Membership renewal

On 1st February we started the Club's new membership year and the annual subscriptions are now payable for the year through to 31st January 2020.

The Club has two classifications of membership; namely 'Standard' and 'Glendale Referral'. The membership rates are identical for both classifications. If you are a 'Standard' member we are looking to you for the payment of your 2019 subscription. To avoid confusion I have commented briefly on the Glendale Referral memberships below.

It is normal for the Club's subscription rates for the forthcoming year to be confirmed at the Club's AGM and I am pleased to report that on 27th January our core annual subscription rate of £50 and the new member joining fee of £50 were both held for 2019, the thirteenth year at this rate.

I am aware that many members have already paid their 2019 subscription, but if you haven't yet done so our Treasurer Peter Jagger will be delighted to receive your payment of £50. Our preferred method of payment is via a bank transfer as follows:


Direct credit transfer to the Club's bank account, the details of which are:

Bank:  HSBC
Code:  40 - 02 - 35
Account number:  9070 1599
Account name:  Richmond Park Golf Club

Reference:  Subs - (surname)

If you use this facility please email by return to advise that the transfer has been processed.

At the Park

If you prefer to pay by cheque or cash please hand to our Treasurer, Peter Jagger, or to me. If you prefer to pay by cash please hand to Peter or Peter.

Thank You

Whatever you decide to do - would you please email Peter J and he will be able to look out for your receipt.

We are aware that a large number of our 'Standard' members have purchased an annual 5-day or 7-day Glendale Loyaltee card. For every 12 month period that the card is held (or the starting concessionary 15 month period) the Club has the ability to invoice Glendale to recover £70 and this will be refunded to you. The monthly invoicing routine is administered by Richard Owen. For his monthly invoicing, Richard relies on our members to advise when annual cards are renewed or new annual cards are acquired, therefore please inform Richard when a new annual period has commenced.

For info, the 'Glendale Referral' members are those with annual cards whose memberships are for the duration of their annual cards (i.e. rolling memberships) and the recoveries that we obtain from Glendale are applied to cover the Club's annual subscription fees.

As always, if you should have any queries, problems, suggestions or whatever please do not hesitate to ask.


Peter Harrington
7 Feb 2019