moving up the leaderboard and cutting his handicap (don't believe the vicious rumours being spread by his playing partners - Mike Shabani, Tony Kopczak and HLB ). Results...  

CSS: 37pts. A whole list of handicap changes. Please take note of your new handicaps.

Jay Barker is also the new leader in the 2018 Winter Competitionon 112pts followed by Oliver Maskell 110pts and Alan King 109pts. It is a best 3 of 8 competition and with 3 rounds to go there is plenty to play for. R5 Leader board...

In round 2 of the Prince's Eclectic - report due soon. R2 Leader board...

24 January

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 5

7 mainly soggy cards were returned from competitors braving the atrocious wind/rain. Congrats to all! With at least one green under water the competition was abandoned for handicapping purposes and there were no exact playing handicap changes. Raymond Esin would have won with 37 but like Michael Choo omitted to sign his card. Honours fell to Paul House with a commendable 32 points followed by Tamas Ladacs 31 and Chris Jones 30. Results...

The impact on the associated Winter Competition was minimal with Peter Harrington leading 110 from Paul House 109. R5 Leader board...

Paul ties with Michael in the Duke's Eclectic. R3 Leader board...

21 January

Winter Comp Rd 4 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 3


With the forecast predicting (& proving to be correct) rain, sleet or snow for most of the day, all bar a few hardy souls cancelled. Of the 5 who made it to the Park, one didn't venture forth, two more called it a day after 5 holes, leaving the hardy duo of Susan Smith and Habe Crocker to battle the elements and course to make it round all 18 holes.

Less said about their scoring the better, but with the men reporting flooded greens, the competition was abandoned, but Susan did manage to increase her lead by one shot in the Eclectic as well as finishing ahead of Habe. R3 Leader board...


22 brave/foolish players faced some real winter conditions. Getting out as early possible was the way to go. The flags on some of the greens became surrounded by water deeming the course unplayable. Therefore the Competition Committee had no choice but to make today's competition a Non-Qualifier. Keith Cassidy posted a respectable score of 35pts to become leader in the clubhouse. Oliver Maskell put together an impressive back 9 (20pts) with birdies on 11 and 18 to overtake Keith with a total of 36pts. Tamas, James, Peter Harrison and Alan complete the Top6. Results... 

Oliver also becomes the new leader in the Winter Competition with 109pts. Alan King matches that score but the countback rule pushes him into second. R4 Leader board...

In round 3 of the Duke's Eclectic - report due soon. R3 Leader board...

17 January

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 4

A cold nor'wester chilled competitors to the bone. Gust at times almost blew competitors over. Enter stage right Secretary Peter Harrington who led from the rear in the last game. Peter took full honours:

Peter is cut 2 shots 21->19. Jonathan Rivers played well for 38 and Cosmo Liefting-Moore for 37.

14 January

Monthly Medal / Team event


Three teams of three took to the Princes course for a Texas Scramble. A fine time was had by all, enjoying the absence of rain and wind chill. One team stood head and shoulders above the rest. Congratulations to Sheena, Jane F and Deborah who scored gross 74, net 64. The other teams trailed behind on net 68 and net 69. Sheena continues her winning streak in the Winter team events being on the winning side for the last 3 months. With just one team event to go the ladies are all angling for a spot on Team Sheena! Results...


A big field battled away on a muddy Prince's course. The stars were clearly aligned for Damian Hackett. It was his 55th birthday today, his beloved New England Patriots, aka cheaters (Spygate, Deflategate), and rugby team won this weekend. Truth be told he did play an excellent round of golf: 36 gross on the front 9 (2 birdies) and 34 on the way in. End result: 70 gross (60 net). Things could even have been better had he not raced his eagle putt past the cup on the 9th (he did 3-putt to make a par ...).  Damian's new handicap now stands at 9.0 and he's set up himself up for an ESR. Martin Heinrich deservedly finishes 2nd thanks to a wonderful 82 (63 net). Mike Shabani had an excellent front 9 (36 gross) but struggled a bit on the way in. A score of 76 (64 net) earns him 3rd place today. Phil Flanagan, Paul House and Scott Sparks complete the Top6. Results...

CSS: 67

A long list of new handicaps. Please take note of your new handicap. Handicap list...

10 January

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 3

Whilst muddy underfoot, the sun surprisingly endured. With little wind, conditions were positively spring-like.

Some good scores resulted and it was tight at the top. Michael Choo emerged winner on 39 points - having only dropped two shot through 10th. Richard Owen finished 2nd with 38 whilst Meesrs. House, Rivers, Cepeda and Mason returned 37s. Results...

In the associated Duke's Eclectic Michael is 1/2 a shot clear from John Curry on 66.0. R2 Leader board...

In the 3rd round of the associated Winter Competition Brett Colley shares the lead with John Curry on 103 points. R3 Leader board...

7 January

Winter Comp Rd 3 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 2


Report due soon. Results...

In the associated Eclectic report due soon. R2 Leader board...


A raw, biting nor'easter persisted through the day mitigated by weak winter sunshine; the going was soft - heavy in places.

Not surprising that CSS was reduced by two from SSS 36 to 34. Some players mastered the conditions so congrats to the winner Danny Deprez 37 followed by Pete Harrison and Oliver Maskell with 35s. Both Danny and Pete receive a cut to playing handicap. Results...

In the associated Winter Competition - Alan King 102 leads from Kerry Sargeant 99. R3 Leader board...

In round 2 of the Duke's Eclectic Alan Cinnamond leads on 70 from Roger Rojas, Kerry Sargeant and Alan King all with 71. R2 Leader board...

3 January

Midweek Monthly Medal

Mud provided challenges but chief challenge was the wind in the aftermath of storm Eleanor. A crisp 67 with a back nine 36 secured Oliver Maskell victory with Chris Jones four behind 71 and Stephen Mason 3rd 72.

The competition was 'abandoned' for handicapping purposes by the Committee due to Glendale staff cutting fresh holes during the competition. Under such conditions CSS=SSS with only reductions to handicaps; no handicap changes arose. Results...

Upcoming Events
Dec 30 Stableford Sweep
2018 Fixture List
Previous Events
Dec 30 Stableford Sweep
Dec 23 American Greensomes
Dec 19 Midweek Christmas Cracker
Dec 16 Captain -v- Secretary
Dec 12 Midweek Champagne Chase
Dec 9 Christmas Hamper
Dec 5 Monthly Medal
Dec 2 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Nov 28 Midweek Waltz
Nov 25 Champagne Chase
Champagne Chase (L)
Nov 18 Winter Comp R2
Princes Eclectic R1 (L)
Nov 14 Midweek Winter Comp R1
Nov 11 Committee Meeting
Nov 11 Winter Comp R1
Dukes Eclectic R1 (L)
Nov 7 Midweek Medal
Nov 3 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Oct 31 Midweek Stableford Sweep
Oct 28 Charity Cup
Oct 24 Midweek Harrington Trophy
Oct 21 Lissaman Cup [TD]
Oct 17 Midweek Charity Trophy
Oct 14 Stableford Sweep
Oct 10 Midweek President's Prize
Oct 7 Committee Meeting
Oct 7 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Oct 3 Midweek Medal
Sep 30 JQ Robertson [TD]
Sep 26 Monthly Mixed 4BBB
Sep 23 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Sep 19 Midweek Anniversary R4
Sep 16 Burgess Cup
Sep 12 Midweek Hawtree Cup
Sep 9 September Sweep
Sep 5 Midweek Medal
Sep 2 President's Putter [TD]
Aug 29 Midweek Captain's Day
Aug 26 Bank Holiday Sweep
Aug 22 Midweek Club Championship R2
Aug 18 Bontor Trophy
Aug 15 Midweek Club Championship R1
Aug 12 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Aug 8 Midweek Anniversary R3
Aug 5 Committee Meeting
Aug 5 Golden Jubilee [TD]
Aug 1 Midweek Medal
Jul 29 Summer Sweep
Jul 25 Midweek Edward Cup
Jul 22 Club Champ'ship R2
Club Champ'ship R2 (L)
Jul 18 Midweek Claret Jug
Jul 15 Club Champ'ship R1
Club Champ'ship R1 (L)
Jul 11 Midweek Anniversary R2
Jul 8 Silver Jubilee
Jul 7 Men's Invitation
Jul 4 Midweek Medal
Jul 1 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Jun 27 Midweek Midsummer Trophy
Jun 24 The Captains' Day [TD]
Jun 20 Midweek Stableford
Jun 17 Committee Meeting
Jun 17 Shaw Cup [TD]
Jun 13 Midweek Anniversary R1
Jun 10 Diamond Jubilee
Jun 6 Midweek Medal
Jun 3 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
May 30 Midweek Sweep
May 27 Sunday Sweep
May 23 Midweek Founders R3
May 20 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
May 16 Midweek Founders R2
May 13 Committee Meeting
May 13 Summer Cup
Committee Cup R2 (L)
May 9 Midweek Founders R1
May 6 Sweep
May 2 Midweek Medal
Apr 29 Bogey Sweep
Committee Cup R1 (L)
Apr 25 Midweek Sweep
Apr 22 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Apr 18 Midweek Priory Cup
Apr 15 Platinum Jubilee
Apr 11 Midweek Medal R2
Apr 8 Spring Stablefrd R2
Apr 6
    - 8
Spring Weekend Away
Apr 4 Midweek Master Bowl
Apr 1 Sunday Sweep
Mar 28 Midweek Sweep
Mar 25 Committee Meeting
Mar 25 Coronation Cup [TD]
Mar 21 Midweek Medal R1
Mar 18 Competition Cancelled
Mar 14 Midweek Winter Comp R8
Mar 11 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Mar 7 Midweek Inaugural Trophy
Mar 4 Spring Stablefrd R1
Spring Mtg - Medal (L)
Feb 25 Winter Comp R8
Princes Eclectic R4 (L)
Feb 21 Midweek Winter Comp R7
Feb 18 Winter Comp R7
Dukes Eclectic R4 (L)
Feb 14 Midweek Winter Comp R6
Feb 11 Winter Comp R6
Princes Eclectic R3 (L)
Feb 7 Midweek Medal
Feb 4 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Feb 3 Annual Dinner
Jan 31 Midweek Stableford
Jan 28 AGM
Jan 28 Winter Comp R5
Princes Eclectic R2 (L)
Jan 24 Midweek Winter Comp R5
Jan 21 Winter Comp R4
Dukes Eclectic R3 (L)
Jan 17 Midweek Winter Comp R4
Jan 14 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Jan 10 Midweek Winter Comp R3
Jan 7 Winter Comp R3
Dukes Eclectic R2 (L)
Jan 3 Midweek Monthly Medal
2017 Previous Year