Winter Competition

Honours Boards

Best 3 of 8 rounds in the Winter Competition Events    more...

2018 Paul House
2015 James Barker
2013 Paul Patching
2012 Cuneyt Sazer & Rick Smith
2011 Matt Mandelbaum
2010 Graeme Syme
2009 Matt Roadnight
2008 Lee Eden
2007 Gurpal Sekhon
2006 Richard Owen
2005 David Marsh
2004 Julian Ratnage
2003 Toby Hunt
2002 Jon Cooper
2001 John Brosnan
2000 Eddie Weissman
1999 Ash D'Sa
1998 Paul Wheatley
1997 Matt Mindham
1996 Tim Meyer
1995 Geoff Seed
1994 Jack Hoare
1993 Jack Hoare
1992 Geoff Seed
1991 Charlie Cook
1990 Jim Wooldridge
1989 Peter Harrington
1988 Not known
1987 Andy Walker
1986 Pat Cummins
1985 John Gannon
1984 Jim Wooldridge
1983 John Humphries
1982 Dave Cahill
1980 Details not given
1979 Details not given
1977 Harry Seed
1976 T Gingell